ListFHIRDatastoreImportJobs 搭配 a AWS SDK 使用 - AWS SDK 程式碼範例

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ListFHIRDatastoreImportJobs 搭配 a AWS SDK 使用

下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 ListFHIRDatastoreImportJobs

SDK for Python (Boto3)

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@classmethod def from_client(cls) -> "HealthLakeWrapper": """ Creates a HealthLakeWrapper instance with a default AWS HealthLake client. :return: An instance of HealthLakeWrapper initialized with the default HealthLake client. """ health_lake_client = boto3.client("healthlake") return cls(health_lake_client) def list_fhir_import_jobs( self, datastore_id: str, job_name: str = None, job_status: str = None, submitted_before: datetime = None, submitted_after: datetime = None, ) -> list[dict[str, any]]: """ Lists HealthLake import jobs satisfying the conditions. :param datastore_id: The datastore ID. :param job_name: The import job name. :param job_status: The import job status. :param submitted_before: The import job submitted before the specified date. :param submitted_after: The import job submitted after the specified date. :return: A list of import jobs. """ try: parameters = {"DatastoreId": datastore_id} if job_name is not None: parameters["JobName"] = job_name if job_status is not None: parameters["JobStatus"] = job_status if submitted_before is not None: parameters["SubmittedBefore"] = submitted_before if submitted_after is not None: parameters["SubmittedAfter"] = submitted_after next_token = None jobs = [] # Loop through paginated results. while True: if next_token is not None: parameters["NextToken"] = next_token response = self.health_lake_client.list_fhir_import_jobs(**parameters) jobs.extend(response["ImportJobPropertiesList"]) if "NextToken" in response: next_token = response["NextToken"] else: break return jobs except ClientError as err: logger.exception( "Couldn't list import jobs. Here's why %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise