文件 AWS SDK AWS 範例 SDK 儲存庫中有更多可用的
搭配 a AWS SDK 或 CLI 使用
下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 GetRestApis
若要取得 REST 清單 APIs
aws apigateway get-rest-apis
{ "items": [ { "createdDate": 1438884790, "id": "12s44z21rb", "name": "My First API" } ] }
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱 AWS CLI 命令參考中的 GetRestApis
- Python
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫
中設定和執行。 class ApiGatewayToService: """ Encapsulates Amazon API Gateway functions that are used to create a REST API that integrates with another AWS service. """ def __init__(self, apig_client): """ :param apig_client: A Boto3 API Gateway client. """ self.apig_client = apig_client self.api_id = None self.root_id = None self.stage = None def get_rest_api_id(self, api_name): """ Gets the ID of a REST API from its name by searching the list of REST APIs for the current account. Because names need not be unique, this returns only the first API with the specified name. :param api_name: The name of the API to look up. :return: The ID of the specified API. """ try: rest_api = None paginator = self.apig_client.get_paginator("get_rest_apis") for page in paginator.paginate(): rest_api = next( (item for item in page["items"] if item["name"] == api_name), None ) if rest_api is not None: break self.api_id = rest_api["id"] logger.info("Found ID %s for API %s.", rest_api["id"], api_name) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't find ID for API %s.", api_name) raise else: return rest_api["id"]
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱 GetRestApis AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) Word 參考中的 API。
- Rust
- Rust 的 SDK
還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫
中設定和執行。 顯示 區域中的 Amazon API Gateway REST APIs。
async fn show_apis(client: &Client) -> Result<(), Error> { let resp = client.get_rest_apis().send().await?; for api in resp.items() { println!("ID: {}", api.id().unwrap_or_default()); println!("Name: {}", api.name().unwrap_or_default()); println!("Description: {}", api.description().unwrap_or_default()); println!("Version: {}", api.version().unwrap_or_default()); println!( "Created: {}", api.created_date().unwrap().to_chrono_utc()? ); println!(); } Ok(()) }
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱 GetRestApis
AWS for Rust SDK 參考中的 API。