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Creating an Amazon Q Business application environment

Creating an Amazon Q Business application environment - Amazon Q Business
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To create an Amazon Q Business application environment, you can use either the AWS Management Console or the Amazon Q Business API. When you create an application, response generation from large language model (LLM) knowledge is enabled by default.

As a prerequisite, make sure that you complete the setting up tasks and go through the Configuring an IAM Identity Center instance section. If you're using the AWS CLI or the API, make sure that you've created the required IAM roles.

When you create an application environment, you can also choose to create a Amazon Q Business web experience. If you use the console to create an application environment, the web experience is created automatically, unless you choose otherwise. If you use the CreateApplication API operation to create an application environment, use the CreateWebExperience API operation to create your web experience.

When you create an application, you can also add any existing IAM Identity Center users and groups to your Amazon Q Business application. After you add users or groups to an application environment, you can then assign and choose subscription tiers for each user or group. If you don't have an existing IAM Identity Center instance or user, you can create both of these from the Amazon Q Business console when you create your application. You can't create IAM Identity Center groups from the Amazon Q Business console.


You must add, assign, and subscribe at least one user to your Amazon Q Business application environment for it to work as intended. For more information on user subscriptions for an IAM Identity Center-integrated Amazon Q Business application, see Subscriptions for applications using IAM Identity Center.


As of Oct 31, 2024, once you have created a new Amazon Q Business application environment, the default web experience will allow users to interact directly with the LLM to get answers from its general knowledge or uploaded file content (available to Pro users only), even if the Admin has not yet connected any enterprise data sources.

For existing application environments, the Allow direct access to LLM setting will remain as previously configured. For new application environments, the Allow direct access to LLM setting will be enabled by default, though Admins can still disable this if desired.

For a consolidated view of your user subscriptions—including a list of subscribed users, their subscription status, and applications, accounts, or services a user can access through their subscriptions—see the Amazon Q subscriptions page.

The following tabs provide a procedure for creating your Amazon Q Business application environment and adding subscriptions using the AWS Management Console and code examples for using the AWS CLI.


To create an application

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q Business console.

  2. On the Create application page, for What kind of application do you want to create?, enter the following information for your Amazon Q Business application:

    1. Application name – A name for your Amazon Q Business application environment for easy identification. This name is only visible in the AWS Management Console. The name can include hyphens (-), but not spaces, and can have a maximum of 1,000 alphanumeric characters. Amazon Q Business auto-generates an application name for you, unless ypu choose to enter a custom name.

    2. Outcome – Select Web experience to create a web experience for your application. Amazon Q Business creates a web experience by default when you create an application. If you don't want to create a web experience, unselect this option.

  3. For Access management method, choose IAM Identity Center (recommended). Then, complete the following steps:

    1. (Optional) Advanced IAM Identity Center settings – optional – Activate Enable cross-region calls to allow Amazon Q Business to connect to an IAM Identity Center instance that exists in a region not already supported by Amazon Q Business. For more information, see Creating a cross-region IAM Identity Center integration.

    2. Then, you will see the following options based on whether you have an IAM Identity Center instance already configured, or need to create one.

      1. If you don't have an IAM Identity Center instance configured, you see the following:

        1. The region your Amazon Q Business application environment is in.

        2. Specify tags for IAM Identity Center – Add tags to keep track of your IAM Identity Center instance.

        3. Create IAM Identity Center – Select to create an IAM Identity Center instance. Depending on your setup, you may be prompted to create either an account instance, or an organization instance, or be given the option to choose between creating an account instance and an organization instance. The console will display an ARN for your newly created resource after it's created.

      2. If you have both an IAM Identity Center organization instance and an account instance configured, your instances will be auto-detected, and you see the following options:

        1. Organization instance of IAM Identity Center – Select this option to manage access to Amazon Q Business by assigning users and groups from the Identity Center directory for your organization.

        2. Account instance of IAM Identity Center – Select this option to manage access to Amazon Q Business by assigning existing users and groups from your Identity Center directory.

        3. The region your Amazon Q Business application environment is in.

        4. IAM Identity Center – The ARN for your IAM Identity Center instance.

      3. If you have an IAM Identity Center account instance configured, your account instance will be auto-detected.

      4. If you have an IAM Identity Center organization instance configured, your organization instance will be auto-detected.

      5. If your IAM Identity Center instance is configured in an AWS region Amazon Q Business isn’t available in, and you haven’t activated cross-region IAM Identity Center calls, you will see a message saying that a connection is unavailable with an option to Switch region. Once you allow a cross-region connection between Amazon Q Business and IAM Identity Center using Advanced IAM Identity Center settings, your cross-region IAM Identity Center instance will be auto-detected by Amazon Q Business.


        Selecting Switch region will only give you the option to change your AWS Management Console region. To create a cross-region IAM Identity Center connection, use Advanced IAM Identity Center settings.

    3. In Quick start user – optional, do the following:

      1. In Select user, choose from the following options:

        1. If you've connected a pre-configured IAM Identity Center instance with users and groups already configured, Amazon Q Business detects the users and groups you have configured in IAM Identity Center. In this case, you can select Choose a user and, from the dropdown menu that opens, add users and groups directly from your IAM Identity Center directory.

        2. If you've created a IAM Identity Center instance from within the Amazon Q Business console for your Amazon Q Business application, you can add a new user to your application and IAM Identity Center instance. Choose Add new users and groups and then complete the following steps:

          1. In the Add new users dialog box that opens, enter the details of your user. Then select Next and Add.


            You can add multiple users by selecting Add new user and entering each user's details before you select Add.

            Then, select Assign. The user is automatically added to an IAM Identity Center directory.

          2. The details you must enter for each user include:

            • Username – A username is required for a user to sign into the AWS access portal. You can't change the username later. Maximum length 128 characters. Can only contain alphanumeric characters or any of the following: +=,.@-_

            • First name – First name of user.

            • Last name – Last name of user.

            • Email address – Email address of user.

            • Confirm email address – Enter email address again to confirm it.

            • Display name – The display name assigned to your user.

      2. For Select subscription – Choose between Q Business Pro and Q Business Lite


        Amazon Q Business assigns Q Business Pro subscriptions to users and groups by default. To learn more about subscription tiers, see User subscription tiers.


        If you add a user to a group in IAM Identity Center and have given that group access to your application, it can take up to 24 hours for the change to take effect and for the user to be able to access your Amazon Q Business application.

  4. For Application details – Amazon Q Business chooses the following configuration settings for your application by default:

    1. For Application service access – Amazon Q Business will create a new service-linked role for your application.

    2. Encryption – Amazon Q Business will create an AWS owned AWS KMS key to encrypt your data.

    3. Web experience service access – If you've chosen to create a web experience, Amazon Q Business creates a service access role to allow end users to log in to a Amazon Q Business web experience.

  5. (Optional) To customize Application details, expand the Application details section, and then do the following:

    1. In Application service access, for Choose a method to authorize Amazon Q Business, choose from the following options:

      1. Create and use a new service-linked role (SLR) – Create and use a new Amazon Q Business-managed IAM role to allow it to access the AWS resources it needs to create your application.

      2. Create and use a new service role (SR) – Create and use a new IAM role for Amazon Q Business to allow it to access the AWS resources it needs to create your application.

      3. Use an existing service role (SR)/service-linked role (SLR) – Use an existing service role or service-linked IAM role to allow Amazon Q Business to access the AWS resources it needs to create your application.


        For more information about example service roles, see IAM role for an Amazon Q Business application. For information on service-linked roles, including to manage them, see Using service-linked roles.

      4. Service role name – A name for the service (IAM) role you created for easy identification on the console.

    2. For Encryption – Amazon Q Business encrypts your data by default using AWS managed AWS KMS keys. To customize your encryption settings, select Customize encryption settings (advanced). Then, you can choose to use an existing AWS KMS key or create a new one.

    3. In Web experience service access, enter the following information:

      1. For Choose a method to authorize Amazon Q Business – A service access role assumed by end users when they sign in to your web experience that grants them permission to start and manage conversations Amazon Q Business. You can choose to use an existing role or create a new role.

      2. Service role name – A name for the service role you created for easy identification on the console.

  6. To start creating your application, choose Create.


    If you're creating a web experience, you can also choose to create your application and view and customize your web experience by selecting Create and open web experience.


To configure an Amazon Q Business application

aws qbusiness create-application \ --display-name application-name \ --identity-center-instance-arn identity-center-instance-arn \ --role-arn roleArn \ --description application-description \ --encryption-configuration kmsKeyId=<kms-key-id> \ --attachments-configuration attachmentsControlMode=ENABLED

To add users to an application environment

aws sso-admin create-application-assignment \ --application-arn idc-app-arn \ --principal-id idc-user-ID \ --principal-type USER

To provision a user subscription

aws qbusiness create-subscription \ --application-id application-id \ --principal user=idc-user-id \ --type subscription-type

To add groups to an application environment

aws sso-admin create-application-assignment \ --application-arn idc-app-arn \ --principal-id idc-group-ID \ --principal-type GROUP

To provision a group subscription

aws qbusiness create-subscription \ --application-id application-id \ --principal group=idc-group-id \ --type subscription-type

To create an application

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q Business console.

  2. On the Create application page, for What kind of application do you want to create?, enter the following information for your Amazon Q Business application:

    1. Application name – A name for your Amazon Q Business application environment for easy identification. This name is only visible in the AWS Management Console. The name can include hyphens (-), but not spaces, and can have a maximum of 1,000 alphanumeric characters. Amazon Q Business auto-generates an application name for you, unless ypu choose to enter a custom name.

    2. Outcome – Select Web experience to create a web experience for your application. Amazon Q Business creates a web experience by default when you create an application. If you don't want to create a web experience, unselect this option.

  3. For Access management method, choose IAM Identity Center (recommended). Then, complete the following steps:

    1. (Optional) Advanced IAM Identity Center settings – optional – Activate Enable cross-region calls to allow Amazon Q Business to connect to an IAM Identity Center instance that exists in a region not already supported by Amazon Q Business. For more information, see Creating a cross-region IAM Identity Center integration.

    2. Then, you will see the following options based on whether you have an IAM Identity Center instance already configured, or need to create one.

      1. If you don't have an IAM Identity Center instance configured, you see the following:

        1. The region your Amazon Q Business application environment is in.

        2. Specify tags for IAM Identity Center – Add tags to keep track of your IAM Identity Center instance.

        3. Create IAM Identity Center – Select to create an IAM Identity Center instance. Depending on your setup, you may be prompted to create either an account instance, or an organization instance, or be given the option to choose between creating an account instance and an organization instance. The console will display an ARN for your newly created resource after it's created.

      2. If you have both an IAM Identity Center organization instance and an account instance configured, your instances will be auto-detected, and you see the following options:

        1. Organization instance of IAM Identity Center – Select this option to manage access to Amazon Q Business by assigning users and groups from the Identity Center directory for your organization.

        2. Account instance of IAM Identity Center – Select this option to manage access to Amazon Q Business by assigning existing users and groups from your Identity Center directory.

        3. The region your Amazon Q Business application environment is in.

        4. IAM Identity Center – The ARN for your IAM Identity Center instance.

      3. If you have an IAM Identity Center account instance configured, your account instance will be auto-detected.

      4. If you have an IAM Identity Center organization instance configured, your organization instance will be auto-detected.

      5. If your IAM Identity Center instance is configured in an AWS region Amazon Q Business isn’t available in, and you haven’t activated cross-region IAM Identity Center calls, you will see a message saying that a connection is unavailable with an option to Switch region. Once you allow a cross-region connection between Amazon Q Business and IAM Identity Center using Advanced IAM Identity Center settings, your cross-region IAM Identity Center instance will be auto-detected by Amazon Q Business.


        Selecting Switch region will only give you the option to change your AWS Management Console region. To create a cross-region IAM Identity Center connection, use Advanced IAM Identity Center settings.

    3. In Quick start user – optional, do the following:

      1. In Select user, choose from the following options:

        1. If you've connected a pre-configured IAM Identity Center instance with users and groups already configured, Amazon Q Business detects the users and groups you have configured in IAM Identity Center. In this case, you can select Choose a user and, from the dropdown menu that opens, add users and groups directly from your IAM Identity Center directory.

        2. If you've created a IAM Identity Center instance from within the Amazon Q Business console for your Amazon Q Business application, you can add a new user to your application and IAM Identity Center instance. Choose Add new users and groups and then complete the following steps:

          1. In the Add new users dialog box that opens, enter the details of your user. Then select Next and Add.


            You can add multiple users by selecting Add new user and entering each user's details before you select Add.

            Then, select Assign. The user is automatically added to an IAM Identity Center directory.

          2. The details you must enter for each user include:

            • Username – A username is required for a user to sign into the AWS access portal. You can't change the username later. Maximum length 128 characters. Can only contain alphanumeric characters or any of the following: +=,.@-_

            • First name – First name of user.

            • Last name – Last name of user.

            • Email address – Email address of user.

            • Confirm email address – Enter email address again to confirm it.

            • Display name – The display name assigned to your user.

      2. For Select subscription – Choose between Q Business Pro and Q Business Lite


        Amazon Q Business assigns Q Business Pro subscriptions to users and groups by default. To learn more about subscription tiers, see User subscription tiers.


        If you add a user to a group in IAM Identity Center and have given that group access to your application, it can take up to 24 hours for the change to take effect and for the user to be able to access your Amazon Q Business application.

  4. For Application details – Amazon Q Business chooses the following configuration settings for your application by default:

    1. For Application service access – Amazon Q Business will create a new service-linked role for your application.

    2. Encryption – Amazon Q Business will create an AWS owned AWS KMS key to encrypt your data.

    3. Web experience service access – If you've chosen to create a web experience, Amazon Q Business creates a service access role to allow end users to log in to a Amazon Q Business web experience.

  5. (Optional) To customize Application details, expand the Application details section, and then do the following:

    1. In Application service access, for Choose a method to authorize Amazon Q Business, choose from the following options:

      1. Create and use a new service-linked role (SLR) – Create and use a new Amazon Q Business-managed IAM role to allow it to access the AWS resources it needs to create your application.

      2. Create and use a new service role (SR) – Create and use a new IAM role for Amazon Q Business to allow it to access the AWS resources it needs to create your application.

      3. Use an existing service role (SR)/service-linked role (SLR) – Use an existing service role or service-linked IAM role to allow Amazon Q Business to access the AWS resources it needs to create your application.


        For more information about example service roles, see IAM role for an Amazon Q Business application. For information on service-linked roles, including to manage them, see Using service-linked roles.

      4. Service role name – A name for the service (IAM) role you created for easy identification on the console.

    2. For Encryption – Amazon Q Business encrypts your data by default using AWS managed AWS KMS keys. To customize your encryption settings, select Customize encryption settings (advanced). Then, you can choose to use an existing AWS KMS key or create a new one.

    3. In Web experience service access, enter the following information:

      1. For Choose a method to authorize Amazon Q Business – A service access role assumed by end users when they sign in to your web experience that grants them permission to start and manage conversations Amazon Q Business. You can choose to use an existing role or create a new role.

      2. Service role name – A name for the service role you created for easy identification on the console.

  6. To start creating your application, choose Create.


    If you're creating a web experience, you can also choose to create your application and view and customize your web experience by selecting Create and open web experience.

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