ViewBilling 搭配 a AWS SDK 或 CLI 使用 - AWS SDK 程式碼範例

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ViewBilling 搭配 a AWS SDK 或 CLI 使用

下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 ViewBilling



還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫中設定和執行。

/// <summary> /// View billing records for the account between a start and end date. /// </summary> /// <param name="startDate">The start date for billing results.</param> /// <param name="endDate">The end date for billing results.</param> /// <returns>A collection of billing records.</returns> public async Task<List<BillingRecord>> ViewBilling(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { var results = new List<BillingRecord>(); var paginateBilling = _amazonRoute53Domains.Paginators.ViewBilling( new ViewBillingRequest() { Start = startDate, End = endDate }); // Get the entire list using the paginator. await foreach (var billingRecords in paginateBilling.BillingRecords) { results.Add(billingRecords); } return results; }
  • 如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱 ViewBilling AWS SDK for .NET 參考中的 API


取得目前 AWS 帳戶的網域註冊費用帳單資訊

下列view-billing命令會傳回目前帳戶在 2018 年 1 月 1 日 (1514764800 在 Unix 時間) 和 2019 年 12 月 31 日 (1577836800 在 Unix 時間的午夜期間的所有網域相關帳單記錄)。

此命令僅在 us-east-1 區域中執行。如果您的預設區域設定為 us-east-1,您可以省略 region 參數。

aws route53domains view-billing \ --region us-east-1 \ --start-time 1514764800 \ --end-time 1577836800


{ "BillingRecords": [ { "DomainName": "", "Operation": "RENEW_DOMAIN", "InvoiceId": "149962827", "BillDate": 1536618063.181, "Price": 12.0 }, { "DomainName": "", "Operation": "RENEW_DOMAIN", "InvoiceId": "290913289", "BillDate": 1568162630.884, "Price": 12.0 } ] }

如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Amazon Route 53 ViewBilling 參考中的 Word。 Amazon Route 53 API

  • 如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱 AWS CLI 命令參考中的 ViewBilling

Java 2.x 的 SDK

還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫中設定和執行。

public static void listBillingRecords(Route53DomainsClient route53DomainsClient) { try { Date currentDate = new Date(); LocalDateTime localDateTime = currentDate.toInstant().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDateTime(); ZoneOffset zoneOffset = ZoneOffset.of("+01:00"); LocalDateTime localDateTime2 = localDateTime.minusYears(1); Instant myStartTime = localDateTime2.toInstant(zoneOffset); Instant myEndTime = localDateTime.toInstant(zoneOffset); ViewBillingRequest viewBillingRequest = ViewBillingRequest.builder() .start(myStartTime) .end(myEndTime) .build(); ViewBillingIterable listRes = route53DomainsClient.viewBillingPaginator(viewBillingRequest); .flatMap(r -> r.billingRecords().stream()) .forEach(content -> System.out.println(" Bill Date:: " + content.billDate() + " Operation: " + content.operationAsString() + " Price: " + content.price())); } catch (Route53Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } }
  • 如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱 ViewBilling AWS SDK for Java 2.x 參考中的 API

Kotlin 的 SDK

還有更多 on GitHub。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫中設定和執行。

suspend fun listBillingRecords() { val currentDate = Date() val localDateTime = currentDate.toInstant().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDateTime() val zoneOffset = ZoneOffset.of("+01:00") val localDateTime2 = localDateTime.minusYears(1) val myStartTime = localDateTime2.toInstant(zoneOffset) val myEndTime = localDateTime.toInstant(zoneOffset) val timeStart: Instant? = myStartTime?.let { Instant(it) } val timeEnd: Instant? = myEndTime?.let { Instant(it) } val viewBillingRequest = ViewBillingRequest { start = timeStart end = timeEnd } Route53DomainsClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { route53DomainsClient -> route53DomainsClient .viewBillingPaginated(viewBillingRequest) .transform { it.billingRecords?.forEach { obj -> emit(obj) } } .collect { billing -> println("Bill Date: ${billing.billDate}") println("Operation: ${billing.operation}") println("Price: ${billing.price}") } } }
  • 如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱 ViewBilling AWS for Kotlin SDK 參考中的 API