Configure client endpoints - AWS SDK for Kotlin

Configure client endpoints

When the AWS SDK for Kotlin calls an AWS service, one of its first steps is to determine where to route the request. This process is known as endpoint resolution.

You can configure endpoint resolution for the SDK when you build a service client. The default configuration for endpoint resolution is usually fine, but there are several reasons that might lead you to modify the default configuration. Two example reasons are as follows:

  • Make requests to a prerelease version of a service or to a local deployment of a service.

  • Access to specific service features not yet modeled in the SDK.


Endpoint resolution is an advanced SDK topic. If you change the default settings, you risk breaking your code. The default settings should apply to most users in production environments.

Custom configuration

You can customize endpoint resolution of a service client with two properties that are available when you build the client:

  1. endpointUrl: Url

  2. endpointProvider: EndpointProvider

Set endpointUrl

You can set a value for endpointUrl to indicate a "base" hostname for the service. This value, however, is not final since it is passed as a parameter to the client's EndpointProvider instance. The EndpointProvider implementation then can inspect and potentially modify that value to determine the final endpoint.

As an example, if you specify an endpointUrl value for an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) client and perform a GetObject operation, the default endpoint provider implementation injects the bucket name into the hostname value.

In practice, users set an endpointUrl value to point at a development or preview instance of a service.

Set endpointProvider

A service client's EndpointProvider implementation determines final endpoint resolution. The EndpointProvider interface shown in the following code block exposes the resolveEndpoint method.

public fun interface EndpointProvider<T> { public suspend fun resolveEndpoint(params: T): Endpoint }

A service client calls the resolveEndpoint method for every request. The service client uses the Endpoint value returned by the provider with no further changes.

EndpointProvider properties

The resolveEndpoint method accepts a service-specific EndpointParameters object that contains properties used in endpoint resolution.

Every service includes the following base properties.

Name Type Description
region String The client's AWS Region
endpoint String A string representation of the value set of endpointUrl
useFips Boolean Whether FIPS endpoints are enabled in the client's configuration
useDualStack Boolean Whether dual-stack endpoints are enabled in the client's configuration

Services can specify additional properties required for resolution. For example, Amazon S3 S3EndpointParameters includes the bucket name and also several Amazon S3-specific feature settings. For example, the forcePathStyle property determines whether virtual host addressing can be used.

If you implement your own provider, you shouldn't need to construct your own instance of EndpointParameters. The SDK provides the properties for each request and passes them to your implementation of resolveEndpoint.

endpointUrl or endpointProvider

It is important to understand that the following two statements do NOT produce clients with equivalent endpoint resolution behavior:

// Use endpointUrl. S3Client.fromEnvironment { endpointUrl = Url.parse("https://endpoint.example") } // Use endpointProvider. S3Client.fromEnvironment { endpointProvider = object : S3EndpointProvider { override suspend fun resolveEndpoint(params: S3EndpointParameters): Endpoint = Endpoint("https://endpoint.example") } }

The statement that sets the endpointUrl property specifies a base URL that is passed to the (default) provider, which can be modified as part of endpoint resolution.

The statement that sets the endpointProvider specifies the final URL the S3Client uses.

Although you can set both properties, in most cases that need customization, you provide one of them. As a general SDK user, you most often provide an endpointUrl value.

A note about Amazon S3

Amazon S3 is a complex service with many of its features modeled through customized endpoints customizations, such as bucket virtual hosting. Virtual hosting is a feature of Amazon S3 where the bucket name is inserted into the hostname.

Because of this, we recommend that you don't replace the EndpointProvider implementation in an Amazon S3 service client. If you need to extend its resolution behavior, perhaps by sending requests to a local development stack with additional endpoint considerations, we recommend wrapping the default implementation. The following endpointProvider example shows a sample implementation of this approach.


endpointUrl example

The following code snippet shows how the general service endpoint can be overridden for an Amazon S3 client.

val client = S3Client.fromEnvironment { endpointUrl = Url.parse("https://custom-s3-endpoint.local") // EndpointProvider is left as the default. }

endpointProvider example

The following code snippet shows how to provide a custom endpoint provider that wraps the default implementation for Amazon S3.

import import import import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.client.endpoints.Endpoint public class CustomS3EndpointProvider : S3EndpointProvider { override suspend fun resolveEndpoint(params: S3EndpointParameters) = if (/* Input params indicate we must route another endpoint for whatever reason. */) { Endpoint(/* ... */) } else { // Fall back to the default resolution. DefaultS3EndpointProvider().resolveEndpoint(params) } }

endpointUrl and endpointProvider

The following example program demonstrates the interaction between the endpointUrl and endpointProvider settings. This is an advanced use case.

import import import import import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.client.endpoints.Endpoint fun main() = runBlocking { S3Client.fromEnvironment { endpointUrl = Url.parse("https://example.endpoint") endpointProvider = CustomS3EndpointProvider() }.use { s3 -> // ... } } class CustomS3EndpointProvider : S3EndpointProvider { override suspend fun resolveEndpoint(params: S3EndpointParameters) { // The resolved string value of the endpointUrl set in the client above is available here. println(params.endpoint) // ... } }