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為自訂 AWS AppConfig 擴充功能建立 Lambda 函數



為自訂 AWS AppConfig 擴充功能建立 Lambda 函數 - AWS AppConfig



對於大多數用例,要創建自定義擴展,必須創建一個 AWS Lambda 函數來執行擴展中定義的任何計算和處理。本節包含自訂擴充功能的 Lambda 函數範例程式 AWS AppConfig 碼。本節還包括有效負載請求和響應參考詳細信息。如需建立 Lambda 函數的相關資訊,請參閱AWS Lambda 發人員指南中的開始使用 Lambda


下列 Lambda 函數的範例程式碼在叫用時,會自動將組 AWS AppConfig 態備份到 Amazon S3 儲存貯體。每當建立或部署新組態時,都會備份組態。該示例使用擴展參數,因此存儲桶名稱不必在 Lambda 函數中進行硬編碼。通過使用擴展參數,用戶可以將擴展程序附加到多個應用程序,並將配置備份到不同的存儲桶。程式碼範例包含可進一步說明函式的註解。

AWS AppConfig 擴充功能的範例 Lambda 函數

from datetime import datetime import base64 import json import boto3 def lambda_handler(event, context): print(event) # Extensions that use the PRE_CREATE_HOSTED_CONFIGURATION_VERSION and PRE_START_DEPLOYMENT # action points receive the contents of AWS AppConfig configurations in Lambda event parameters. # Configuration contents are received as a base64-encoded string, which the lambda needs to decode # in order to get the configuration data as bytes. For other action points, the content # of the configuration isn't present, so the code below will fail. config_data_bytes = base64.b64decode(event["Content"]) # You can specify parameters for extensions. The CreateExtension API action lets you define # which parameters an extension supports. You supply the values for those parameters when you # create an extension association by calling the CreateExtensionAssociation API action. # The following code uses a parameter called S3_BUCKET to obtain the value specified in the # extension association. You can specify this parameter when you create the extension # later in this walkthrough. extension_association_params = event.get('Parameters', {}) bucket_name = extension_association_params['S3_BUCKET'] write_backup_to_s3(bucket_name, config_data_bytes) # The PRE_CREATE_HOSTED_CONFIGURATION_VERSION and PRE_START_DEPLOYMENT action points can # modify the contents of a configuration. The following code makes a minor change # for the purposes of a demonstration. old_config_data_string = config_data_bytes.decode('utf-8') new_config_data_string = old_config_data_string.replace('hello', 'hello!') new_config_data_bytes = new_config_data_string.encode('utf-8') # The lambda initially received the configuration data as a base64-encoded string # and must return it in the same format. new_config_data_base64string = base64.b64encode(new_config_data_bytes).decode('ascii') return { 'statusCode': 200, # If you want to modify the contents of the configuration, you must include the new contents in the # Lambda response. If you don't want to modify the contents, you can omit the 'Content' field shown here. 'Content': new_config_data_base64string } def write_backup_to_s3(bucket_name, config_data_bytes): s3 = boto3.resource('s3') new_object = s3.Object(bucket_name, f"config_backup_{datetime.now().isoformat()}.txt") new_object.put(Body=config_data_bytes)

如果您想要在本逐步解說中使用此範例,請使用名稱儲存該範例,MyS3ConfigurationBackUpExtension然後複製函數的 Amazon 資源名稱 (ARN)。您可以在下一節中指定建立 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 假定角色ARN時。您可以在建立副檔名時指定ARN和名稱。


本節包含使用自訂 AWS AppConfig 延伸模組的承載要求和回應參考詳細資料。



{ 'InvocationId': 'vlns753', // id for specific invocation 'Parameters': { 'ParameterOne': 'ValueOne', 'ParameterTwo': 'ValueTwo' }, 'ContentType': 'text/plain', 'ContentVersion': '2', 'Content': 'SGVsbG8gZWFydGgh', // Base64 encoded content 'Application': { 'Id': 'abcd123', 'Name': 'ApplicationName' }, 'ConfigurationProfile': { 'Id': 'ijkl789', 'Name': 'ConfigurationName' }, 'Description': '', 'Type': 'PreCreateHostedConfigurationVersion', 'PreviousContent': { 'ContentType': 'text/plain', 'ContentVersion': '1', 'Content': 'SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh' } }


{ 'InvocationId': '765ahdm', 'Parameters': { 'ParameterOne': 'ValueOne', 'ParameterTwo': 'ValueTwo' }, 'ContentType': 'text/plain', 'ContentVersion': '2', 'Content': 'SGVsbG8gZWFydGgh', 'Application': { 'Id': 'abcd123', 'Name': 'ApplicationName' }, 'Environment': { 'Id': 'ibpnqlq', 'Name': 'EnvironmentName' }, 'ConfigurationProfile': { 'Id': 'ijkl789', 'Name': 'ConfigurationName' }, 'DeploymentNumber': 2, 'Description': 'Deployment description', 'Type': 'PreStartDeployment' }

OnStartDeployment, OnDeploymentStep, OnDeployment

{ 'InvocationId': 'o2xbtm7', 'Parameters': { 'ParameterOne': 'ValueOne', 'ParameterTwo': 'ValueTwo' }, 'Type': 'OnDeploymentStart', 'Application': { 'Id': 'abcd123' }, 'Environment': { 'Id': 'efgh456' }, 'ConfigurationProfile': { 'Id': 'ijkl789', 'Name': 'ConfigurationName' }, 'DeploymentNumber': 2, 'Description': 'Deployment description', 'ConfigurationVersion': '2' }

下列範例顯示您的 Lambda 功能回應自訂 AWS AppConfig 擴充功能的要求所傳回的內容。



"Content": "SomeBase64EncodedByteArray"





{ "Error": "BadRequestError", "Message": "There was malformed stuff in here", "Details": [{ "Type": "Malformed", "Name": "S3 pointer", "Reason": "S3 bucket did not exist" }] }
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