AWS::GuardDuty::Detector CFNDataSourceConfigurations - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::GuardDuty::Detector CFNDataSourceConfigurations

Describes whether S3 data event logs, Kubernetes audit logs, or Malware Protection will be enabled as a data source when the detector is created.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



Describes which Kubernetes data sources are enabled for a detector.

Required: No

Type: CFNKubernetesConfiguration

Update requires: No interruption


Describes whether Malware Protection will be enabled as a data source.

Required: No

Type: CFNMalwareProtectionConfiguration

Update requires: No interruption


Describes whether S3 data event logs are enabled as a data source.

Required: No

Type: CFNS3LogsConfiguration

Update requires: No interruption