Connecting multiple Amazon Q Business applications to an Identity Provider - Amazon Q Business

Connecting multiple Amazon Q Business applications to an Identity Provider

You can connect multiple Amazon Q Business custom applications to a single SAML 2.0 or OIDC based identity provider (IdP) application. Connecting multiple Amazon Q Business applications to a single identity provider enables end users access Amazon Q Business with all their web-based tools and services through a single sign-on (SSO) provided by the IdP.

Most IdPs allow you to configure additional custom web applications alongside existing ones. In this section we use Okta as an example to show you the specific steps to configure a new custom application.


Amazon Q Business doesn't support OIDC for Google and Microsoft Entra ID.

Using SAML

In this section we use Okta as an example to show you the specific steps to configure a new custom application using SAML 2.0.

To connect multiple Amazon Q Business custom applications to Okta

  1. Sign into Okta and go to the admin console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Applications, and then choose your existing SAML 2.0 application.

  3. From General, choose SAML settings.

  4. Keep your General Settings as is and select Next.

  5. In Edit SAML Integration, for SAML Settings, under General, make sure you've already entered the Single sign-on URL and Audience URI for your first SAML application. For steps on how to do this, see Create and configure an Okta application.

  6. Then, from General, select Show Advanced Settings.

  7. Scroll down to Other Requestable SSO URLs and select Add Another.

  8. Then, add a Single sign-on URL for each additional SAML application you want to configure, and provide an index value for each. Example URL format: http://localhost:8000/saml.

  9. Then, scroll down and select Next.

  10. On the Feedback page, select Finish.

You're done with setting up your Okta application for multiple Amazon Q Business applications.

To make a request to this URI, you need to construct a SAML request in the following format:

<samlp:AuthnRequest xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" ID="_uniqueID12345" Version="2.0" IssueInstant="2024-08-08T12:00:00Z" ProtocolBinding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" Destination="https://idp-sso-url/sso" AssertionConsumerServiceIndex="0" <saml:Issuer></saml:Issuer> <samlp:NameIDPolicy Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified" AllowCreate="true" </samlp:AuthnRequest>

Then, you send a SAML request to your to your custom web application's URI with index 0. The SAML request is usually sent via HTTP redirect, which requires the XML to be Base64 encoded. This can be done programmatically in various languages. For example, in JavaScript, you would do the following:

const samlRequest = '<samlp:AuthnRequest ...>...</samlp:AuthnRequest>'; // Your SAML request const encodedRequest = btoa(samlRequest); // Base64 encoding

After encoding, redirect the user to the IdP with the following SAML request as parameter:

window.location.href = `${encodedRequest}`;

Using OIDC

You can configure multiple redirect URLs for a single OpenID Connect (OIDC) application. In this section we use Okta as an example to show you the specific steps to configure a new custom application using OIDC.

To connect multiple Amazon Q Business custom applications to Okta

  1. Sign into Okta and go to the admin console.

  2. From General, scroll down to General Settings, and then select Edit.

  3. From LOGIN, for Sign-in redirect URIs, and then select Edit.

  4. In Sign-in redirect URIs, choose Add URI to add multiple URIs. Then, select Save.

You're done with setting up your Okta application for multiple Amazon Q Business applications.