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範例:使用 AWS SDK for .NET 低階 API 的本機次要索引

範例:使用 AWS SDK for .NET 低階 API 的本機次要索引 - Amazon DynamoDB



下列 C# 程式碼範例示範如何在 Amazon DynamoDB 中使用本機次要索引。例如,您可以建立名為 CustomerOrders 的資料表,其中分割區索引鍵為 CustomerId,排序索引鍵為 OrderId。此資料表上有兩個本機次要索引:

  • OrderCreationDateIndex:排序索引鍵為 OrderCreationDate,並且以下屬性會投影到索引:

    • ProductCategory

    • ProductName

    • OrderStatus

    • ShipmentTrackingId

  • IsOpenIndex:排序索引鍵為 IsOpen,並且所有的資料表屬性都會投影到索引。

建立 CustomerOrders 資料表後,程式會載入所含資料表示客戶訂單的資料表。然後,其便會使用本機次要索引查詢資料。最後,程式會刪除 CustomerOrders 資料表。

如需測試下列範例的 step-by-step 指示,請參閱.NET 程式碼範例

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Amazon.DynamoDBv2; using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DataModel; using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel; using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model; using Amazon.Runtime; using Amazon.SecurityToken; namespace com.amazonaws.codesamples { class LowLevelLocalSecondaryIndexExample { private static AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(); private static string tableName = "CustomerOrders"; static void Main(string[] args) { try { CreateTable(); LoadData(); Query(null); Query("IsOpenIndex"); Query("OrderCreationDateIndex"); DeleteTable(tableName); Console.WriteLine("To continue, press Enter"); Console.ReadLine(); } catch (AmazonDynamoDBException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } private static void CreateTable() { var createTableRequest = new CreateTableRequest() { TableName = tableName, ProvisionedThroughput = new ProvisionedThroughput() { ReadCapacityUnits = (long)1, WriteCapacityUnits = (long)1 } }; var attributeDefinitions = new List<AttributeDefinition>() { // Attribute definitions for table primary key { new AttributeDefinition() { AttributeName = "CustomerId", AttributeType = "S" } }, { new AttributeDefinition() { AttributeName = "OrderId", AttributeType = "N" } }, // Attribute definitions for index primary key { new AttributeDefinition() { AttributeName = "OrderCreationDate", AttributeType = "N" } }, { new AttributeDefinition() { AttributeName = "IsOpen", AttributeType = "N" }} }; createTableRequest.AttributeDefinitions = attributeDefinitions; // Key schema for table var tableKeySchema = new List<KeySchemaElement>() { { new KeySchemaElement() { AttributeName = "CustomerId", KeyType = "HASH" } }, //Partition key { new KeySchemaElement() { AttributeName = "OrderId", KeyType = "RANGE" } } //Sort key }; createTableRequest.KeySchema = tableKeySchema; var localSecondaryIndexes = new List<LocalSecondaryIndex>(); // OrderCreationDateIndex LocalSecondaryIndex orderCreationDateIndex = new LocalSecondaryIndex() { IndexName = "OrderCreationDateIndex" }; // Key schema for OrderCreationDateIndex var indexKeySchema = new List<KeySchemaElement>() { { new KeySchemaElement() { AttributeName = "CustomerId", KeyType = "HASH" } }, //Partition key { new KeySchemaElement() { AttributeName = "OrderCreationDate", KeyType = "RANGE" } } //Sort key }; orderCreationDateIndex.KeySchema = indexKeySchema; // Projection (with list of projected attributes) for // OrderCreationDateIndex var projection = new Projection() { ProjectionType = "INCLUDE" }; var nonKeyAttributes = new List<string>() { "ProductCategory", "ProductName" }; projection.NonKeyAttributes = nonKeyAttributes; orderCreationDateIndex.Projection = projection; localSecondaryIndexes.Add(orderCreationDateIndex); // IsOpenIndex LocalSecondaryIndex isOpenIndex = new LocalSecondaryIndex() { IndexName = "IsOpenIndex" }; // Key schema for IsOpenIndex indexKeySchema = new List<KeySchemaElement>() { { new KeySchemaElement() { AttributeName = "CustomerId", KeyType = "HASH" }}, //Partition key { new KeySchemaElement() { AttributeName = "IsOpen", KeyType = "RANGE" }} //Sort key }; // Projection (all attributes) for IsOpenIndex projection = new Projection() { ProjectionType = "ALL" }; isOpenIndex.KeySchema = indexKeySchema; isOpenIndex.Projection = projection; localSecondaryIndexes.Add(isOpenIndex); // Add index definitions to CreateTable request createTableRequest.LocalSecondaryIndexes = localSecondaryIndexes; Console.WriteLine("Creating table " + tableName + "..."); client.CreateTable(createTableRequest); WaitUntilTableReady(tableName); } public static void Query(string indexName) { Console.WriteLine("\n***********************************************************\n"); Console.WriteLine("Querying table " + tableName + "..."); QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest() { TableName = tableName, ConsistentRead = true, ScanIndexForward = true, ReturnConsumedCapacity = "TOTAL" }; String keyConditionExpression = "CustomerId = :v_customerId"; Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> expressionAttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> { {":v_customerId", new AttributeValue { S = "bob@example.com" }} }; if (indexName == "IsOpenIndex") { Console.WriteLine("\nUsing index: '" + indexName + "': Bob's orders that are open."); Console.WriteLine("Only a user-specified list of attributes are returned\n"); queryRequest.IndexName = indexName; keyConditionExpression += " and IsOpen = :v_isOpen"; expressionAttributeValues.Add(":v_isOpen", new AttributeValue { N = "1" }); // ProjectionExpression queryRequest.ProjectionExpression = "OrderCreationDate, ProductCategory, ProductName, OrderStatus"; } else if (indexName == "OrderCreationDateIndex") { Console.WriteLine("\nUsing index: '" + indexName + "': Bob's orders that were placed after 01/31/2013."); Console.WriteLine("Only the projected attributes are returned\n"); queryRequest.IndexName = indexName; keyConditionExpression += " and OrderCreationDate > :v_Date"; expressionAttributeValues.Add(":v_Date", new AttributeValue { N = "20130131" }); // Select queryRequest.Select = "ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES"; } else { Console.WriteLine("\nNo index: All of Bob's orders, by OrderId:\n"); } queryRequest.KeyConditionExpression = keyConditionExpression; queryRequest.ExpressionAttributeValues = expressionAttributeValues; var result = client.Query(queryRequest); var items = result.Items; foreach (var currentItem in items) { foreach (string attr in currentItem.Keys) { if (attr == "OrderId" || attr == "IsOpen" || attr == "OrderCreationDate") { Console.WriteLine(attr + "---> " + currentItem[attr].N); } else { Console.WriteLine(attr + "---> " + currentItem[attr].S); } } Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("\nConsumed capacity: " + result.ConsumedCapacity.CapacityUnits + "\n"); } private static void DeleteTable(string tableName) { Console.WriteLine("Deleting table " + tableName + "..."); client.DeleteTable(new DeleteTableRequest() { TableName = tableName }); WaitForTableToBeDeleted(tableName); } public static void LoadData() { Console.WriteLine("Loading data into table " + tableName + "..."); Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> item = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>(); item["CustomerId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "alice@example.com" }; item["OrderId"] = new AttributeValue { N = "1" }; item["IsOpen"] = new AttributeValue { N = "1" }; item["OrderCreationDate"] = new AttributeValue { N = "20130101" }; item["ProductCategory"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Book" }; item["ProductName"] = new AttributeValue { S = "The Great Outdoors" }; item["OrderStatus"] = new AttributeValue { S = "PACKING ITEMS" }; /* no ShipmentTrackingId attribute */ PutItemRequest putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest { TableName = tableName, Item = item, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics = "SIZE" }; client.PutItem(putItemRequest); item = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>(); item["CustomerId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "alice@example.com" }; item["OrderId"] = new AttributeValue { N = "2" }; item["IsOpen"] = new AttributeValue { N = "1" }; item["OrderCreationDate"] = new AttributeValue { N = "20130221" }; item["ProductCategory"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Bike" }; item["ProductName"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Super Mountain" }; item["OrderStatus"] = new AttributeValue { S = "ORDER RECEIVED" }; /* no ShipmentTrackingId attribute */ putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest { TableName = tableName, Item = item, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics = "SIZE" }; client.PutItem(putItemRequest); item = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>(); item["CustomerId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "alice@example.com" }; item["OrderId"] = new AttributeValue { N = "3" }; /* no IsOpen attribute */ item["OrderCreationDate"] = new AttributeValue { N = "20130304" }; item["ProductCategory"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Music" }; item["ProductName"] = new AttributeValue { S = "A Quiet Interlude" }; item["OrderStatus"] = new AttributeValue { S = "IN TRANSIT" }; item["ShipmentTrackingId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "176493" }; putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest { TableName = tableName, Item = item, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics = "SIZE" }; client.PutItem(putItemRequest); item = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>(); item["CustomerId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "bob@example.com" }; item["OrderId"] = new AttributeValue { N = "1" }; /* no IsOpen attribute */ item["OrderCreationDate"] = new AttributeValue { N = "20130111" }; item["ProductCategory"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Movie" }; item["ProductName"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Calm Before The Storm" }; item["OrderStatus"] = new AttributeValue { S = "SHIPPING DELAY" }; item["ShipmentTrackingId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "859323" }; putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest { TableName = tableName, Item = item, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics = "SIZE" }; client.PutItem(putItemRequest); item = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>(); item["CustomerId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "bob@example.com" }; item["OrderId"] = new AttributeValue { N = "2" }; /* no IsOpen attribute */ item["OrderCreationDate"] = new AttributeValue { N = "20130124" }; item["ProductCategory"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Music" }; item["ProductName"] = new AttributeValue { S = "E-Z Listening" }; item["OrderStatus"] = new AttributeValue { S = "DELIVERED" }; item["ShipmentTrackingId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "756943" }; putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest { TableName = tableName, Item = item, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics = "SIZE" }; client.PutItem(putItemRequest); item = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>(); item["CustomerId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "bob@example.com" }; item["OrderId"] = new AttributeValue { N = "3" }; /* no IsOpen attribute */ item["OrderCreationDate"] = new AttributeValue { N = "20130221" }; item["ProductCategory"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Music" }; item["ProductName"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Symphony 9" }; item["OrderStatus"] = new AttributeValue { S = "DELIVERED" }; item["ShipmentTrackingId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "645193" }; putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest { TableName = tableName, Item = item, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics = "SIZE" }; client.PutItem(putItemRequest); item = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>(); item["CustomerId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "bob@example.com" }; item["OrderId"] = new AttributeValue { N = "4" }; item["IsOpen"] = new AttributeValue { N = "1" }; item["OrderCreationDate"] = new AttributeValue { N = "20130222" }; item["ProductCategory"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Hardware" }; item["ProductName"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Extra Heavy Hammer" }; item["OrderStatus"] = new AttributeValue { S = "PACKING ITEMS" }; /* no ShipmentTrackingId attribute */ putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest { TableName = tableName, Item = item, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics = "SIZE" }; client.PutItem(putItemRequest); item = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>(); item["CustomerId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "bob@example.com" }; item["OrderId"] = new AttributeValue { N = "5" }; /* no IsOpen attribute */ item["OrderCreationDate"] = new AttributeValue { N = "20130309" }; item["ProductCategory"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Book" }; item["ProductName"] = new AttributeValue { S = "How To Cook" }; item["OrderStatus"] = new AttributeValue { S = "IN TRANSIT" }; item["ShipmentTrackingId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "440185" }; putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest { TableName = tableName, Item = item, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics = "SIZE" }; client.PutItem(putItemRequest); item = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>(); item["CustomerId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "bob@example.com" }; item["OrderId"] = new AttributeValue { N = "6" }; /* no IsOpen attribute */ item["OrderCreationDate"] = new AttributeValue { N = "20130318" }; item["ProductCategory"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Luggage" }; item["ProductName"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Really Big Suitcase" }; item["OrderStatus"] = new AttributeValue { S = "DELIVERED" }; item["ShipmentTrackingId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "893927" }; putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest { TableName = tableName, Item = item, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics = "SIZE" }; client.PutItem(putItemRequest); item = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>(); item["CustomerId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "bob@example.com" }; item["OrderId"] = new AttributeValue { N = "7" }; /* no IsOpen attribute */ item["OrderCreationDate"] = new AttributeValue { N = "20130324" }; item["ProductCategory"] = new AttributeValue { S = "Golf" }; item["ProductName"] = new AttributeValue { S = "PGA Pro II" }; item["OrderStatus"] = new AttributeValue { S = "OUT FOR DELIVERY" }; item["ShipmentTrackingId"] = new AttributeValue { S = "383283" }; putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest { TableName = tableName, Item = item, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics = "SIZE" }; client.PutItem(putItemRequest); } private static void WaitUntilTableReady(string tableName) { string status = null; // Let us wait until table is created. Call DescribeTable. do { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); // Wait 5 seconds. try { var res = client.DescribeTable(new DescribeTableRequest { TableName = tableName }); Console.WriteLine("Table name: {0}, status: {1}", res.Table.TableName, res.Table.TableStatus); status = res.Table.TableStatus; } catch (ResourceNotFoundException) { // DescribeTable is eventually consistent. So you might // get resource not found. So we handle the potential exception. } } while (status != "ACTIVE"); } private static void WaitForTableToBeDeleted(string tableName) { bool tablePresent = true; while (tablePresent) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); // Wait 5 seconds. try { var res = client.DescribeTable(new DescribeTableRequest { TableName = tableName }); Console.WriteLine("Table name: {0}, status: {1}", res.Table.TableName, res.Table.TableStatus); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException) { tablePresent = false; } } } } }
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