使用 AWS CDK 在 Step Functions 中创建快速工作流程
在本教程中,您将学习如何使用同步 Express 状态机作为后端集成来创建API网关 RESTAPI,使用 AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) 基础设施即代码 (IAC) 框架。
构造将设置默认的输入/输出映射和API网关 RESTAPI,具有所需的权限和 HTTP “ANY” 方法。
随着 AWS CDK 是一个基础设施即代码 (IAC) 框架,你定义 AWS 使用编程语言的基础架构。您使用支持的语言之一定义应用程序,然后将代码合成为 CDK AWS CloudFormation 模板,然后将基础架构部署到您的 AWS account。
你将使用 AWS CloudFormation 要定义与同步 Express 状态机集成为后端的API网关 RESTAPI,然后使用 AWS Management Console 启动执行。
在开始本教程之前,请先设置您的 AWS CDK 开发环境,如入门中所述 AWS CDK -先决条件,然后安装 AWS CDK 通过发行:
npm install -g aws-cdk
第 1 步:设置你的 AWS CDK 项目
首先,为你的新建一个目录 AWS CDK 应用程序并初始化项目。
- TypeScript
mkdir stepfunctions-rest-api
cd stepfunctions-rest-api
cdk init --language typescript
- JavaScript
mkdir stepfunctions-rest-api
cd stepfunctions-rest-api
cdk init --language javascript
- Python
mkdir stepfunctions-rest-api
cd stepfunctions-rest-api
cdk init --language python
项目初始化后,激活项目的虚拟环境并安装 AWS CDK的基线依赖关系。
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Java
mkdir stepfunctions-rest-api
cd stepfunctions-rest-api
cdk init --language java
- C#
mkdir stepfunctions-rest-api
cd stepfunctions-rest-api
cdk init --language csharp
- Go
mkdir stepfunctions-rest-api
cd stepfunctions-rest-api
cdk init --language go
请确保将目录命名为 stepfunctions-rest-api
。这些区域有: AWS CDK 应用程序模板使用目录的名称为源文件和类生成名称。如果您使用其他名称,则您的应用将与本教程不匹配。
现在安装构造库模块 AWS Step Functions 和 Amazon API Gateway
- TypeScript
npm install @aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions @aws-cdk/aws-apigateway
- JavaScript
npm install @aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions @aws-cdk/aws-apigateway
- Python
python -m pip install aws-cdk.aws-stepfunctions
python -m pip install aws-cdk.aws-apigateway
- Java
编辑项目的 pom.xml
将以下依赖项添加到现有 <dependencies>
Maven 会在下次构建应用程序时自动安装这些依赖关系。要构建、发出mvn compile
或使用 Java IDE 的 “构建” 命令。
- C#
dotnet add src/StepfunctionsRestApi package Amazon.CDK.AWS.Stepfunctions
dotnet add src/StepfunctionsRestApi package Amazon.CDK.AWS.APIGateway
您也可以使用 Visual Studio 安装指定的软件包 NuGetGUI,该软件包可通过 “工具” > “NuGet 包管理器” > “管理解决方案 NuGet 包” 获得。
一旦安装了模块,就可以在自己的模块中使用它们 AWS CDK 通过导入以下软件包来实现应用程序。
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
- Python
- Java
- C#
- Go
将以下内容添加到 stepfunctions-rest-api.go
内的 import
第 2 步:使用 AWS CDK
使用RESTAPI同步 Express St API ate Machine 后端集成创建网关
首先,我们将介绍定义同步 Express State Machine 和 API Gateway 的各个代码 RESTAPI,然后解释如何将它们组合到你的 AWS CDK 应用程序。然后,您将了解如何合成和部署这些资源。
我们将在此处展示的状态机将是一个带有 Pass
这是 AWS CDK 定义带有状态的简单Pass
- TypeScript
const machineDefinition = new stepfunctions.Pass(this, 'PassState', {
result: {value:"Hello!"},
const stateMachine = new stepfunctions.StateMachine(this, 'MyStateMachine', {
definition: machineDefinition,
stateMachineType: stepfunctions.StateMachineType.EXPRESS,
- JavaScript
const machineDefinition = new sfn.Pass(this, 'PassState', {
result: {value:"Hello!"},
const stateMachine = new sfn.StateMachine(this, 'MyStateMachine', {
definition: machineDefinition,
stateMachineType: stepfunctions.StateMachineType.EXPRESS,
- Python
machine_definition = sfn.Pass(self,"PassState",
result = sfn.Result("Hello"))
state_machine = sfn.StateMachine(self, 'MyStateMachine',
definition = machine_definition,
state_machine_type = sfn.StateMachineType.EXPRESS)
- Java
Pass machineDefinition = Pass.Builder.create(this, "PassState")
StateMachine stateMachine = StateMachine.Builder.create(this, "MyStateMachine")
- C#
var machineDefinition = new Pass(this, "PassState", new PassProps
Result = Result.FromString("Hello")
var stateMachine = new StateMachine(this, "MyStateMachine", new StateMachineProps
Definition = machineDefinition,
StateMachineType = StateMachineType.EXPRESS
- Go
var machineDefinition = awsstepfunctions.NewPass(stack, jsii.String("PassState"), &awsstepfunctions.PassProps
Result: awsstepfunctions.NewResult(jsii.String("Hello")),
var stateMachine = awsstepfunctions.NewStateMachine(stack, jsii.String("StateMachine"), &awsstepfunctions.StateMachineProps
Definition: machineDefinition,
StateMachineType: awsstepfunctions.StateMachineType_EXPRESS,
- TypeScript
const api = new apigateway.StepFunctionsRestApi(this,
'StepFunctionsRestApi', { stateMachine: stateMachine });
- JavaScript
const api = new apigateway.StepFunctionsRestApi(this,
'StepFunctionsRestApi', { stateMachine: stateMachine });
- Python
api = apigw.StepFunctionsRestApi(self, "StepFunctionsRestApi",
state_machine = state_machine)
- Java
StepFunctionsRestApi api = StepFunctionsRestApi.Builder.create(this, "StepFunctionsRestApi")
- C#
var api = new StepFunctionsRestApi(this, "StepFunctionsRestApi", new StepFunctionsRestApiProps
StateMachine = stateMachine
- Go
awsapigateway.NewStepFunctionsRestApi(stack, jsii.String("StepFunctionsRestApi"), &awsapigateway.StepFunctionsRestApiProps
StateMachine = stateMachine,
要构建和部署 AWS CDK 应用程序
在 AWS CDK 您创建的项目,编辑包含堆栈定义的文件,使其看起来像下面的代码。你将从上面认出 Step Functions 状态机和API网关的定义。
- TypeScript
更新 lib/stepfunctions-rest-api-stack.ts
import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import * as stepfunctions from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-stepfunctions'
import * as apigateway from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-apigateway';
export class StepfunctionsRestApiStack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
const machineDefinition = new stepfunctions.Pass(this, 'PassState', {
result: {value:"Hello!"},
const stateMachine = new stepfunctions.StateMachine(this, 'MyStateMachine', {
definition: machineDefinition,
stateMachineType: stepfunctions.StateMachineType.EXPRESS,
const api = new apigateway.StepFunctionsRestApi(this,
'StepFunctionsRestApi', { stateMachine: stateMachine });
- JavaScript
更新 lib/stepfunctions-rest-api-stack.js
const cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');
const stepfunctions = require('@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions');
const apigateway = require('@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway');
class StepfunctionsRestApiStack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
const machineDefinition = new stepfunctions.Pass(this, "PassState", {
result: {value:"Hello!"},
const stateMachine = new sfn.StateMachine(this, 'MyStateMachine', {
definition: machineDefinition,
stateMachineType: stepfunctions.StateMachineType.EXPRESS,
const api = new apigateway.StepFunctionsRestApi(this,
'StepFunctionsRestApi', { stateMachine: stateMachine });
module.exports = { StepStack }
- Python
更新 stepfunctions_rest_api/stepfunctions_rest_api_stack.py
from aws_cdk import App, Stack
from constructs import Construct
from aws_cdk import aws_stepfunctions as sfn
from aws_cdk import aws_apigateway as apigw
class StepfunctionsRestApiStack(Stack):
def __init__(self, scope: Construct, construct_id: str, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(scope, construct_id, **kwargs)
machine_definition = sfn.Pass(self,"PassState",
result = sfn.Result("Hello"))
state_machine = sfn.StateMachine(self, 'MyStateMachine',
definition = machine_definition,
state_machine_type = sfn.StateMachineType.EXPRESS)
api = apigw.StepFunctionsRestApi(self,
state_machine = state_machine)
- Java
更新 src/main/java/com.myorg/StepfunctionsRestApiStack.java
package com.myorg;
import software.amazon.awscdk.core.Construct;
import software.amazon.awscdk.core.Stack;
import software.amazon.awscdk.core.StackProps;
import software.amazon.awscdk.services.stepfunctions.Pass;
import software.amazon.awscdk.services.stepfunctions.StateMachine;
import software.amazon.awscdk.services.stepfunctions.StateMachineType;
import software.amazon.awscdk.services.apigateway.StepFunctionsRestApi;
public class StepfunctionsRestApiStack extends Stack {
public StepfunctionsRestApiStack(final Construct scope, final String id) {
this(scope, id, null);
public StepfunctionsRestApiStack(final Construct scope, final String id, final StackProps props) {
super(scope, id, props);
Pass machineDefinition = Pass.Builder.create(this, "PassState")
StateMachine stateMachine = StateMachine.Builder.create(this, "MyStateMachine")
StepFunctionsRestApi api = StepFunctionsRestApi.Builder.create(this, "StepFunctionsRestApi")
- C#
更新 src/StepfunctionsRestApi/StepfunctionsRestApiStack.cs
using Amazon.CDK;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.StepFunctions;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.APIGateway;
namespace StepfunctionsRestApi
public class StepfunctionsRestApiStack : Stack
internal StepfunctionsRestApi(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
var machineDefinition = new Pass(this, "PassState", new PassProps
Result = Result.FromString("Hello")
var stateMachine = new StateMachine(this, "MyStateMachine", new StateMachineProps
Definition = machineDefinition,
StateMachineType = StateMachineType.EXPRESS
var api = new StepFunctionsRestApi(this, "StepFunctionsRestApi", new StepFunctionsRestApiProps
StateMachine = stateMachine
- Go
更新 stepfunctions-rest-api.go
package main
import (
type StepfunctionsRestApiGoStackProps struct {
func NewStepfunctionsRestApiGoStack(scope constructs.Construct, id string, props *StepfunctionsRestApiGoStackProps) awscdk.Stack {
var sprops awscdk.StackProps
if props != nil {
sprops = props.StackProps
stack := awscdk.NewStack(scope, &id, &sprops)
// The code that defines your stack goes here
var machineDefinition = awsstepfunctions.NewPass(stack, jsii.String("PassState"), &awsstepfunctions.PassProps
Result: awsstepfunctions.NewResult(jsii.String("Hello")),
var stateMachine = awsstepfunctions.NewStateMachine(stack, jsii.String("StateMachine"), &awsstepfunctions.StateMachineProps{
Definition: machineDefinition,
StateMachineType: awsstepfunctions.StateMachineType_EXPRESS,
awsapigateway.NewStepFunctionsRestApi(stack, jsii.String("StepFunctionsRestApi"), &awsapigateway.StepFunctionsRestApiProps{
StateMachine = stateMachine,
return stack
func main() {
app := awscdk.NewApp(nil)
NewStepfunctionsRestApiGoStack(app, "StepfunctionsRestApiGoStack", &StepfunctionsRestApiGoStackProps{
Env: env(),
// env determines the AWS environment (account+region) in which our stack is to
// be deployed. For more information see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/environments.html
func env() *awscdk.Environment {
// If unspecified, this stack will be "environment-agnostic".
// Account/Region-dependent features and context lookups will not work, but a
// single synthesized template can be deployed anywhere.
return nil
// Uncomment if you know exactly what account and region you want to deploy
// the stack to. This is the recommendation for production stacks.
// return &awscdk.Environment{
// Account: jsii.String("123456789012"),
// Region: jsii.String("us-east-1"),
// }
// Uncomment to specialize this stack for the AWS Account and Region that are
// implied by the current CLI configuration. This is recommended for dev
// stacks.
// return &awscdk.Environment{
// Account: jsii.String(os.Getenv("CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT")),
// Region: jsii.String(os.Getenv("CDK_DEFAULT_REGION")),
// }
保存源文件,然后在应用程序的主目录中发出 cdk synth
。这些区域有: AWS CDK 运行应用程序并合成一个 AWS CloudFormation 来自它的模板,然后显示该模板。
要实际部署 Amazon API Gateway 和 AWS Step Functions 状态机到你的AWS账户,问题cdk deploy
。你会被要求批准这些IAM政策 AWS CDK 已生成。
步骤 3:测试网API关
RESTAPI使用同步 Express St API ate Machine 作为后端集成创建网关后,您可以测试API网关。
打开 Amazon API Gateway 控制台并登录。
在资源窗格中,选择 ANY
对于方法,选择 POST。
"key": "Hello"
API使用 c 测试已部署的 URL
复制以下 c URL 命令并将其粘贴到终端窗口中,<api-id>
替换为您APIAPI的 API ID 和<region>
curl -X POST\
.amazonaws.com/prod' \
-d '{"key":"Hello"}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
第 4 步:清除
试用完API网关后,你可以使用拆除状态机和API网关AWSCDK。在您的应用程序的主目录中发布 cdk destroy