Extract the top 100 IP addresses blocked by a specified rule type
Count the number of times a request from a specified country has been blocked
Count the number of times a request has been blocked, grouping by specific attributes
Count the number of times a specific terminating rule ID has been matched
Retrieve the top 100 IP addresses blocked during a specified date range
範例 – 擷取遭到指定規則類型封鎖的前 100 個 IP 地址
以下查詢會擷取並計算在指定日期範圍內,已遭到 RATE_BASED
終止規則封鎖的前 100 個 IP 地址。
SELECT COUNT(httpRequest.clientIp) as count, httpRequest.clientIp FROM waf_logs WHERE terminatingruletype='RATE_BASED' AND action='BLOCK' and "date" >= '2021/03/01' AND "date" < '2021/03/31' GROUP BY httpRequest.clientIp ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 100
範例 – 計算來自指定國家/地區遭到封鎖的請求次數
以下查詢會計算來自愛爾蘭 (IE) 的 IP 地址,並遭 RATE_BASED
SELECT COUNT(httpRequest.country) as count, httpRequest.country FROM waf_logs WHERE terminatingruletype='RATE_BASED' AND httpRequest.country='IE' GROUP BY httpRequest.country ORDER BY count LIMIT 100;
範例 – 計算遭封鎖的請求次數 (依特定屬性分組)
下列查詢會計算要求遭封鎖的次數,結果依 Web ACL、 RuleId、ClientIP 和HTTP要求分組。URI
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, webaclid, terminatingruleid, httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri FROM waf_logs WHERE action='BLOCK' GROUP BY webaclid, terminatingruleid, httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 100;
範例 – 計算與特定終止規則 ID 相符的次數。
以下查詢會計算與特定終止規則 ID (WHERE
) 相符的次數。然後,查詢會依「Web」、「動作」ACL、「用戶端 IP」和 HTTP「要求」來群組結果。URI
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, webaclid, action, httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri FROM waf_logs WHERE terminatingruleid='e9dd190d-7a43-4c06-bcea-409613d9506e' GROUP BY webaclid, action, httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 100;
範例 – 擷取指定日期範圍內遭到封鎖的前 100 個 IP 地址
以下查詢會擷取在指定日期範圍內,已遭到封鎖的前 100 個 IP 地址。該查詢也會列出 IP 地址遭到封鎖的次數。
SELECT "httprequest"."clientip", "count"(*) "ipcount", "httprequest"."country" FROM waf_logs WHERE "action" = 'BLOCK' and "date" >= '2021/03/01' AND "date" < '2021/03/31' GROUP BY "httprequest"."clientip", "httprequest"."country" ORDER BY "ipcount" DESC limit 100