文件 AWS SDK AWS 範例 SDK 儲存庫中有更多可用的
搭配 a AWS SDK 或 CLI 使用
下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 Invoke
- .NET
- AWS SDK for .NET
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中設定和執行。 /// <summary> /// Invoke a Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the Lambda function to /// invoke.</param /// <param name="parameters">The parameter values that will be passed to the function.</param> /// <returns>A System Threading Task.</returns> public async Task<string> InvokeFunctionAsync( string functionName, string parameters) { var payload = parameters; var request = new InvokeRequest { FunctionName = functionName, Payload = payload, }; var response = await _lambdaService.InvokeAsync(request); MemoryStream stream = response.Payload; string returnValue = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray()); return returnValue; }
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱在 Word 參考中叫用。 AWS SDK for .NET API
- C++
- C++ 的 SDK
還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫
中設定和執行。 Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration clientConfig; // Optional: Set to the AWS Region in which the bucket was created (overrides config file). // clientConfig.region = "us-east-1"; Aws::Lambda::LambdaClient client(clientConfig); Aws::Lambda::Model::InvokeRequest request; request.SetFunctionName(LAMBDA_NAME); request.SetLogType(logType); std::shared_ptr<Aws::IOStream> payload = Aws::MakeShared<Aws::StringStream>( "FunctionTest"); *payload << jsonPayload.View().WriteReadable(); request.SetBody(payload); request.SetContentType("application/json"); Aws::Lambda::Model::InvokeOutcome outcome = client.Invoke(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { invokeResult = std::move(outcome.GetResult()); result = true; break; } else { std::cerr << "Error with Lambda::InvokeRequest. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; break; }
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱在 Word 參考中叫用。 AWS SDK for C++ API
範例 1:若要同步調用 Lambda 函數
函數。如果您使用的是 AWS CLI 第 2 版,則需要cli-binary-format
選項。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 AWS 命令列介面使用者指南中的 CLI 支援的全域命令列選項。 AWSaws lambda invoke \ --function-name
\ --cli-binary-formatraw-in-base64-out
\ --payload '{ "name": "Bob" }
' \response.json
{ "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST", "StatusCode": 200 }
如需詳細資訊,請參閱《AWS Lambda 開發人員指南》中的同步調用。
範例 2:若要非同步調用 Lambda 函數
函數。如果您使用的是 AWS CLI 第 2 版,則需要cli-binary-format
選項。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 AWS 命令列介面使用者指南中的 CLI 支援的全域命令列選項。 AWSaws lambda invoke \ --function-name
\ --invocation-typeEvent
\ --cli-binary-formatraw-in-base64-out
\ --payload '{ "name": "Bob" }
' \response.json
{ "StatusCode": 202 }
如需詳細資訊,請參閱《AWS Lambda 開發人員指南》中的非同步調用。
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱 AWS CLI 命令參考中的叫用
- Go
- SDK for Go V2
還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫
中設定和執行。 import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "log" "time" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/lambda" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/lambda/types" ) // FunctionWrapper encapsulates function actions used in the examples. // It contains an AWS Lambda service client that is used to perform user actions. type FunctionWrapper struct { LambdaClient *lambda.Client } // Invoke invokes the Lambda function specified by functionName, passing the parameters // as a JSON payload. When getLog is true, types.LogTypeTail is specified, which tells // Lambda to include the last few log lines in the returned result. func (wrapper FunctionWrapper) Invoke(ctx context.Context, functionName string, parameters any, getLog bool) *lambda.InvokeOutput { logType := types.LogTypeNone if getLog { logType = types.LogTypeTail } payload, err := json.Marshal(parameters) if err != nil { log.Panicf("Couldn't marshal parameters to JSON. Here's why %v\n", err) } invokeOutput, err := wrapper.LambdaClient.Invoke(ctx, &lambda.InvokeInput{ FunctionName: aws.String(functionName), LogType: logType, Payload: payload, }) if err != nil { log.Panicf("Couldn't invoke function %v. Here's why: %v\n", functionName, err) } return invokeOutput }
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱在 Word 參考中叫用
。 AWS SDK for Go API
- Java
- Java 2.x 的 SDK
還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫
中設定和執行。 /** * Invokes a specific AWS Lambda function. * * @param awsLambda an instance of {@link LambdaClient} to interact with the AWS Lambda service * @param functionName the name of the AWS Lambda function to be invoked */ public static void invokeFunction(LambdaClient awsLambda, String functionName) { InvokeResponse res; try { // Need a SdkBytes instance for the payload. JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); jsonObj.put("inputValue", "2000"); String json = jsonObj.toString(); SdkBytes payload = SdkBytes.fromUtf8String(json); InvokeRequest request = InvokeRequest.builder() .functionName(functionName) .payload(payload) .build(); res = awsLambda.invoke(request); String value = res.payload().asUtf8String(); System.out.println(value); } catch (LambdaException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } }
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱在 Word 參考中叫用。 AWS SDK for Java 2.x API
- JavaScript
- SDK for JavaScript (v3)
還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫
中設定和執行。 const invoke = async (funcName, payload) => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const command = new InvokeCommand({ FunctionName: funcName, Payload: JSON.stringify(payload), LogType: LogType.Tail, }); const { Payload, LogResult } = await client.send(command); const result = Buffer.from(Payload).toString(); const logs = Buffer.from(LogResult, "base64").toString(); return { logs, result }; };
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱在 Word 參考中叫用。 AWS SDK for JavaScript API
- Kotlin
- SDK for Kotlin
還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫
中設定和執行。 suspend fun invokeFunction(functionNameVal: String) { val json = """{"inputValue":"1000"}""" val byteArray = json.trimIndent().encodeToByteArray() val request = InvokeRequest { functionName = functionNameVal logType = LogType.Tail payload = byteArray } LambdaClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { awsLambda -> val res = awsLambda.invoke(request) println("${res.payload?.toString(Charsets.UTF_8)}") println("The log result is ${res.logResult}") } }
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱在 Word for Kotlin Word 參考中叫用
- 適用於 PHP 的 SDK
還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫
中設定和執行。 public function invoke($functionName, $params, $logType = 'None') { return $this->lambdaClient->invoke([ 'FunctionName' => $functionName, 'Payload' => json_encode($params), 'LogType' => $logType, ]); }
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱在 Word 參考中叫用。 AWS SDK for PHP API
- Python
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫
中設定和執行。 class LambdaWrapper: def __init__(self, lambda_client, iam_resource): self.lambda_client = lambda_client self.iam_resource = iam_resource def invoke_function(self, function_name, function_params, get_log=False): """ Invokes a Lambda function. :param function_name: The name of the function to invoke. :param function_params: The parameters of the function as a dict. This dict is serialized to JSON before it is sent to Lambda. :param get_log: When true, the last 4 KB of the execution log are included in the response. :return: The response from the function invocation. """ try: response = self.lambda_client.invoke( FunctionName=function_name, Payload=json.dumps(function_params), LogType="Tail" if get_log else "None", ) logger.info("Invoked function %s.", function_name) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't invoke function %s.", function_name) raise return response
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱在 Word for Python (Boto3) Word 參考中叫用。 AWS SDK API
- Ruby
- Ruby 的 SDK
還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫
中設定和執行。 class LambdaWrapper attr_accessor :lambda_client, :cloudwatch_client, :iam_client def initialize @lambda_client = Aws::Lambda::Client.new @cloudwatch_client = Aws::CloudWatchLogs::Client.new(region: 'us-east-1') @iam_client = Aws::IAM::Client.new(region: 'us-east-1') @logger = Logger.new($stdout) @logger.level = Logger::WARN end # Invokes a Lambda function. # @param function_name [String] The name of the function to invoke. # @param payload [nil] Payload containing runtime parameters. # @return [Object] The response from the function invocation. def invoke_function(function_name, payload = nil) params = { function_name: function_name } params[:payload] = payload unless payload.nil? @lambda_client.invoke(params) rescue Aws::Lambda::Errors::ServiceException => e @logger.error("There was an error executing #{function_name}:\n #{e.message}") end
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱在 Word 參考中叫用。 AWS SDK for Ruby API
- Rust
- Rust 的 SDK
還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫
中設定和執行。 /** Invoke the lambda function using calculator InvokeArgs. */ pub async fn invoke(&self, args: InvokeArgs) -> Result<InvokeOutput, anyhow::Error> { info!(?args, "Invoking {}", self.lambda_name); let payload = serde_json::to_string(&args)?; debug!(?payload, "Sending payload"); self.lambda_client .invoke() .function_name(self.lambda_name.clone()) .payload(Blob::new(payload)) .send() .await .map_err(anyhow::Error::from) } fn log_invoke_output(invoke: &InvokeOutput, message: &str) { if let Some(payload) = invoke.payload().cloned() { let payload = String::from_utf8(payload.into_inner()); info!(?payload, message); } else { info!("Could not extract payload") } if let Some(logs) = invoke.log_result() { debug!(?logs, "Invoked function logs") } else { debug!("Invoked function had no logs") } }
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱在 Word for Rust Word 參考中叫用
還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫
中設定和執行。 TRY. DATA(lv_json) = /aws1/cl_rt_util=>string_to_xstring( `{` && `"action": "increment",` && `"number": 10` && `}` ). oo_result = lo_lmd->invoke( " oo_result is returned for testing purposes. " iv_functionname = iv_function_name iv_payload = lv_json ). MESSAGE 'Lambda function invoked.' TYPE 'I'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdinvparamvalueex. MESSAGE 'The request contains a non-valid parameter.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdinvrequestcontex. MESSAGE 'Unable to parse request body as JSON.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdinvalidzipfileex. MESSAGE 'The deployment package could not be unzipped.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdrequesttoolargeex. MESSAGE 'Invoke request body JSON input limit was exceeded by the request payload.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdresourceconflictex. MESSAGE 'Resource already exists or another operation is in progress.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdresourcenotfoundex. MESSAGE 'The requested resource does not exist.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdserviceexception. MESSAGE 'An internal problem was encountered by the AWS Lambda service.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdtoomanyrequestsex. MESSAGE 'The maximum request throughput was reached.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_lmdunsuppedmediatyp00. MESSAGE 'Invoke request body does not have JSON as its content type.' TYPE 'E'. ENDTRY.
如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱在 Word for Word Word 中叫用 Word Word 參考。 AWS SDK SAP ABAP API