CalculatedSpend - AWS Billing and Cost Management


The spend objects that are associated with this budget. The actualSpend tracks how much you've used, cost, usage, RI units, or Savings Plans units and the forecastedSpend tracks how much that you're predicted to spend based on your historical usage profile.

For example, if it's the 20th of the month and you have spent 50 dollars on Amazon EC2, your actualSpend is 50 USD, and your forecastedSpend is 75 USD.



The amount of cost, usage, RI units, or Savings Plans units that you used.

Type: Spend object

Required: Yes


The amount of cost, usage, RI units, or Savings Plans units that you're forecasted to use.

Type: Spend object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: