Deployment process overview - Scalable Analytics Using Apache Druid on AWS

Deployment process overview

Follow the step-by-step instructions in this section to configure and deploy the solution into your account. Before you launch the solution, review the cost, architecture, network security, and other considerations discussed earlier in this guide.

Time to deploy: Approximately 40 minutes

Choose deployment option

You can deploy Druid with one of the following compute options:

  • Amazon EC2 (default option)

  • EKS with EC2 hosting

  • EKS with Fargate hosting

You can have multiple deployments/clusters in the same Region/account, and choose different compute options across the deployments.

Choose Druid configuration

You can use one of the three pre-configured Druid settings: small, medium, or large. If your use case matches any of these settings, use the source/quickstart/ folders (small, medium, or large) to deploy Apache Druid in your AWS account with these settings pre-configured.

Small usage profile (profile assumptions: ingestion throughput at 30,000 records per second, query throughput at 25 queries per second)

AWS service Dimensions
Amazon EC2
  • Druid master: 3 x t4g.medium

  • Druid query: 3 x t4g.medium

  • Druid data: 3 x (t4g.medium + 100GB EBS GP2 volume)

  • ZooKeeper: 3 x t4g.small

Amazon ELB 1 x ALB, 5 GB/h processed bytes (EC2 Instances and IP addresses as targets)
Amazon Aurora 3 x db.t4g.medium
Amazon S3 1 TB standard storage + 1,000,000 requests per month
AWS Key Management Service 7 x customer managed key
AWS Secrets Manager 4 x secrets
Amazon CloudWatch 50 GB standard logs ingested per month, 200 custom metrics + 1,000,000 metric requests per month

Medium usage profile (profile assumptions: ingestion throughput at 120,000 records per second, query throughput at 100 queries per second)

AWS service Dimensions
Amazon EC2
  • Druid master: 3 x m6g.xlarge

  • Druid query: 3 x m6g.xlarge

  • Druid data: 3 x (m6g.2xlarge + 500 GB EBS GP2 volume)

  • ZooKeeper: 3 x t4g.medium

Amazon ELB 1 x ALB, 20 GB/h processed bytes (EC2 Instances and IP addresses as targets)
Amazon Aurora 3 x db.t4g.medium
Amazon S3 5 TB standard storage + 5,000,000 requests per month
AWS Key Management Service 7 x customer managed key
AWS Secrets Manager 4 x secrets
Amazon CloudWatch 100 GB standard logs ingested per month, 200 custom metrics + 1,000,000 metric requests per month

Large usage profile (profile assumptions: ingestion throughput at 1.4 million records per second, query throughput at 1,200 queries per second)

AWS service Dimensions
Amazon EC2
  • Druid master: 3 x m6g.4xlarge

  • Druid query: 3 x m6g.4xlarge

  • Druid data: 3 x (m6g.16xlarge + 5 TB EBS GP2 volume)

  • ZooKeeper: 3 x m5.2xlarge

Amazon ELB 1 x ALB, 200 GB/h processed bytes (EC2 Instances and IP addresses as targets)
Amazon Aurora 3 x db.t3.large
Amazon S3 50 TB standard storage + 10,000,000 requests per month
AWS Key Management Service 7 x customer managed key
AWS Secrets Manager 4 x secrets
Amazon CloudWatch 1,000 GB standard logs ingested per month, 200 custom metrics + 1,000,000 metric requests per month

Build and deploy

  1. From the solution GitHub repository, download the source files for this solution The Scalable Analytics using Apache Druid on AWS templates are generated using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) (AWS CDK).

  2. Open the terminal and navigate to the source directory: cd source/

  3. Using cdk.json, configure the solution for your requirements.


    We recommend using the cdk.json example in the source/quickstart folder, and making changes to suit your use cases accordingly. Refer to the Configure the solution section for more information.

  4. To install the solution dependencies, type npm install.

  5. To build the code, type npm run build.

  6. To deploy the solution, type npm run cdk deploy.


Once you have configured/customized and deployed the solution, you can log into the AWS Management Console, and verify the stacks installed as part of the deployment.

AWS CDK will deploy a stack with the specified name and provisioned resources for the solution that will show up shortly after this stack is completed on deployment. The main stack of the solution is named DruidOptionStack-CustomName and contains the relevant solution resources.

  1. Sign into your AWS Management console, and navigate to CloudFormation > Stacks. Make sure you select the Region where this solution has been deployed.

  2. Select the stack name to view the provisioned resources.

    Solution provisioned resources.

    Solution provisioned resources