Extracting content from visuals with data connectors
You can enable content extraction when you add or update a data connector with the Amazon Q Business console or API operations. Processing images and visuals takes more time than processing text-only for the documents.
When you add or update a data connector, in the Multi-media content configuration section of Sync scope, choose Visual content in documents. For more information, see the console procedure for your data connector. For example, for a console procedure for Amazon S3, see Connecting Amazon Q Business to Amazon S3 using the console.
To enable content extraction from images when you use the CreateDataSource or UpdateDataSource API operations, for
to ENABLED. The following example shows
how to enable content extraction when you create a data source. After you turn
on content extraction, you can view media extraction configuration for the data
source with the GetDataSource API operation.
aws qbusiness create-data-source \ --application-id
\ --index-idindex-67890fghij
\ --display-nameMy New S3 Source
\ --configuration '{ "S3Configuration": { "BucketName": "my-s3-bucket
", "DocumentsMetadataConfiguration": { "S3Prefix": "documents/
" } } }' \ --media-extraction-configuration '{ "imageExtractionConfiguration": { "imageExtractionStatus": "ENABLED" } }' \ --descriptionDescription of data source connector
\ --role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012