AutoMLJobChannel - Amazon SageMaker


A channel is a named input source that training algorithms can consume. This channel is used for AutoML jobs V2 (jobs created by calling CreateAutoMLJobV2).



The type of channel. Defines whether the data are used for training or validation. The default value is training. Channels for training and validation must share the same ContentType


The type of channel defaults to training for the time-series forecasting problem type.

Type: String

Valid Values: training | validation

Required: No


The allowed compression types depend on the input format and problem type. We allow the compression type Gzip for S3Prefix inputs on tabular data only. For all other inputs, the compression type should be None. If no compression type is provided, we default to None.

Type: String

Valid Values: None | Gzip

Required: No


The content type of the data from the input source. The following are the allowed content types for different problems:

  • For tabular problem types: text/csv;header=present or x-application/ The default value is text/csv;header=present.

  • For image classification: image/png, image/jpeg, or image/*. The default value is image/*.

  • For text classification: text/csv;header=present or x-application/ The default value is text/csv;header=present.

  • For time-series forecasting: text/csv;header=present or x-application/ The default value is text/csv;header=present.

  • For text generation (LLMs fine-tuning): text/csv;header=present or x-application/ The default value is text/csv;header=present.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256.

Pattern: .*

Required: No


The data source for an AutoML channel (Required).

Type: AutoMLDataSource object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: