CreateAgentActionGroup 搭配 AWS SDK 使用 - Amazon Bedrock


CreateAgentActionGroup 搭配 AWS SDK 使用

下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 CreateAgentActionGroup


SDK for Python (Boto3)

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def create_agent_action_group( self, name, description, agent_id, agent_version, function_arn, api_schema ): """ Creates an action group for an agent. An action group defines a set of actions that an agent should carry out for the customer. :param name: The name to give the action group. :param description: The description of the action group. :param agent_id: The unique identifier of the agent for which to create the action group. :param agent_version: The version of the agent for which to create the action group. :param function_arn: The ARN of the Lambda function containing the business logic that is carried out upon invoking the action. :param api_schema: Contains the OpenAPI schema for the action group. :return: Details about the action group that was created. """ try: response = self.client.create_agent_action_group( actionGroupName=name, description=description, agentId=agent_id, agentVersion=agent_version, actionGroupExecutor={"lambda": function_arn}, apiSchema={"payload": api_schema}, ) agent_action_group = response["agentActionGroup"] except ClientError as e: logger.error(f"Error: Couldn't create agent action group. Here's why: {e}") raise else: return agent_action_group

如需 AWS SDK 開發人員指南和程式碼範例的完整清單,請參閱 搭配 AWS SDK 使用 Amazon Bedrock。此主題也包含有關入門的資訊和舊版 SDK 的詳細資訊。