迁移概述 - Amazon Timestream




  1. 运行迁移脚本:使用您选择的终端应用程序,运行 Python 脚本将数据从源 InfluxDB 实例传输到目标 InfluxDB 实例。

  2. 提供凭证:提供主机地址和端口作为CLI选项。

  3. 验证数据:通过以下方式确保数据正确传输:

    1. 使用 InfluxDB 用户界面并检查存储桶。

    2. 使用. 列出存储桶。influx bucket list -t <destination token> --host <destination host address> --skip-verify

    3. 正在使用influx v1 shell -t <destination token> --host <destination host address> --skip-verify并运行SELECT * FROM <migrated bucket>.<retention period>.<measurement name> LIMIT 100 to view contents of a bucket or SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <migrated bucket>.<retention period>.<measurment name>来验证是否已迁移了正确数量的记录。

例 运行示例
  1. 打开您选择的终端应用程序,并确保已正确安装所需的先决条件:

  2. 导航到迁移脚本:

  3. 准备以下信息:

    1. 要迁移的源存储桶的名称。

    2. (可选)为目标服务器中迁移的存储桶选择一个新的存储桶名称。

    3. 源和目标涌入实例的根令牌。

    4. 源和目标涌入实例的主机地址。

    5. (可选)S3 存储桶名称和凭 AWS Command Line Interface 证;应在操作系统环境变量中设置凭证。

      # AWS credentials (for timestream testing) export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxx" export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="xxx"
    6. 按如下方式构造命令:

      python3 influx_migration.py --src-bucket [source-bucket-name] --dest-bucket [dest-bucket-name] --src-host [source host] --dest-host [dest host] --s3-bucket [s3 bucket name](optional) --log-level debug
    7. 执行脚本:

    8. 等待脚本完成执行。

    9. 检查新迁移的存储桶的数据完整性,performance.txt。该文件位于运行脚本的同一目录下,包含有关每个步骤花费了多长时间的一些基本信息。


例 示例 1:使用本地存储进行简单迁移


在确保你能TCP访问(HTTP访问)两台托管在端口 8086 上的 InfluxDB 实例的计算机之后,你同时拥有源令牌和目标令牌,并将它们分别存储为环境变量 INFLUX_SRC_TOKENINFLUX_DEST_TOKEN,为了增加安全性:

python3 influx_migration.py --src-bucket primary-bucket --src-host http://localhost:8086 --dest-host http://dest-server-address:8086


INFO: influx_migration.py: Backing up bucket data and metadata using the InfluxDB CLI 2023/10/26 10:47:15 INFO: Downloading metadata snapshot 2023/10/26 10:47:15 INFO: Backing up TSM for shard 1 2023/10/26 10:47:15 INFO: Backing up TSM for shard 8245 2023/10/26 10:47:15 INFO: Backing up TSM for shard 8263 [More shard backups . . .] 2023/10/26 10:47:20 INFO: Backing up TSM for shard 8240 2023/10/26 10:47:20 INFO: Backing up TSM for shard 8268 2023/10/26 10:47:20 INFO: Backing up TSM for shard 2 INFO: influx_migration.py: Restoring bucket data and metadata using the InfluxDB CLI 2023/10/26 10:47:20 INFO: Restoring bucket "96c11c8876b3c016" as "primary-bucket" 2023/10/26 10:47:21 INFO: Restoring TSM snapshot for shard 12772 2023/10/26 10:47:22 INFO: Restoring TSM snapshot for shard 12773 [More shard restores . . .] 2023/10/26 10:47:28 INFO: Restoring TSM snapshot for shard 12825 2023/10/26 10:47:28 INFO: Restoring TSM snapshot for shard 12826 INFO: influx_migration.py: Migration complete


例 示例 2:使用本地存储和调试日志进行完全迁移


python3 influx_migration.py --full --confirm-full --src-host http://localhost:8086 --dest-host http://dest-server-address:8086 --log-level debug


INFO: influx_migration.py: Backing up bucket data and metadata using the InfluxDB CLI 2023/10/26 10:55:27 INFO: Downloading metadata snapshot 2023/10/26 10:55:27 INFO: Backing up TSM for shard 6952 2023/10/26 10:55:27 INFO: Backing up TSM for shard 6953 [More shard backups . . .] 2023/10/26 10:55:36 INFO: Backing up TSM for shard 8268 2023/10/26 10:55:36 INFO: Backing up TSM for shard 2 DEBUG: influx_migration.py: backup started at 2023-10-26 10:55:27 and took 9.41 seconds to run. INFO: influx_migration.py: Restoring bucket data and metadata using the InfluxDB CLI 2023/10/26 10:55:36 INFO: Restoring KV snapshot 2023/10/26 10:55:38 WARN: Restoring KV snapshot overwrote the operator token, ensure following commands use the correct token 2023/10/26 10:55:38 INFO: Restoring SQL snapshot 2023/10/26 10:55:39 INFO: Restoring TSM snapshot for shard 6952 2023/10/26 10:55:39 INFO: Restoring TSM snapshot for shard 6953 [More shard restores . . .] 2023/10/26 10:55:49 INFO: Restoring TSM snapshot for shard 8268 2023/10/26 10:55:49 INFO: Restoring TSM snapshot for shard 2 DEBUG: influx_migration.py: restore started at 2023-10-26 10:55:36 and took 13.51 seconds to run. INFO: influx_migration.py: Migration complete

例 示例 3:使用CSV、目标组织和 S3 存储桶进行完全迁移

与前面的示例相同,但使用 Linux 或 Mac 并将文件存储在 S3 存储桶中my-s3-bucket。这样可以避免备份文件使本地存储容量过载。

python3 influx_migration.py --full --src-host http://localhost:8086 --dest-host http://dest-server-address:8086 --csv --dest-org MyOrg --s3-bucket my-s3-bucket


INFO: influx_migration.py: Creating directory influxdb-backups INFO: influx_migration.py: Mounting influxdb-migration-bucket INFO: influx_migration.py: Creating directory influxdb-backups/my-s3-bucket/influxdb-backup-1698352128323 INFO: influx_migration.py: Backing up bucket data and metadata using the InfluxDB v2 API INFO: influx_migration.py: Restoring bucket data and metadata from csv INFO: influx_migration.py: Restoring bucket some-bucket INFO: influx_migration.py: Restoring bucket another-bucket INFO: influx_migration.py: Restoring bucket primary-bucket INFO: influx_migration.py: Migration complete INFO: influx_migration.py: Unmounting influxdb-backups INFO: influx_migration.py: Removing temporary mount directory