Appendix C: Transparent encryption reference - Migrating to Apache HBase on Amazon S3 on Amazon EMR

Appendix C: Transparent encryption reference

To configure transparent encryption, use the following Amazon EMR configuration JSON:

[{"classification":"hdfs-encryption- zones","properties":{"/user/hbase":"hbase-key"}}]

In addition to the preceding classification, you must disable HDFS Opensource Security. By default, Amazon EMR security configurations for at-rest encryption for local disks tie open-source HDFS encryption with LUKs encryption.

If you need to configure transparent encryption and your application is latency sensitive, do not enable at-rest encryption via Amazon EMR security configuration. You can configure LUKS via a bootstrap action.

To check that WALs are being encrypted, use the following commands:

sudo –u hdfs hdfs dfs -ls /user/HBase/WAL/ip-xx-xx-x- xx.ec2.internal,16020,1520373175110 sudo –u hdfs hdfs crypto -getFileEncryptionInfo -path /user/HBase/WAL/WALs/ip-xx-xx-x- xx.ec2.internal,16020,1520373175110/ip-xx-xx-x- xx.ec2.internal%2C16020%2C1520373175110.1520373184129

To verify that the old WALs are being encrypted, the output to the last command should be the following:

{cipherSuite: {name: AES/CTR/NoPadding, algorithmBlockSize: 16}, cryptoProtocolVersion: CryptoProtocolVersion{description='Encryption zones', version=2, unknownValue=null}, edek: 7c3c2fcf8337f14bbf815697686de5a696c6670c0f41eb71678b53ee5326c33e , iv: eac6cf91bdd2eee8496f1ddb19b4fcf8, keyName: HBase-key, ezKeyVersionName: hbase-key@0}

The default configurations grant access to the DECRYPT_EEK operation on all keys (/etc/hadoop-kms/conf/kms-acls.xml).

For more details, see Transparent Encryption in HDFS on Amazon EMR and Transparent Encryption in HDFS.