根據 aURI Functions 檢視器請求事件的 KeyValueStore 組態重寫請求 CloudFront - AWS SDK 程式碼範例

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根據 aURI Functions 檢視器請求事件的 KeyValueStore 組態重寫請求 CloudFront

下列程式碼範例示範如何根據 aURI Functions 檢視器請求事件的 KeyValueStore 組態重寫請求 CloudFront 。

JavaScript 執行期 2.0 for CloudFront Functions

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import cf from 'cloudfront'; // (Optional) Replace KVS_ID with actual KVS ID const kvsId = "KVS_ID"; // enable stickiness by setting a cookie from origin or using another edge function const stickinessCookieName = "appversion"; // set to true to enable console logging const loggingEnabled = false; // function rewrites the request uri based on configuration in KVS // example config in KVS in key:value format // "latest": {"a_weightage": .8, "a_url": "v1", "b_url": "v2"} // given above key and value in KVS the request uri will be rewritten // for example http(s)://domain/latest/something/else will be rewritten as http(s)://domain/v1/something/else or http(s)://domain/v2/something/else depending on weightage // if no configuration is found, then the request is returned as is async function handler(event) { // NOTE: This example function is for a viewer request event trigger. // Choose viewer request for event trigger when you associate this function with a distribution. const request = event.request; const pathSegments = request.uri.split('/'); const key = pathSegments[1]; // if empty path segment or if there is valid stickiness cookie // then skip call to KVS and let the request continue. if (!key || hasValidSticknessCookie(request.cookies[stickinessCookieName], key)) { return event.request; } try { // get the prefix replacement from KVS const replacement = await getPathPrefixByWeightage(key); if (!replacement) { return event.request; } //Replace the first path with the replacement pathSegments[1] = replacement; log(`using prefix ${pathSegments[1]}`) const newUri = pathSegments.join('/'); log(`${request.uri} -> ${newUri}`); request.uri = newUri; return request; } catch (err) { // No change to the path if the key is not found or any other error log(`request uri: ${request.uri}, error: ${err}`); } // no change to path - return request return event.request; } // function to get the prefix from KVS async function getPathPrefixByWeightage(key) { const kvsHandle = cf.kvs(kvsId); // get the weightage config from KVS const kvsResponse = await kvsHandle.get(key); const weightageConfig = JSON.parse(kvsResponse); // no configuration - return null if (!weightageConfig || !isFinite(weightageConfig.a_weightage)) { return null; } // return the url based on weightage // return null if no url is configured if (Math.random() <= weightageConfig.a_weightage) { return weightageConfig.a_url ? weightageConfig.a_url: null; } else { return weightageConfig.b_url ? weightageConfig.b_url : null; } } // function to check if the stickiness cookie is valid function hasValidSticknessCookie(stickinessCookie, pathSegment) { // if the value exists and it matches pathSegment return (stickinessCookie && stickinessCookie.value === pathSegment) } function log(message) { if (loggingEnabled) { console.log(message); } }