The following table provides information about error codes you may see for the Microsoft SharePoint connector and suggested troubleshooting actions.
Error code | Error message | Suggested resolution |
SPE-5001 | Authentication failed. Configuration might contain wrong credentials. | Provide valid credentials like username, password or client Id, client secret and tenant Id. |
SPE-5002 | There was a problem while connecting to Host Url and/or Domain. hostUrl and/or domain values might be incorrect. | Provide valid Host URL or Domain. |
SPE-5003 | Provided URL is incorrect | Provide correct URL. |
SPE-5004 | Inet Address validation Failed. | Provide valid Inet Address |
SPE-5005 | Failed : HTTP protocol violation has occurred. | Try running the connector again. |
SPE-5006 | Cannot connect to proxy. Check the proxy configurations. | Provide valid Proxy configuration details. |
SPE-5007 | Proxy port is invalid. Check the proxy port. | Provide valid Proxy port. |
SPE-5008 | Valid SSL Certificate could not be found for connector. | Provide valid SSL certificate. |
SPE-5009 | There was a problem while connecting to LDAP. Check LDAP configuration. | Provide valid LDAP configuration details. |
SPE-5100 | There was a problem while retrieving repositoryId. Repository ID might be empty or null. | Ensure that repository Id must not be null or empty. |
SPE-5101 | There was a problem while retrieving dataSourceIamRoleArn. Data Source IAM Role ARN might be empty or null. | Ensure that dataSourceIamRoleArn must not be null or empty. |
SPE-5102 | There was a problem while retrieving repository configurations. Repository configurations might be empty or incorrect. | Provide valid repository configurations. |
SPE-5115 | There was a problem while retrieving field mapping values for event entity. Field mapping values might be empty or incorrect. | Field mapping values for event entity should be correct or non-empty. |
SPE-5116 | There was a problem while retrieving field mapping values for file entity. Field mapping values might be empty or incorrect. | Field mapping values for file entity should be correct or non-empty. |
SPE-5117 | There was a problem while retrieving field mapping values for page entity. Field mapping values might be empty or incorrect. | Field mapping values for page entity should be correct or non-empty. |
SPE-5118 | There was a problem while retrieving field mapping values for link entity. Field mapping values might be empty or incorrect. | Field mapping values for link entity should be correct or non-empty. |
SPE-5119 | There was a problem while retrieving field mapping values for comment entity. Field mapping values might be empty or incorrect. | Field mapping values for comment entity should be correct or non-empty. |
SPE-5120 | There was a problem while retrieving field mapping values for attachment entity. Field mapping values might be empty or incorrect. | Field mapping values for attachment entity should be correct or non-empty. |
SPE-5121 | There was a problem while retrieving values for crawl entities. Values might be empty or incorrect. It should be either true or false. | There might be some incorrect value given in any one of the crawling entities like – null, TRUE or any dummy string. Ensure the value must be non-empty and either true or false. |
SPE-5122 | There was a problem while retrieving domain. Domain might be empty or null. | Provide Client Id. |
SPE-5123 | There was a problem while retrieving version. Version might be empty or null. | Provide valid version and it should not be null. |
SPE-5124 | There was a problem while retrieving authType. Auth-Type might be empty or null. | Ensure AUTH Type in configuration must be not null. |
SPE-5125 | There was a problem while retrieving clientId. Client ID might be empty or null. | Provide Client Id. |
SPE-5126 | There was a problem while retrieving clientSecret. Client Secret might be empty or null. | Provide Client Secret. |
SPE-5127 | There was a problem while retrieving tenantId. Tenant ID might be empty or null. | Provide Tenant Id. |
SPE-5128 | There was a problem while retrieving siteUrls. Site URLs might be empty or null. | Provide at least one Site Url. |
SPE-5129 | There was a problem while retrieving password. Password might be empty or null. | Provide password. |
SPE-5130 | There was a problem while retrieving username.Username might be empty or null. | Provide username. |
SPE-5131 | There was a problem while retrieving username. Email was invalid. | Provide valid email address. |
SPE-5132 | There was a problem while retrieving url. This URL was invalid. | Provide a valid URL. |
SPE-5133 | There was a problem while retrieving s3CertificateName. S3 Certificate Name might be empty or null. | Ensure s3CertificateName is not null or non-empty. |
SPE-5134 | There was a problem while retrieving s3BucketName. S3 Bucket Name might be empty or null | Ensure s3BucketName is not null or non-empty. |
SPE-5135 | The provided version was not a valid Sharepoint Connector version. Version should be one of [Online, Server]. | Version should be one of [Online, Server]. |
SPE-5136 | The provided authType was not a valid Sharepoint Connector authentication method. | Provide valid authType. The value of authType should be one of [Basic, OAuth2Certificate, OAuth2]. |
SPE-5138 | There was a problem while retrieving onPremVersion. On prem Version might be empty or null | Ensure onPremVersion is not be null or non-empty. |
SPE-5139 | The provided onPremVersion was not valid Sharepoint on-prem version. On prem version should be one of [2013, 2016, 2019, SubscriptionEdition]. | Provide a valid onPremVersion. On prem version should be one of [2013, 2016, 2019, SubscriptionEdition]. |
SPE-5140 | There was a problem while retrieving ldapUrl. LDAP Url might be empty or null. | Ensure ldapUrl is not null or empty. |
SPE-5141 | There was a problem while retrieving baseDn. Base DN might be empty or null. | Ensure baseDn is not be null or empty. |
SPE-5142 | There was a problem while retrieving privateKey. Private Key might be empty or null. | Please ensure privateKey is not be null or empty. |
SPE-5144 | There was a problem while retrieving aclConfiguration. ACL Configuration might be empty, null or invalid | Provide valid aclConfiguration. aclConfiguration should be one of [ ACLWithLDAPEmailFmt, ACLWithManualEmailFmt, ACLWithUsernameFmt ]. |
SPE-5145 | There was a problem while retrieving emailDomain. Email Domain might be empty or null. | Ensure emailDomain is not null or empty. |
SPE-5146 | There was a problem while retrieving ldapUsername. LDAP Username might be empty or null. | Ensure ldapUser is not null or empty. |
SPE-5147 | There was a problem while retrieving ldapPassword. LDAP Password might be empty or null. | Ensure ldapPassword is not null or empty. |
SPE-5149 | The provided siteUrls contain duplicate sites. Remove duplicates. | Ensure SiteUrls must not be the same. |
SPE-5150 | Invalid Client Id pattern. | Provide the correct client ID. |
SPE-5151 | Error parsing the field value. Size is over maximum allowed limit. | Ensure the size limit. |
SPE-5152 | There was a problem while retrieving AD Client ID. AD Client ID should not be empty. | Ensure AD Client Id must be non-empty. |
SPE-5153 | Invalid AD Client Id pattern. | Provide valid AD Client Id pattern. |
SPE-5154 | There was a problem while retrieving AD Client Secret. AD Client Secret should not be empty. | Ensure AD Client Secret is non-empty. |
SPE-5155 | There can't be more than one site for SharePoint on-prem app-only authentication. | Ensure that their must be only single site present for SharePoint on-prem app-only authentication. |
SPE-5200 | There was a problem while connecting to the URL. | Ensure the siteUrl exists. |