SaaS 产品集成的代码示例 - AWS Marketplace


SaaS 产品集成的代码示例

以下代码示例可以帮助您将软件即服务 (SaaS) 产品与发布和维护产品所需的 AWS Marketplace API 集成。

ResolveCustomer 代码示例

以下代码示例与所有定价模式相关。Python 示例将 x-amzn-marketplace-token 令牌交换为 CustomerIdentifierProductCodeCustomerAWSAccountIdCustomerAWSAccountId 是与订阅关联的 AWS 账户 ID。此代码在注册网站上的应用程序中运行(当您从 AWS Marketplace 管理门户重定向到该位置时)。重定向是一个包含令牌的 POST 请求。

有关更多信息ResolveCustomer,请参阅《AWS Marketplace 计量服务 API 参考ResolveCustomer中的。

# Import AWS Python SDK and urllib.parse import boto3 import urllib.parse as urlparse # Resolving Customer Registration Token formFields = urlparse.parse_qs(postBody) regToken = formFields['x-amzn-marketplace-token'][0] # If regToken present in POST request, exchange for customerID if (regToken): marketplaceClient = boto3.client('meteringmarketplace') customerData = marketplaceClient.resolve_customer(RegistrationToken=regToken) productCode = customerData['ProductCode'] customerID = customerData['CustomerIdentifier'] customerAWSAccountId = customerData['CustomerAWSAccountId'] # TODO: Store customer information # TODO: Validate no other accounts share the same customerID


{ 'CustomerIdentifier': 'string', 'CustomerAWSAccountId':'string', 'ProductCode': 'string' }

GetEntitlement 代码示例

以下代码示例与具有合同的 SaaS 产品和具有消费定价模式的 SaaS 合同相关。Python 示例将验证客户是否具有有效权限。

有关更多信息GetEntitlement,请参阅《AWS Marketplace 授权服务 API 参考GetEntitlement中的。

# Import AWS Python SDK import boto3 marketplaceClient = boto3.client('marketplace-entitlement', region_name='us-east-1') # Filter entitlements for a specific customerID # # productCode is supplied after the AWS Marketplace Ops team has published # the product to limited # # customerID is obtained from the ResolveCustomer response entitlement = marketplaceClient.get_entitlements({ 'ProductCode': 'productCode', 'Filter' : { 'CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER': [ 'customerID', ] }, 'NextToken' : 'string', 'MaxResults': 123 }) # TODO: Verify the dimension a customer is subscribed to and the quantity, # if applicable


返回的值与您在 AWS Marketplace 管理门户中创建产品时所创建的维度对应。

{ "Entitlements": [ { "CustomerIdentifier": "string", "Dimension": "string", "ExpirationDate": number, "ProductCode": "string", "Value": { "BooleanValue": boolean, "DoubleValue": number, "IntegerValue": number, "StringValue": "string" } } ], "NextToken": "string" }

BatchMeterUsage 代码示例

以下代码示例与具有消费定价模式的 SaaS 订阅和合同相关,但不适用于不带消费的 SaaS 合同产品。Python 示例向发送了一份计量记录 AWS Marketplace ,向您的客户收取 pay-as-you-go 费用。

# NOTE: Your application will need to aggregate usage for the # customer for the hour and set the quantity as seen below. # AWS Marketplace can only accept records for up to an hour in the past. # # productCode is supplied after the AWS Marketplace Ops team has # published the product to limited # # customerID is obtained from the ResolveCustomer response # Import AWS Python SDK import boto3 usageRecord = [ { 'Timestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'CustomerIdentifier': 'customerID', 'Dimension': 'string', 'Quantity': 123 } ] marketplaceClient = boto3.client('meteringmarketplace') response = marketplaceClient.batch_meter_usage(usageRecord, productCode)

有关更多信息BatchMeterUsage,请参阅《AWS Marketplace 计量服务 API 参考BatchMeterUsage中的。


{ 'Results': [ { 'UsageRecord': { 'Timestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'CustomerIdentifier': 'string', 'Dimension': 'string', 'Quantity': 123 }, 'MeteringRecordId': 'string', 'Status': 'Success' | 'CustomerNotSubscribed' | 'DuplicateRecord' }, ], 'UnprocessedRecords': [ { 'Timestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'CustomerIdentifier': 'string', 'Dimension': 'string', 'Quantity': 123 } ] }

带有用量分配标签的 BatchMeterUsage 代码示例(可选)

以下代码示例与具有消费定价模式的 SaaS 订阅和合同相关,但不适用于不带消费的 SaaS 合同产品。Python 示例将带有相应使用量分配标签的计量记录发送给您的客户 AWS Marketplace ,以向您的客户收取 pay-as-you-go 费用。

# NOTE: Your application will need to aggregate usage for the # customer for the hour and set the quantity as seen below. # AWS Marketplace can only accept records for up to an hour in the past. # # productCode is supplied after the AWS Marketplace Ops team has # published the product to limited # # customerID is obtained from the ResolveCustomer response # Import AWS Python SDK import boto3 import time usageRecords = [ { "Timestamp": int(time.time()), "CustomerIdentifier": "customerID", "Dimension": "Dimension1", "Quantity":3, "UsageAllocations": [ { "AllocatedUsageQuantity": 2, "Tags": [ { "Key": "BusinessUnit", "Value": "IT" }, { "Key": "AccountId", "Value": "123456789" }, ] }, { "AllocatedUsageQuantity": 1, "Tags": [ { "Key": "BusinessUnit", "Value": "Finance" }, { "Key": "AccountId", "Value": "987654321" }, ] }, ] } ] marketplaceClient = boto3.client('meteringmarketplace') response = marketplaceClient.batch_meter_usage(UsageRecords=usageRecords, ProductCode="testProduct")

有关的更多信息BatchMeterUsage,请参阅 AWS Marketplace Metering Service API 参考BatchMeterUsage中的。


{ "Results": [ { "Timestamp": "1634691015", "CustomerIdentifier": "customerID", "Dimension": "Dimension1", "Quantity":3, "UsageAllocations": [ { "AllocatedUsageQuantity": 2, "Tags": [ { "Key": "BusinessUnit", "Value": "IT" }, { "Key": "AccountId", "Value": "123456789" }, ] }, { "AllocatedUsageQuantity": 1, "Tags": [ { "Key": "BusinessUnit", "Value": "Finance" }, { "Key": "AccountId", "Value": "987654321" }, ] }, ] }, "MeteringRecordId": "8fjef98ejf", "Status": "Success" }, ], "UnprocessedRecords": [ { "Timestamp": "1634691015", "CustomerIdentifier": "customerID", "Dimension": "Dimension1", "Quantity":3, "UsageAllocations": [] } ] }