Notices are additional information returned that indicate issues that occurred during route calculation.
- Code
Code corresponding to the issue.
Type: String
Valid Values:
AccuratePolylineUnavailable | Other | PotentialViolatedAvoidTollRoadUsage | PotentialViolatedCarpoolUsage | PotentialViolatedTurnRestrictionUsage | PotentialViolatedVehicleRestrictionUsage | PotentialViolatedZoneRestrictionUsage | SeasonalClosure | TollsDataTemporarilyUnavailable | TollsDataUnavailable | TollTransponder | ViolatedAvoidControlledAccessHighway | ViolatedAvoidDifficultTurns | ViolatedAvoidDirtRoad | ViolatedAvoidSeasonalClosure | ViolatedAvoidTollRoad | ViolatedAvoidTollTransponder | ViolatedAvoidTruckRoadType | ViolatedAvoidTunnel | ViolatedAvoidUTurns | ViolatedBlockedRoad | ViolatedCarpool | ViolatedEmergencyGate | ViolatedStartDirection | ViolatedTurnRestriction | ViolatedVehicleRestriction | ViolatedZoneRestriction
Required: Yes
- Details
Additional details of the notice.
Type: Array of RouteVehicleNoticeDetail objects
Required: Yes
- Impact
Impact corresponding to the issue. While Low impact notices can be safely ignored, High impact notices must be evaluated further to determine the impact.
Type: String
Valid Values:
High | Low
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: