WITH 子句是選用的子句,位於查詢中的 SELECT 前面。WITH 子句會定義一個或多個 common_table_expressions。每個通用資料表運算式 (CTE) 都會定義一個暫存資料表,與檢視定義類似。您可以在 FROM 子句中參考這些暫存資料表。這些資料表僅會在其所屬的查詢執行時使用。WITH 子句中的每個 CTE 都會指定資料表名稱、選用的資料欄名稱清單,以及判斷值為資料表的查詢表達式 (SELECT 陳述式)。
WITH 子句子查詢是定義資料表時較有效率的方式,可在執行單一查詢的過程中使用。在所有任何情況下,於 SELECT 陳述式的本體中使用子查詢都可產生相同的結果,但 WITH 子句子查詢對於寫入和讀取來說可能較為簡單。參考多次的 WITH 子句子查詢會盡可能最佳化為通用子表達式;也就是說,或許可以評估 WITH 子查詢一次並重複使用其結果 (請注意,通用子表達式不限於 WITH 子句中所定義者)。
[ WITH common_table_expression [, common_table_expression , ...] ]
CTE_table_name AS ( query )
您可以在下列 SQL 陳述式中使用 WITH 子句:
如果查詢的 FROM 子句包含 WITH 子句,但未參考 WITH 子句定義的任何資料表,則會忽略 WITH 子句,而查詢會照常執行。
WITH 子句子查詢定義的資料表只能在 WITH 子句開始的 SELECT 查詢範圍內參考。例如,您可以在 SELECT 清單、WHERE 子句或 HAVING 子句中,子查詢的 FROM 子句內參考這類資料表。您無法在子查詢中使用 WITH 子句,並於主查詢或其他子查詢的 FROM 子句內參考其資料表。此查詢模式會針對 WITH 子句資料表產生 relation
table_name doesn't exist
您無法在 WITH 子句子查詢內指定另一個 WITH 子句。
您無法對 WITH 子句子查詢定義的資料表進行向前參考。例如,以下查詢會傳回錯誤訊息,因為資料表 W1 的定義中有對資料表 W2 的向前參考:
with w1 as (select * from w2), w2 as (select * from w1) select * from sales; ERROR: relation "w2" does not exist
下列範例顯示包含 WITH 子句的最簡單查詢案例。名為 VENUECOPY 的 WITH 查詢會從 VENUE 資料表選取所有資料列。主查詢會接著從 VENUECOPY 選取所有資料列。VENUECOPY 資料表僅在此查詢期間存在。
with venuecopy as (select * from venue) select * from venuecopy order by 1 limit 10;
venueid | venuename | venuecity | venuestate | venueseats ---------+----------------------------+-----------------+------------+------------ 1 | Toyota Park | Bridgeview | IL | 0 2 | Columbus Crew Stadium | Columbus | OH | 0 3 | RFK Stadium | Washington | DC | 0 4 | CommunityAmerica Ballpark | Kansas City | KS | 0 5 | Gillette Stadium | Foxborough | MA | 68756 6 | New York Giants Stadium | East Rutherford | NJ | 80242 7 | BMO Field | Toronto | ON | 0 8 | The Home Depot Center | Carson | CA | 0 9 | Dick's Sporting Goods Park | Commerce City | CO | 0 v 10 | Pizza Hut Park | Frisco | TX | 0 (10 rows)
下列範例顯示 WITH 子句,它會產生兩個資料表,分別名為 VENUE_SALES 和 TOP_VENUES。第二個 WITH 查詢資料表會從第一個資料表選取。接著主查詢區塊的 WHERE 子句會包含限制 TOP_VENUES 資料表的子查詢。
with venue_sales as (select venuename, venuecity, sum(pricepaid) as venuename_sales from sales, venue, event where venue.venueid=event.venueid and event.eventid=sales.eventid group by venuename, venuecity), top_venues as (select venuename from venue_sales where venuename_sales > 800000) select venuename, venuecity, venuestate, sum(qtysold) as venue_qty, sum(pricepaid) as venue_sales from sales, venue, event where venue.venueid=event.venueid and event.eventid=sales.eventid and venuename in(select venuename from top_venues) group by venuename, venuecity, venuestate order by venuename;
venuename | venuecity | venuestate | venue_qty | venue_sales ------------------------+---------------+------------+-----------+------------- August Wilson Theatre | New York City | NY | 3187 | 1032156.00 Biltmore Theatre | New York City | NY | 2629 | 828981.00 Charles Playhouse | Boston | MA | 2502 | 857031.00 Ethel Barrymore Theatre | New York City | NY | 2828 | 891172.00 Eugene O'Neill Theatre | New York City | NY | 2488 | 828950.00 Greek Theatre | Los Angeles | CA | 2445 | 838918.00 Helen Hayes Theatre | New York City | NY | 2948 | 978765.00 Hilton Theatre | New York City | NY | 2999 | 885686.00 Imperial Theatre | New York City | NY | 2702 | 877993.00 Lunt-Fontanne Theatre | New York City | NY | 3326 | 1115182.00 Majestic Theatre | New York City | NY | 2549 | 894275.00 Nederlander Theatre | New York City | NY | 2934 | 936312.00 Pasadena Playhouse | Pasadena | CA | 2739 | 820435.00 Winter Garden Theatre | New York City | NY | 2838 | 939257.00 (14 rows)
以下兩個範例將示範根據 WITH 子句子查詢的資料表參考範圍規則。第一個查詢會執行,但第二個會失敗,並產生預期的錯誤。第一個查詢會在主查詢的 SELECT 清單內包含 WITH 子句子查詢。WITH 子句定義的資料表 (HOLIDAYS) 會在 SELECT 清單中子查詢的 FROM 子句中參考:
select caldate, sum(pricepaid) as daysales, (with holidays as (select * from date where holiday ='t') select sum(pricepaid) from sales join holidays on sales.dateid=holidays.dateid where caldate='2008-12-25') as dec25sales from sales join date on sales.dateid=date.dateid where caldate in('2008-12-25','2008-12-31') group by caldate order by caldate; caldate | daysales | dec25sales -----------+----------+------------ 2008-12-25 | 70402.00 | 70402.00 2008-12-31 | 12678.00 | 70402.00 (2 rows)
第二個查詢會失敗,因為它會嘗試參考主查詢以及 SELECT 清單子查詢中的 HOLIDAYS 資料表。而主查詢參考超出範圍。
select caldate, sum(pricepaid) as daysales, (with holidays as (select * from date where holiday ='t') select sum(pricepaid) from sales join holidays on sales.dateid=holidays.dateid where caldate='2008-12-25') as dec25sales from sales join holidays on sales.dateid=holidays.dateid where caldate in('2008-12-25','2008-12-31') group by caldate order by caldate; ERROR: relation "holidays" does not exist