Tutorial: Existing AppRegistry application resources and the awsApplication tag - AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry

Tutorial: Existing AppRegistry application resources and the awsApplication tag

If you have existing AppRegistry application, AWS recommends that you retroactively apply the awsApplication tag to all of the resources in the application, and also ensure any future resources added to the application have the awsApplication tag applied. This tutorial provides instructions for both recommendations.


Managing an application's resources by adding or removing the awsApplication tag requires specific permissions. Review the minimum permissions for the AppRegistry APIs in the AWS Service Catalog Developer Guide and the Resource Groups APIs in the AWS Resource Groups API Reference.

Apply the awsApplication tag to the resources in an existing application

In this situation, you have an existing AppRegistry application which includes resources that are not tagged with the awsApplication tag. The following procedure provides instructions to apply the awsApplication tag to those resources.

To tag an existing application's resources with the awsApplication tag:
  1. Identify the application's tag value (awsApplication tag value), which is expressed as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

    • Call the AppRegistry GetApplication API and find the value in the applicationTag response parameter.

    • Alternatively, you can navigate to the myApplications dashboard for the application and copy the awsApplication tag value from the Application summary widget.

  2. After identifying the Application tag value, call the AppRegistry ListAssociatedResources API to view a list of resources that are already in the application.

  3. Call the AppRegistry AssociateResource API with the options parameter value as APPLY_APPLICATION_TAG.

    Example CLI command:

    aws servicecatalog-appregistry associate-resource --application application_ARN --resource-type type --resource name --option "APPLY_APPLICATION_TAG"

Add more resources to an existing application by applying the awsApplication tag

In this situation, you have an existing AppRegistry application to which you want to add new resources, and you want those resources to have the awsApplication tag applied.

Use myApplications in the AWS Management Console to add resources to an application. Resources added to the application using myApplications are automatically tagged with the awsApplication tag.

You can also use the AWS Resource Groups GroupResources API to add resources to a specified group. The group is an application group, where the ARN is the awsApplication tag value.

To manually add resources to an application:

Call the Resource Groups GroupResources API and define the following parameters:

  • Group — The name or the Amazon resource name (ARN) of the application group to add resources to.

  • ResourceARNs — The list of Amazon resource names (ARNs) of the resources to be added to the group.

Example CLI command:

aws resourcegroups group-resources —-group "ApplicationGroup-ARN" —-resourceArns "Resource-ARNs"