在 Amazon Keyspaces 表中插入和加载数据 - Amazon Keyspaces(Apache Cassandra 兼容)


在 Amazon Keyspaces 表中插入和加载数据

要在 book_awards 表中创建数据,请使用 INSERT 语句添加单行。

  1. 使用以下 AWS CloudShell 命令打开并连接到 Amazon Keyspaces。请务必us-east-1使用您自己的地区进行更新。

    cqlsh-expansion cassandra.us-east-1.amazonaws.com 9142 --ssl


    Connected to Amazon Keyspaces at cassandra.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:9142 [cqlsh 6.1.0 | Cassandra 3.11.2 | CQL spec 3.4.4 | Native protocol v4] Use HELP for help. cqlsh current consistency level is ONE.
  2. 在使用 cqlsh 将数据写入 Amazon Keyspaces 表之前,您必须将当前 cqlsh 会话的写入一致性设置为 LOCAL_QUORUM。有关支持的一致性级别的更多信息,请参阅写入一致性级别。请注意,如果您在 AWS Management Console中使用 CQL 编辑器,则不需要执行此步骤。

  3. 要插入单个记录,请在 CQL 编辑器中运行以下命令。

    INSERT INTO catalog.book_awards (award, year, category, rank, author, book_title, publisher) VALUES ('Wolf', 2023, 'Fiction',3,'Shirley Rodriguez','Mountain', 'AnyPublisher') ;
  4. 通过运行以下命令,验证数据是否已正确添加到表中。

    SELECT * FROM catalog.book_awards ;


    year | award | category | rank | author | book_title | publisher ------+-------+----------+------+-------------------+------------+-------------- 2023 | Wolf | Fiction | 3 | Shirley Rodriguez | Mountain | AnyPublisher (1 rows)
使用 cqlsh 从文件插入多个记录
  1. 下载存档文件 samplemigration.zip 中包含的示例 CSV 文件(keyspaces_sample_table.csv)。解压缩存档文件并记下指向 keyspaces_sample_table.csv 的路径。

    CSV 文件的屏幕截图,其中显示了导入 csv 文件后表的输出。
  2. AWS CloudShell 在中打开 AWS Management Console 并使用以下命令连接到 Amazon Keyspaces。请务必us-east-1使用您自己的地区进行更新。

    cqlsh-expansion cassandra.us-east-1.amazonaws.com 9142 --ssl
  3. cqlsh 提示符 (cqlsh>) 处,指定键空间。

    USE catalog ;
  4. 将写入一致性设置为 LOCAL_QUORUM。有关支持的一致性级别的更多信息,请参阅写入一致性级别

  5. 在屏幕右上角 AWS CloudShell 选择操作,然后选择上传文件上传之前下载的 csv 文件。记下文件的路径。

  6. 在键空间提示符(cqlsh:catalog>)处,运行以下语句。

    COPY book_awards (award, year, category, rank, author, book_title, publisher) FROM '/home/cloudshell-user/keyspaces_sample_table.csv' WITH header=TRUE ;


    cqlsh:catalog> COPY book_awards (award, year, category, rank, author, book_title, publisher) FROM '/home/cloudshell-user/keyspaces_sample_table.csv' WITH delimiter=',' AND header=TRUE ; cqlsh current consistency level is LOCAL_QUORUM. Reading options from /home/cloudshell-user/.cassandra/cqlshrc:[copy]: {'numprocesses': '16', 'maxattempts': '1000'} Reading options from /home/cloudshell-user/.cassandra/cqlshrc:[copy-from]: {'ingestrate': '1500', 'maxparseerrors': '1000', 'maxinserterrors': '-1', 'maxbatchsize': '10', 'minbatchsize': '1', 'chunksize': '30'} Reading options from the command line: {'delimiter': ',', 'header': 'TRUE'} Using 16 child processes Starting copy of catalog.book_awards with columns [award, year, category, rank, author, book_title, publisher]. OSError: handle is closed 0 rows/s; Avg. rate: 0 rows/s Processed: 9 rows; Rate: 0 rows/s; Avg. rate: 0 rows/s 9 rows imported from 1 files in 0 day, 0 hour, 0 minute, and 26.706 seconds (0 skipped).
  7. 通过运行以下查询,验证数据是否已正确添加到表中。

    SELECT * FROM book_awards ;


    year | award | category | rank | author | book_title | publisher ------+------------------+-------------+------+--------------------+-----------------------+--------------- 2020 | Wolf | Non-Fiction | 1 | Wang Xiulan | History of Ideas | Example Books 2020 | Wolf | Non-Fiction | 2 | Ana Carolina Silva | Science Today | SomePublisher 2020 | Wolf | Non-Fiction | 3 | Shirley Rodriguez | The Future of Sea Ice | AnyPublisher 2020 | Kwesi Manu Prize | Fiction | 1 | Akua Mansa | Where did you go? | SomePublisher 2020 | Kwesi Manu Prize | Fiction | 2 | John Stiles | Yesterday | Example Books 2020 | Kwesi Manu Prize | Fiction | 3 | Nikki Wolf | Moving to the Chateau | AnyPublisher 2020 | Richard Roe | Fiction | 1 | Alejandro Rosalez | Long Summer | SomePublisher 2020 | Richard Roe | Fiction | 2 | Arnav Desai | The Key | Example Books 2020 | Richard Roe | Fiction | 3 | Mateo Jackson | Inside the Whale | AnyPublisher (9 rows)

要详细了解如何使用 cqlsh COPY 将 csv 文件中的数据上传到 Amazon Keyspaces 表,请参阅教程:使用 cqlsh 将数据加载到 Amazon Keyspaces