AWS Marketplace Metering Service 使用 AWS SDK适用于 Java 的,将您的容器产品与集成 - AWS Marketplace


AWS Marketplace Metering Service 使用 AWS SDK适用于 Java 的,将您的容器产品与集成

以下示例概述了使用与AWS Marketplace 计量服务MeterUsage操作集成的实现。 AWS SDK for Java 有关完整的详细信息,请参阅 MeterUsage Java 示例。以下步骤中的许多步骤适用于任何语言。

示例: AWS Marketplace 计量服务集成
  1. 登录到 AWS Marketplace 管理门户

  2. 资产中,选择容器以开始创建新容器产品。创建产品会生成产品的产品代码以与您的容器映像集成。有关设置 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 权限的信息,请参阅AWS Marketplace 计量和授权 API 权限

  3. 下载公共 AWSJava 版本SDK


    要从亚马逊 Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS亚马逊)调用计量API操作,您必须使用 AWS SDK受支持的并在运行 Kubernetes 1.13 或更高版本的EKS亚马逊集群上运行。

  4. 针对每个维度使用情况,每小时从任务或容器组 (pod) 调用一次 MeterUsage 操作。该API操作接受DimensionResource和的唯一组合的一条计量记录Hour。该资源可以是亚马逊弹性容器服务 (AmazonECS) 任务,也可以是亚马逊 EKS pod。

    { "ProductCode" : "string", // (required) "UsageDimension" : "string", // (required) "UsageQuantity": int, // (optional) Default is 0. Acceptable value from [0, 2147483647 (INT_MAX)] "Timestamp": Date, // (required) Timestamp in UTC. Value can be one hour in the past. "UsageAllocations": List<UsageAllocation> // (optional) UsageAllocations across 1 or more tags. }

    在连接时可能会出现暂时性问题 AWS Marketplace Metering Service。 AWS Marketplace 强烈建议实施最长 30 分钟的重试,并以指数级退缩,以避免短期中断或网络问题。

  5. 重建包含MeterUsage调用的容器镜像的新版本,标记容器,然后将其推送到与亚马逊ECS或亚马逊兼容的任何 Docker 注册表EKS,例如亚马逊弹性容器注册表 (AmazonECR)。如果您使用的是亚马逊ECR,请确保启动亚马逊ECS任务的账户或 Amazon EKS pod 具有访问亚马逊ECR存储库的权限。否则,该操作将失败。

  6. 创建一个IAM角色来授予容器调用权限MeterUsage,如以下代码示例所定义。您必须在亚马逊任务的任务角色参数或 Amazon ECS EKS pod 定义中提供此 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 角色。

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "aws-marketplace:MeterUsage" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" } ] }
  7. 创建 Amazon ECS 任务或 Amazon EKS 容器定义,引用已与您在步骤 6 中创建的IAM角色集成的容器 AWS Marketplace 并引用该角色。如果要查看日志记录,请在任务定义中启用 AWS CloudTrail 日志记录。

  8. 创建 Amazon ECS 或 Amazon EKS 集群来运行您的任务或容器。有关创建 Amazon ECS 集群的更多信息,请参阅《亚马逊弹性容器服务开发人员指南》中的创建集群。有关创建亚马逊EKS集群(使用 Kubernetes 版本 1.1.3.x 或更高版本)的更多信息,请参阅创建亚马逊集群。EKS

  9. 在 us-east-1 AWS 区域配置亚马逊或亚马逊EKS集群并启动您在步骤 8 中创建的亚马逊ECS任务定义或亚马逊EKS容器。ECS只有在此测试过程中,在产品上线之前,您才必须使用此区域。

  10. 当您从正在为产品发布的每个维度的 MeterUsage 获得有效相应时,您可以开始创建容器产品。如有问题,请联系 AWS Marketplace 卖家运营团队。

MeterUsage Java 示例

以下代码示例使用 AWS SDK for Java 和 AWS Marketplace 计量服务来调用该MeterUsage操作。

使用以下示例代码调用 MeterUsage 操作,不设置 UsageAllocations

import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; public class MeterUsage { private static final String PRODUCT_CODE = "......."; private final AWSMarketplaceMetering awsMarketplaceMetering; public MeterUsage() { awsMarketplaceMetering = AWSMarketplaceMeteringClientBuilder.standard().build(); } /** * Submits metering record for a FCP Dimension. The API accepts 1 metering record per dimension * for a given buyer's resource for a given timestamp hour. Ex. If a buyer is running 10 tasks, * the API will accepts 1 call to MeterUsage in an hour for a given dimension for each running task. * * @param dimension - FCP dimension name provided during the publishing of the product. * @param quantity - FCP dimension consumption value for the hour. * @param timestamp - Timestamp, in UTC, for which the usage is being reported. * Timestamp cant be more than 1 hour in the past. * Make sure the timestamp value is not before the start of the software usage. */ public void callMeterUsage(String dimension, int quantity, Date timestamp) { MeterUsageRequest meterUsageRequest = new MeterUsageRequest() .withProductCode(PRODUCT_CODE) .withUsageDimension(dimension) .withUsageQuantity(quantity) .withTimestamp(timestamp); MeterUsageResult meterUsageResult = awsMarketplaceMetering.meterUsage(meterUsageRequest); } }

使用以下示例代码调用 MeterUsage 操作,设置 UsageAllocations

private static String callMeterUsageWithAllocationsByTag(AWSMarketplaceMetering marketplaceMetering) { // Tag Keys for the product String tagKey1 = "Key1"; String tagKey2 = "Key2"; String tagKey3 = "Key3"; // 1st Usage Allocation bucket which has two Tags [{Key1, Key1Value1},{Key2, Key2Value1}] List<Tag> tagsForUsageAllocation1 = Arrays.asList(new Tag().withKey(tagKey1).withValue("Key1Value1"), new Tag().withKey(tagKey2).withValue("Key2Value1")); UsageAllocation usageAllocation1 = new UsageAllocation() .withTags(tagsForUsageAllocation1) .withAllocatedUsageQuantity(20); // 2nd Usage Allocation bucket which has two Tags [{Key1, Key1Value2},{Key2, Key2Value1}] List<Tag> tagsForUsageAllocation2 = Arrays.asList(new Tag().withKey(tagKey1).withValue("Key1Value2"), new Tag().withKey(tagKey2).withValue("Key2Value1")); UsageAllocation usageAllocation2 = new UsageAllocation() .withTags(tagsForUsageAllocation2) .withAllocatedUsageQuantity(20); // 3rd Usage Allocation bucket which has two Tags [{Key1, Key1Value2},{Key2, Key2Value2},{Key3, Key3Value1}] List<Tag> tagsForUsageAllocation3 = Arrays.asList(new Tag().withKey(tagKey1).withValue("Key1Value2"), new Tag().withKey(tagKey2).withValue("Key2Value2"), new Tag().withKey(tagKey3).withValue("Key3Value1")); UsageAllocation usageAllocation3 = new UsageAllocation() .withTags(tagsForUsageAllocation3) .withAllocatedUsageQuantity(15); // 4th Usage Allocation bucket with no tags UsageAllocation usageAllocation4 = new UsageAllocation() .withAllocatedUsageQuantity(15); List<UsageAllocation> usageAllocationList = Arrays.asList(usageAllocation1, usageAllocation2, usageAllocation3, usageAllocation4); MeterUsageRequest meterUsageRequest = new MeterUsageRequest() .withProductCode("TestProductCode") .withUsageDimension("Dimension1") .withTimestamp(new Date()) //UsageQuantity value must match with sum of all AllocatedUsageQuantity .withUsageQuantity(70) .withUsageAllocations(usageAllocationList); MeterUsageResult meterUsageResult; try { meterUsageResult = marketplaceMetering.meterUsage(meterUsageRequest); } catch (Exception e) { // Log Error throw e; } return meterUsageResult.getMeteringRecordId(); }