以下示例将执行一个合并以更新 SALES 表。第一个示例使用了较简单的方法:从目标表中删除所有行,然后插入暂存表中的所有行。第二个示例需要更新目标表中的选定列,因此它包含一个额外的更新步骤。
合并示例使用名为 TICKIT 数据集的 Amazon Redshift 示例数据集。作为先决条件,您可以按照开始使用常见数据库任务指南中提供的说明设置 TICKIT 表和数据。有关示例数据集的更多详细信息可在示例数据库中找到。
本节中的示例需要同时包含更新和插入的样本数据来源。例如,我们将创建一个名为 SALES_UPDATE 的示例表,该表使用 SALES 表中的数据。我们将使用表示 12 月的新销售活动的随机数据填充新表。我们将使用 SALES_UPDATE 示例表在后面的示例中创建暂存表。
-- Create a sample table as a copy of the SALES table. create table tickit.sales_update as select * from tickit.sales; -- Change every fifth row to have updates. update tickit.sales_update set qtysold = qtysold*2, pricepaid = pricepaid*0.8, commission = commission*1.1 where saletime > '2008-11-30' and mod(sellerid, 5) = 0; -- Add some new rows to have inserts. -- This example creates a duplicate of every fourth row. insert into tickit.sales_update select (salesid + 172456) as salesid, listid, sellerid, buyerid, eventid, dateid, qtysold, pricepaid, commission, getdate() as saletime from tickit.sales_update where saletime > '2008-11-30' and mod(sellerid, 4) = 0;
以下脚本使用 SALES_UPDATE 表对包含 12 月销售活动的新数据的 SALES 表执行合并操作。此示例替换 SALES 表中具有更新的行。对于此示例,我们将更新 qtysold 和 pricepaid 列,但让 commission 和 saletime 保持不变。
MERGE into tickit.sales USING tickit.sales_update sales_update on ( sales.salesid = sales_update.salesid and sales.listid = sales_update.listid and sales_update.saletime > '2008-11-30' and (sales.qtysold != sales_update.qtysold or sales.pricepaid != sales_update.pricepaid)) WHEN MATCHED THEN update SET qtysold = sales_update.qtysold, pricepaid = sales_update.pricepaid WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (salesid, listid, sellerid, buyerid, eventid, dateid, qtysold , pricepaid, commission, saletime) values (sales_update.salesid, sales_update.listid, sales_update.sellerid, sales_update.buyerid, sales_update.eventid, sales_update.dateid, sales_update.qtysold , sales_update.pricepaid, sales_update.commission, sales_update.saletime); -- Drop the staging table. drop table tickit.sales_update; -- Test to see that commission and salestime were not impacted. SELECT sales.salesid, sales.commission, sales.salestime, sales_update.commission, sales_update.salestime FROM tickit.sales INNER JOIN tickit.sales_update sales_update ON sales.salesid = sales_update.salesid AND sales.listid = sales_update.listid AND sales_update.saletime > '2008-11-30' AND (sales.commission != sales_update.commission OR sales.salestime != sales_update.salestime);
在不使用 MERGE 的情况下指定列列表的合并示例
以下示例将执行合并操作以使用 12 月销售活动的新数据更新 SALES。我们需要同时包含更新和插入的样本数据,以及未更改的行。在此示例中,我们希望更新 QTYSOLD 和 PRICEPAID 列,但让 COMMISSION 和 SALETIME 保持不变。以下脚本使用 SALES_UPDATE 表来对 SALES 表执行合并操作。
-- Create a staging table and populate it with rows from SALES_UPDATE for Dec create temp table stagesales as select * from sales_update where saletime > '2008-11-30'; -- Start a new transaction begin transaction; -- Update the target table using an inner join with the staging table -- The join includes a redundant predicate to collocate on the distribution key –- A filter on saletime enables a range-restricted scan on SALES update sales set qtysold = stagesales.qtysold, pricepaid = stagesales.pricepaid from stagesales where sales.salesid = stagesales.salesid and sales.listid = stagesales.listid and stagesales.saletime > '2008-11-30' and (sales.qtysold != stagesales.qtysold or sales.pricepaid != stagesales.pricepaid); -- Delete matching rows from the staging table -- using an inner join with the target table delete from stagesales using sales where sales.salesid = stagesales.salesid and sales.listid = stagesales.listid; -- Insert the remaining rows from the staging table into the target table insert into sales select * from stagesales; -- End transaction and commit end transaction; -- Drop the staging table drop table stagesales;