部署組態 - AWS AppConfig



建立使用特徵標記和自由格式組態資料所需的成品之後,您可以使用 AWS CLI AWS Management Console、 或 SDK 建立新的部署。在 中開始部署會 AWS AppConfig 呼叫 StartDeployment API 操作。此呼叫包含 AWS AppConfig 應用程式、環境、組態描述檔的 ID,以及要 (選擇性) 部署的組態資料版本。呼叫也包含要使用的部署策略 ID,這會決定組態資料如何部署。

如果您部署存放在 中的秘密 AWS Secrets Manager、使用客戶受管金鑰加密的 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 物件,或是使用客戶受管金鑰加密的 AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store 中儲存的安全字串參數,您必須指定 KmsKeyIdentifier 參數的值。如果您的組態未加密或使用 加密 AWS 受管金鑰,則不需要指定 KmsKeyIdentifier 參數的值。


您為 指定的值KmsKeyIdentifier必須是客戶受管金鑰。這不一定與您用來加密組態的金鑰相同。

當您使用 啟動部署時KmsKeyIdentifier,連接至您的 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 主體的許可政策必須允許 kms:GenerateDataKey操作。

AWS AppConfig 會監控所有主機的分佈並報告狀態。如果分佈失敗,則 AWS AppConfig 會復原組態。


您一次只能將一個組態部署到 環境。不過,您可以同時將每個組態部署到不同的環境。

部署組態 (主控台)

使用下列程序,使用 AWS Systems Manager 主控台部署 AWS AppConfig 組態。

  1. 在 https://https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/appconfig/ 開啟 AWS Systems Manager 主控台。

  2. 在導覽窗格中,選擇應用程式,然後選擇您在 中建立的應用程式在 中為您的應用程式建立命名空間 AWS AppConfig

  3. 環境索引標籤上,填入環境的選項按鈕,然後選擇檢視詳細資訊

  4. 選擇 Start deployment (啟動部署)

  5. 對於 Configuration (組態),請從清單中選擇一個組態。

  6. 根據您的組態來源,使用版本清單來選擇您要部署的版本。

  7. 對於 Deployment strategy (部署策略),請從清單中選擇策略。

  8. (選用) 在部署說明中輸入說明。

  9. 對於其他加密選項,請從清單中選擇 AWS Key Management Service 金鑰。

  10. (選用) 在標籤區段中,選擇新增標籤,然後輸入金鑰和選用值。您可以為資源指定最多 50 個標籤。

  11. 選擇 Start deployment (啟動部署)

部署組態 (命令)

下列程序說明如何使用 AWS CLI (在 Linux 或 Windows 上) 或 AWS Tools for PowerShell 部署 AWS AppConfig 組態。

  1. 開啟 AWS CLI。

  2. 執行下列命令來部署組態。

    aws appconfig start-deployment \ --application-id The_application_ID \ --environment-id The_environment_ID \ --deployment-strategy-id The_deployment_strategy_ID \ --configuration-profile-id The_configuration_profile_ID \ --configuration-version The_configuration_version_to_deploy \ --description A_description_of_the_deployment \ --tags User_defined_key_value_pair_metadata_of_the_deployment
    aws appconfig start-deployment ^ --application-id The_application_ID ^ --environment-id The_environment_ID ^ --deployment-strategy-id The_deployment_strategy_ID ^ --configuration-profile-id The_configuration_profile_ID ^ --configuration-version The_configuration_version_to_deploy ^ --description A_description_of_the_deployment ^ --tags User_defined_key_value_pair_metadata_of_the_deployment
    Start-APPCDeployment ` -ApplicationId The_application_ID ` -ConfigurationProfileId The_configuration_profile_ID ` -ConfigurationVersion The_configuration_version_to_deploy ` -DeploymentStrategyId The_deployment_strategy_ID ` -Description A_description_of_the_deployment ` -EnvironmentId The_environment_ID ` -Tag Hashtable_type_user_defined_key_value_pair_metadata_of_the_deployment


       "ApplicationId": "The ID of the application that was deployed",
       "EnvironmentId" : "The ID of the environment",
       "DeploymentStrategyId": "The ID of the deployment strategy that was deployed",
       "ConfigurationProfileId": "The ID of the configuration profile that was deployed",
       "DeploymentNumber": The sequence number of the deployment,
       "ConfigurationName": "The name of the configuration",
       "ConfigurationLocationUri": "Information about the source location of the configuration",
       "ConfigurationVersion": "The configuration version that was deployed",
       "Description": "The description of the deployment",
       "DeploymentDurationInMinutes": Total amount of time the deployment lasted,
       "GrowthType": "The linear or exponential algorithm used to define how percentage grew over time",
       "GrowthFactor": The percentage of targets to receive a deployed configuration during each interval,
       "FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": Time AWS AppConfig monitored for alarms before considering the deployment to be complete,
       "State": "The state of the deployment",  
       "EventLog": [ 
             "Description": "A description of the deployment event",
             "EventType": "The type of deployment event",
             "OccurredAt": The date and time the event occurred,
             "TriggeredBy": "The entity that triggered the deployment event"
       "PercentageComplete": The percentage of targets for which the deployment is available,
       "StartedAt": The time the deployment started,
       "CompletedAt": The time the deployment completed   
       "ApplicationId": "The ID of the application that was deployed",
       "EnvironmentId" : "The ID of the environment",
       "DeploymentStrategyId": "The ID of the deployment strategy that was deployed",
       "ConfigurationProfileId": "The ID of the configuration profile that was deployed",
       "DeploymentNumber": The sequence number of the deployment,
       "ConfigurationName": "The name of the configuration",
       "ConfigurationLocationUri": "Information about the source location of the configuration",
       "ConfigurationVersion": "The configuration version that was deployed",
       "Description": "The description of the deployment",
       "DeploymentDurationInMinutes": Total amount of time the deployment lasted,
       "GrowthType": "The linear or exponential algorithm used to define how percentage grew over time",
       "GrowthFactor": The percentage of targets to receive a deployed configuration during each interval,
       "FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": Time AWS AppConfig monitored for alarms before considering the deployment to be complete,
       "State": "The state of the deployment",  
       "EventLog": [ 
             "Description": "A description of the deployment event",
             "EventType": "The type of deployment event",
             "OccurredAt": The date and time the event occurred,
             "TriggeredBy": "The entity that triggered the deployment event"
       "PercentageComplete": The percentage of targets for which the deployment is available,
       "StartedAt": The time the deployment started,
       "CompletedAt": The time the deployment completed 
    ApplicationId               : The ID of the application that was deployed
    CompletedAt                 : The time the deployment completed
    ConfigurationLocationUri    : Information about the source location of the configuration
    ConfigurationName           : The name of the configuration
    ConfigurationProfileId      : The ID of the configuration profile that was deployed
    ConfigurationVersion        : The configuration version that was deployed
    ContentLength               : Runtime of the deployment 
    DeploymentDurationInMinutes : Total amount of time the deployment lasted
    DeploymentNumber            : The sequence number of the deployment
    DeploymentStrategyId        : The ID of the deployment strategy that was deployed
    Description                 : The description of the deployment
    EnvironmentId               : The ID of the environment that was deployed
    EventLog                    : {Description : A description of the deployment event, EventType : The type of deployment event, OccurredAt : The date and time the event occurred,
             TriggeredBy : The entity that triggered the deployment event}
    FinalBakeTimeInMinutes      : Time AWS AppConfig monitored for alarms before considering the deployment to be complete
    GrowthFactor                : The percentage of targets to receive a deployed configuration during each interval
    GrowthType                  : The linear or exponential algorithm used to define how percentage grew over time
    HttpStatusCode              : HTTP Status of the runtime
    PercentageComplete          : The percentage of targets for which the deployment is available
    ResponseMetadata            : Runtime Metadata
    StartedAt                   : The time the deployment started
    State                       : The state of the deployment