Reference an OpenAPI specification external file with Infrastructure Composer - AWS Infrastructure Composer

Reference an OpenAPI specification external file with Infrastructure Composer

This example uses Infrastructure Composer from the console to reference an external OpenAPI specification file that defines a API Gateway REST API.

First, create a new project from the Infrastructure Composer home page.

Next, activate local sync by selecting Activate local sync from the Menu. Create a new folder named demo, allow the prompt to view files, and select Activate. When prompted, select Save changes.

The Infrastructure Composer Activate local sync window with a demo project folder selected and the Activate button is ready to be selected.

Next, drag an Amazon API Gateway card onto the canvas. Select Details to bring up the Resource properties panel.

An API Gateway resource on the canvas with the Resource properties panel open.

From the Resource properties panel, configure the following and save.

  • Select the Use external file for api definition option.

  • Input ./api-spec.yaml as the relative path to external file

A window showing the checkbox marked under Use external file for api definition and a relative path to an external file defined.

This creates the following directory on our local machine:

└── api-spec.yaml

Now, you can configure the external file on our local machine. Using our IDE, open the api-spec.yaml located in your project folder. Replace its contents with the following:

openapi: '3.0' info: {} paths: /: get: responses: {} post: x-amazon-apigateway-integration: credentials: Fn::GetAtt: - ApiQueuesendmessageRole - Arn httpMethod: POST type: aws uri: Fn::Sub: arn:${AWS::Partition}:apigateway:${AWS::Region}:sqs:path/${AWS::AccountId}/${Queue.QueueName} requestParameters: integration.request.header.Content-Type: '''application/x-www-form-urlencoded''' requestTemplates: application/json: Action=SendMessage&MessageBody={"data":$input.body} responses: default: statusCode: 200 responses: '200': description: 200 response

In the Infrastructure Composer Template view, you can see that Infrastructure Composer has automatically updated your template to reference the external file.

The Infrastructure Composer template view showing your infrastructure code configured to reference the external file.