使用適用於 Swift 的 SDK 的 DynamoDB 範例 - AWS SDK 程式碼範例

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使用適用於 Swift 的 SDK 的 DynamoDB 範例

下列程式碼範例示範如何使用適用於 Swift 的 AWS SDK 搭配 DynamoDB 來執行動作和實作常見案例。


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  • 建立可存放電影資料的資料表。

  • 放入、取得和更新資料表中的單個電影。

  • 將影片資料從範例 JSON 檔案寫入資料表。

  • 查詢特定年份發表的電影。

  • 掃描某個年份範圍內發表的電影。

  • 從資料表刪除電影,然後刪除資料表。

SDK for Swift

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一個用於處理對適用於 Swift 的 SDK 之 DynamoDB 呼叫的 Swift 類別。

import AWSDynamoDB import Foundation /// An enumeration of error codes representing issues that can arise when using /// the `MovieTable` class. enum MoviesError: Error { /// The specified table wasn't found or couldn't be created. case TableNotFound /// The specified item wasn't found or couldn't be created. case ItemNotFound /// The Amazon DynamoDB client is not properly initialized. case UninitializedClient /// The table status reported by Amazon DynamoDB is not recognized. case StatusUnknown /// One or more specified attribute values are invalid or missing. case InvalidAttributes } /// A class representing an Amazon DynamoDB table containing movie /// information. public class MovieTable { var ddbClient: DynamoDBClient? let tableName: String /// Create an object representing a movie table in an Amazon DynamoDB /// database. /// /// - Parameters: /// - region: The optional Amazon Region to create the database in. /// - tableName: The name to assign to the table. If not specified, a /// random table name is generated automatically. /// /// > Note: The table is not necessarily available when this function /// returns. Use `tableExists()` to check for its availability, or /// `awaitTableActive()` to wait until the table's status is reported as /// ready to use by Amazon DynamoDB. /// init(region: String? = nil, tableName: String) async throws { do { let config = try await DynamoDBClient.DynamoDBClientConfiguration() if let region = region { config.region = region } self.ddbClient = DynamoDBClient(config: config) self.tableName = tableName try await self.createTable() } catch { print("ERROR: ", dump(error, name: "Initializing Amazon DynamoDBClient client")) throw error } } /// /// Create a movie table in the Amazon DynamoDB data store. /// private func createTable() async throws { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } let input = CreateTableInput( attributeDefinitions: [ DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeDefinition(attributeName: "year", attributeType: .n), DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeDefinition(attributeName: "title", attributeType: .s) ], keySchema: [ DynamoDBClientTypes.KeySchemaElement(attributeName: "year", keyType: .hash), DynamoDBClientTypes.KeySchemaElement(attributeName: "title", keyType: .range) ], provisionedThroughput: DynamoDBClientTypes.ProvisionedThroughput( readCapacityUnits: 10, writeCapacityUnits: 10 ), tableName: self.tableName ) let output = try await client.createTable(input: input) if output.tableDescription == nil { throw MoviesError.TableNotFound } } catch { print("ERROR: createTable:", dump(error)) throw error } } /// Check to see if the table exists online yet. /// /// - Returns: `true` if the table exists, or `false` if not. /// func tableExists() async throws -> Bool { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } let input = DescribeTableInput( tableName: tableName ) let output = try await client.describeTable(input: input) guard let description = output.table else { throw MoviesError.TableNotFound } return description.tableName == self.tableName } catch { print("ERROR: tableExists:", dump(error)) throw error } } /// /// Waits for the table to exist and for its status to be active. /// func awaitTableActive() async throws { while try (await self.tableExists() == false) { do { let duration = UInt64(0.25 * 1_000_000_000) // Convert .25 seconds to nanoseconds. try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: duration) } catch { print("Sleep error:", dump(error)) } } while try (await self.getTableStatus() != .active) { do { let duration = UInt64(0.25 * 1_000_000_000) // Convert .25 seconds to nanoseconds. try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: duration) } catch { print("Sleep error:", dump(error)) } } } /// /// Deletes the table from Amazon DynamoDB. /// func deleteTable() async throws { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } let input = DeleteTableInput( tableName: self.tableName ) _ = try await client.deleteTable(input: input) } catch { print("ERROR: deleteTable:", dump(error)) throw error } } /// Get the table's status. /// /// - Returns: The table status, as defined by the /// `DynamoDBClientTypes.TableStatus` enum. /// func getTableStatus() async throws -> DynamoDBClientTypes.TableStatus { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } let input = DescribeTableInput( tableName: self.tableName ) let output = try await client.describeTable(input: input) guard let description = output.table else { throw MoviesError.TableNotFound } guard let status = description.tableStatus else { throw MoviesError.StatusUnknown } return status } catch { print("ERROR: getTableStatus:", dump(error)) throw error } } /// Populate the movie database from the specified JSON file. /// /// - Parameter jsonPath: Path to a JSON file containing movie data. /// func populate(jsonPath: String) async throws { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } // Create a Swift `URL` and use it to load the file into a `Data` // object. Then decode the JSON into an array of `Movie` objects. let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: jsonPath) let jsonData = try Data(contentsOf: fileUrl) var movieList = try JSONDecoder().decode([Movie].self, from: jsonData) // Truncate the list to the first 200 entries or so for this example. if movieList.count > 200 { movieList = Array(movieList[...199]) } // Before sending records to the database, break the movie list into // 25-entry chunks, which is the maximum size of a batch item request. let count = movieList.count let chunks = stride(from: 0, to: count, by: 25).map { Array(movieList[$0 ..< Swift.min($0 + 25, count)]) } // For each chunk, create a list of write request records and populate // them with `PutRequest` requests, each specifying one movie from the // chunk. Once the chunk's items are all in the `PutRequest` list, // send them to Amazon DynamoDB using the // `DynamoDBClient.batchWriteItem()` function. for chunk in chunks { var requestList: [DynamoDBClientTypes.WriteRequest] = [] for movie in chunk { let item = try await movie.getAsItem() let request = DynamoDBClientTypes.WriteRequest( putRequest: .init( item: item ) ) requestList.append(request) } let input = BatchWriteItemInput(requestItems: [tableName: requestList]) _ = try await client.batchWriteItem(input: input) } } catch { print("ERROR: populate:", dump(error)) throw error } } /// Add a movie specified as a `Movie` structure to the Amazon DynamoDB /// table. /// /// - Parameter movie: The `Movie` to add to the table. /// func add(movie: Movie) async throws { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } // Get a DynamoDB item containing the movie data. let item = try await movie.getAsItem() // Send the `PutItem` request to Amazon DynamoDB. let input = PutItemInput( item: item, tableName: self.tableName ) _ = try await client.putItem(input: input) } catch { print("ERROR: add movie:", dump(error)) throw error } } /// Given a movie's details, add a movie to the Amazon DynamoDB table. /// /// - Parameters: /// - title: The movie's title as a `String`. /// - year: The release year of the movie (`Int`). /// - rating: The movie's rating if available (`Double`; default is /// `nil`). /// - plot: A summary of the movie's plot (`String`; default is `nil`, /// indicating no plot summary is available). /// func add(title: String, year: Int, rating: Double? = nil, plot: String? = nil) async throws { do { let movie = Movie(title: title, year: year, rating: rating, plot: plot) try await self.add(movie: movie) } catch { print("ERROR: add with fields:", dump(error)) throw error } } /// Return a `Movie` record describing the specified movie from the Amazon /// DynamoDB table. /// /// - Parameters: /// - title: The movie's title (`String`). /// - year: The movie's release year (`Int`). /// /// - Throws: `MoviesError.ItemNotFound` if the movie isn't in the table. /// /// - Returns: A `Movie` record with the movie's details. func get(title: String, year: Int) async throws -> Movie { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } let input = GetItemInput( key: [ "year": .n(String(year)), "title": .s(title) ], tableName: self.tableName ) let output = try await client.getItem(input: input) guard let item = output.item else { throw MoviesError.ItemNotFound } let movie = try Movie(withItem: item) return movie } catch { print("ERROR: get:", dump(error)) throw error } } /// Get all the movies released in the specified year. /// /// - Parameter year: The release year of the movies to return. /// /// - Returns: An array of `Movie` objects describing each matching movie. /// func getMovies(fromYear year: Int) async throws -> [Movie] { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } let input = QueryInput( expressionAttributeNames: [ "#y": "year" ], expressionAttributeValues: [ ":y": .n(String(year)) ], keyConditionExpression: "#y = :y", tableName: self.tableName ) // Use "Paginated" to get all the movies. // This lets the SDK handle the 'lastEvaluatedKey' property in "QueryOutput". let pages = client.queryPaginated(input: input) var movieList: [Movie] = [] for try await page in pages { guard let items = page.items else { print("Error: no items returned.") continue } // Convert the found movies into `Movie` objects and return an array // of them. for item in items { let movie = try Movie(withItem: item) movieList.append(movie) } } return movieList } catch { print("ERROR: getMovies:", dump(error)) throw error } } /// Return an array of `Movie` objects released in the specified range of /// years. /// /// - Parameters: /// - firstYear: The first year of movies to return. /// - lastYear: The last year of movies to return. /// - startKey: A starting point to resume processing; always use `nil`. /// /// - Returns: An array of `Movie` objects describing the matching movies. /// /// > Note: The `startKey` parameter is used by this function when /// recursively calling itself, and should always be `nil` when calling /// directly. /// func getMovies(firstYear: Int, lastYear: Int, startKey: [Swift.String: DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue]? = nil) async throws -> [Movie] { do { var movieList: [Movie] = [] guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } let input = ScanInput( consistentRead: true, exclusiveStartKey: startKey, expressionAttributeNames: [ "#y": "year" // `year` is a reserved word, so use `#y` instead. ], expressionAttributeValues: [ ":y1": .n(String(firstYear)), ":y2": .n(String(lastYear)) ], filterExpression: "#y BETWEEN :y1 AND :y2", tableName: self.tableName ) let pages = client.scanPaginated(input: input) for try await page in pages { guard let items = page.items else { print("Error: no items returned.") continue } // Build an array of `Movie` objects for the returned items. for item in items { let movie = try Movie(withItem: item) movieList.append(movie) } } return movieList } catch { print("ERROR: getMovies with scan:", dump(error)) throw error } } /// Update the specified movie with new `rating` and `plot` information. /// /// - Parameters: /// - title: The title of the movie to update. /// - year: The release year of the movie to update. /// - rating: The new rating for the movie. /// - plot: The new plot summary string for the movie. /// /// - Returns: An array of mappings of attribute names to their new /// listing each item actually changed. Items that didn't need to change /// aren't included in this list. `nil` if no changes were made. /// func update(title: String, year: Int, rating: Double? = nil, plot: String? = nil) async throws -> [Swift.String: DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue]? { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } // Build the update expression and the list of expression attribute // values. Include only the information that's changed. var expressionParts: [String] = [] var attrValues: [Swift.String: DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue] = [:] if rating != nil { expressionParts.append("info.rating=:r") attrValues[":r"] = .n(String(rating!)) } if plot != nil { expressionParts.append("info.plot=:p") attrValues[":p"] = .s(plot!) } let expression = "set \(expressionParts.joined(separator: ", "))" let input = UpdateItemInput( // Create substitution tokens for the attribute values, to ensure // no conflicts in expression syntax. expressionAttributeValues: attrValues, // The key identifying the movie to update consists of the release // year and title. key: [ "year": .n(String(year)), "title": .s(title) ], returnValues: .updatedNew, tableName: self.tableName, updateExpression: expression ) let output = try await client.updateItem(input: input) guard let attributes: [Swift.String: DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue] = output.attributes else { throw MoviesError.InvalidAttributes } return attributes } catch { print("ERROR: update:", dump(error)) throw error } } /// Delete a movie, given its title and release year. /// /// - Parameters: /// - title: The movie's title. /// - year: The movie's release year. /// func delete(title: String, year: Int) async throws { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } let input = DeleteItemInput( key: [ "year": .n(String(year)), "title": .s(title) ], tableName: self.tableName ) _ = try await client.deleteItem(input: input) } catch { print("ERROR: delete:", dump(error)) throw error } } }

MovieTable 類別用來表示電影的結構。

import Foundation import AWSDynamoDB /// The optional details about a movie. public struct Details: Codable { /// The movie's rating, if available. var rating: Double? /// The movie's plot, if available. var plot: String? } /// A structure describing a movie. The `year` and `title` properties are /// required and are used as the key for Amazon DynamoDB operations. The /// `info` sub-structure's two properties, `rating` and `plot`, are optional. public struct Movie: Codable { /// The year in which the movie was released. var year: Int /// The movie's title. var title: String /// A `Details` object providing the optional movie rating and plot /// information. var info: Details /// Create a `Movie` object representing a movie, given the movie's /// details. /// /// - Parameters: /// - title: The movie's title (`String`). /// - year: The year in which the movie was released (`Int`). /// - rating: The movie's rating (optional `Double`). /// - plot: The movie's plot (optional `String`) init(title: String, year: Int, rating: Double? = nil, plot: String? = nil) { self.title = title self.year = year self.info = Details(rating: rating, plot: plot) } /// Create a `Movie` object representing a movie, given the movie's /// details. /// /// - Parameters: /// - title: The movie's title (`String`). /// - year: The year in which the movie was released (`Int`). /// - info: The optional rating and plot information for the movie in a /// `Details` object. init(title: String, year: Int, info: Details?){ self.title = title self.year = year if info != nil { self.info = info! } else { self.info = Details(rating: nil, plot: nil) } } /// /// Return a new `MovieTable` object, given an array mapping string to Amazon /// DynamoDB attribute values. /// /// - Parameter item: The item information provided to the form used by /// DynamoDB. This is an array of strings mapped to /// `DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue` values. init(withItem item: [Swift.String:DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue]) throws { // Read the attributes. guard let titleAttr = item["title"], let yearAttr = item["year"] else { throw MoviesError.ItemNotFound } let infoAttr = item["info"] ?? nil // Extract the values of the title and year attributes. if case .s(let titleVal) = titleAttr { self.title = titleVal } else { throw MoviesError.InvalidAttributes } if case .n(let yearVal) = yearAttr { self.year = Int(yearVal)! } else { throw MoviesError.InvalidAttributes } // Extract the rating and/or plot from the `info` attribute, if // they're present. var rating: Double? = nil var plot: String? = nil if infoAttr != nil, case .m(let infoVal) = infoAttr { let ratingAttr = infoVal["rating"] ?? nil let plotAttr = infoVal["plot"] ?? nil if ratingAttr != nil, case .n(let ratingVal) = ratingAttr { rating = Double(ratingVal) ?? nil } if plotAttr != nil, case .s(let plotVal) = plotAttr { plot = plotVal } } self.info = Details(rating: rating, plot: plot) } /// /// Return an array mapping attribute names to Amazon DynamoDB attribute /// values, representing the contents of the `Movie` record as a DynamoDB /// item. /// /// - Returns: The movie item as an array of type /// `[Swift.String:DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue]`. /// func getAsItem() async throws -> [Swift.String:DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue] { // Build the item record, starting with the year and title, which are // always present. var item: [Swift.String:DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue] = [ "year": .n(String(self.year)), "title": .s(self.title) ] // Add the `info` field with the rating and/or plot if they're // available. var details: [Swift.String:DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue] = [:] if (self.info.rating != nil || self.info.plot != nil) { if self.info.rating != nil { details["rating"] = .n(String(self.info.rating!)) } if self.info.plot != nil { details["plot"] = .s(self.info.plot!) } } item["info"] = .m(details) return item } }

使用 MovieTable 類別存取 DynamoDB 資料庫的程式。

import ArgumentParser import ClientRuntime import Foundation import AWSDynamoDB @testable import MovieList extension String { // Get the directory if the string is a file path. func directory() -> String { guard let lastIndex = lastIndex(of: "/") else { print("Error: String directory separator not found.") return "" } return String(self[...lastIndex]) } } struct ExampleCommand: ParsableCommand { @Argument(help: "The path of the sample movie data JSON file.") var jsonPath: String = #file.directory() + "../../../../../resources/sample_files/movies.json" @Option(help: "The AWS Region to run AWS API calls in.") var awsRegion: String? @Option( help: ArgumentHelp("The level of logging for the Swift SDK to perform."), completion: .list([ "critical", "debug", "error", "info", "notice", "trace", "warning" ]) ) var logLevel: String = "error" /// Configuration details for the command. static var configuration = CommandConfiguration( commandName: "basics", abstract: "A basic scenario demonstrating the usage of Amazon DynamoDB.", discussion: """ An example showing how to use Amazon DynamoDB to perform a series of common database activities on a simple movie database. """ ) /// Called by ``main()`` to asynchronously run the AWS example. func runAsync() async throws { print("Welcome to the AWS SDK for Swift basic scenario for Amazon DynamoDB!") //===================================================================== // 1. Create the table. The Amazon DynamoDB table is represented by // the `MovieTable` class. //===================================================================== let tableName = "ddb-movies-sample-\(Int.random(in: 1 ... Int.max))" print("Creating table \"\(tableName)\"...") let movieDatabase = try await MovieTable(region: awsRegion, tableName: tableName) print("\nWaiting for table to be ready to use...") try await movieDatabase.awaitTableActive() //===================================================================== // 2. Add a movie to the table. //===================================================================== print("\nAdding a movie...") try await movieDatabase.add(title: "Avatar: The Way of Water", year: 2022) try await movieDatabase.add(title: "Not a Real Movie", year: 2023) //===================================================================== // 3. Update the plot and rating of the movie using an update // expression. //===================================================================== print("\nAdding details to the added movie...") _ = try await movieDatabase.update(title: "Avatar: The Way of Water", year: 2022, rating: 9.2, plot: "It's a sequel.") //===================================================================== // 4. Populate the table from the JSON file. //===================================================================== print("\nPopulating the movie database from JSON...") try await movieDatabase.populate(jsonPath: jsonPath) //===================================================================== // 5. Get a specific movie by key. In this example, the key is a // combination of `title` and `year`. //===================================================================== print("\nLooking for a movie in the table...") let gotMovie = try await movieDatabase.get(title: "This Is the End", year: 2013) print("Found the movie \"\(gotMovie.title)\", released in \(gotMovie.year).") print("Rating: \(gotMovie.info.rating ?? 0.0).") print("Plot summary: \(gotMovie.info.plot ?? "None.")") //===================================================================== // 6. Delete a movie. //===================================================================== print("\nDeleting the added movie...") try await movieDatabase.delete(title: "Avatar: The Way of Water", year: 2022) //===================================================================== // 7. Use a query with a key condition expression to return all movies // released in a given year. //===================================================================== print("\nGetting movies released in 1994...") let movieList = try await movieDatabase.getMovies(fromYear: 1994) for movie in movieList { print(" \(movie.title)") } //===================================================================== // 8. Use `scan()` to return movies released in a range of years. //===================================================================== print("\nGetting movies released between 1993 and 1997...") let scannedMovies = try await movieDatabase.getMovies(firstYear: 1993, lastYear: 1997) for movie in scannedMovies { print(" \(movie.title) (\(movie.year))") } //===================================================================== // 9. Delete the table. //===================================================================== print("\nDeleting the table...") try await movieDatabase.deleteTable() } } @main struct Main { static func main() async { let args = Array(CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst()) do { let command = try ExampleCommand.parse(args) try await command.runAsync() } catch { ExampleCommand.exit(withError: error) } } }


下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 BatchGetItem

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GitHub 上提供更多範例。尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫中設定和執行。

import AWSDynamoDB /// Gets an array of `Movie` objects describing all the movies in the /// specified list. Any movies that aren't found in the list have no /// corresponding entry in the resulting array. /// /// - Parameters /// - keys: An array of tuples, each of which specifies the title and /// release year of a movie to fetch from the table. /// /// - Returns: /// - An array of `Movie` objects describing each match found in the /// table. /// /// - Throws: /// - `MovieError.ClientUninitialized` if the DynamoDB client has not /// been initialized. /// - DynamoDB errors are thrown without change. func batchGet(keys: [(title: String, year: Int)]) async throws -> [Movie] { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MovieError.ClientUninitialized } var movieList: [Movie] = [] var keyItems: [[Swift.String: DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue]] = [] // Convert the list of keys into the form used by DynamoDB. for key in keys { let item: [Swift.String: DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue] = [ "title": .s(key.title), "year": .n(String(key.year)) ] keyItems.append(item) } // Create the input record for `batchGetItem()`. The list of requested // items is in the `requestItems` property. This array contains one // entry for each table from which items are to be fetched. In this // example, there's only one table containing the movie data. // // If we wanted this program to also support searching for matches // in a table of book data, we could add a second `requestItem` // mapping the name of the book table to the list of items we want to // find in it. let input = BatchGetItemInput( requestItems: [ self.tableName: .init( consistentRead: true, keys: keyItems ) ] ) // Fetch the matching movies from the table. let output = try await client.batchGetItem(input: input) // Get the set of responses. If there aren't any, return the empty // movie list. guard let responses = output.responses else { return movieList } // Get the list of matching items for the table with the name // `tableName`. guard let responseList = responses[self.tableName] else { return movieList } // Create `Movie` items for each of the matching movies in the table // and add them to the `MovieList` array. for response in responseList { try movieList.append(Movie(withItem: response)) } return movieList } catch { print("ERROR: batchGet", dump(error)) throw error } }
  • 如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱《適用於 Swift 的AWS SDK API 參考》中的 BatchGetItem

下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 BatchWriteItem

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import AWSDynamoDB /// Populate the movie database from the specified JSON file. /// /// - Parameter jsonPath: Path to a JSON file containing movie data. /// func populate(jsonPath: String) async throws { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } // Create a Swift `URL` and use it to load the file into a `Data` // object. Then decode the JSON into an array of `Movie` objects. let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: jsonPath) let jsonData = try Data(contentsOf: fileUrl) var movieList = try JSONDecoder().decode([Movie].self, from: jsonData) // Truncate the list to the first 200 entries or so for this example. if movieList.count > 200 { movieList = Array(movieList[...199]) } // Before sending records to the database, break the movie list into // 25-entry chunks, which is the maximum size of a batch item request. let count = movieList.count let chunks = stride(from: 0, to: count, by: 25).map { Array(movieList[$0 ..< Swift.min($0 + 25, count)]) } // For each chunk, create a list of write request records and populate // them with `PutRequest` requests, each specifying one movie from the // chunk. Once the chunk's items are all in the `PutRequest` list, // send them to Amazon DynamoDB using the // `DynamoDBClient.batchWriteItem()` function. for chunk in chunks { var requestList: [DynamoDBClientTypes.WriteRequest] = [] for movie in chunk { let item = try await movie.getAsItem() let request = DynamoDBClientTypes.WriteRequest( putRequest: .init( item: item ) ) requestList.append(request) } let input = BatchWriteItemInput(requestItems: [tableName: requestList]) _ = try await client.batchWriteItem(input: input) } } catch { print("ERROR: populate:", dump(error)) throw error } }

下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 CreateTable

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import AWSDynamoDB /// /// Create a movie table in the Amazon DynamoDB data store. /// private func createTable() async throws { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } let input = CreateTableInput( attributeDefinitions: [ DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeDefinition(attributeName: "year", attributeType: .n), DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeDefinition(attributeName: "title", attributeType: .s) ], keySchema: [ DynamoDBClientTypes.KeySchemaElement(attributeName: "year", keyType: .hash), DynamoDBClientTypes.KeySchemaElement(attributeName: "title", keyType: .range) ], provisionedThroughput: DynamoDBClientTypes.ProvisionedThroughput( readCapacityUnits: 10, writeCapacityUnits: 10 ), tableName: self.tableName ) let output = try await client.createTable(input: input) if output.tableDescription == nil { throw MoviesError.TableNotFound } } catch { print("ERROR: createTable:", dump(error)) throw error } }
  • 如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱《適用於 Swift 的AWS SDK API 參考》中的 CreateTable

下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 DeleteItem

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import AWSDynamoDB /// Delete a movie, given its title and release year. /// /// - Parameters: /// - title: The movie's title. /// - year: The movie's release year. /// func delete(title: String, year: Int) async throws { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } let input = DeleteItemInput( key: [ "year": .n(String(year)), "title": .s(title) ], tableName: self.tableName ) _ = try await client.deleteItem(input: input) } catch { print("ERROR: delete:", dump(error)) throw error } }
  • 如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱《適用於 Swift 的AWS SDK API 參考》中的 DeleteItem

下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 DeleteTable

SDK for Swift

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import AWSDynamoDB /// /// Deletes the table from Amazon DynamoDB. /// func deleteTable() async throws { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } let input = DeleteTableInput( tableName: self.tableName ) _ = try await client.deleteTable(input: input) } catch { print("ERROR: deleteTable:", dump(error)) throw error } }
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下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 GetItem

SDK for Swift

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import AWSDynamoDB /// Return a `Movie` record describing the specified movie from the Amazon /// DynamoDB table. /// /// - Parameters: /// - title: The movie's title (`String`). /// - year: The movie's release year (`Int`). /// /// - Throws: `MoviesError.ItemNotFound` if the movie isn't in the table. /// /// - Returns: A `Movie` record with the movie's details. func get(title: String, year: Int) async throws -> Movie { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } let input = GetItemInput( key: [ "year": .n(String(year)), "title": .s(title) ], tableName: self.tableName ) let output = try await client.getItem(input: input) guard let item = output.item else { throw MoviesError.ItemNotFound } let movie = try Movie(withItem: item) return movie } catch { print("ERROR: get:", dump(error)) throw error } }
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下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 ListTables

SDK for Swift

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import AWSDynamoDB /// Get a list of the DynamoDB tables available in the specified Region. /// /// - Returns: An array of strings listing all of the tables available /// in the Region specified when the session was created. public func getTableList() async throws -> [String] { let input = ListTablesInput( ) return try await session.listTables(input: input) }
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下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 PutItem

SDK for Swift

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import AWSDynamoDB /// Add a movie specified as a `Movie` structure to the Amazon DynamoDB /// table. /// /// - Parameter movie: The `Movie` to add to the table. /// func add(movie: Movie) async throws { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } // Get a DynamoDB item containing the movie data. let item = try await movie.getAsItem() // Send the `PutItem` request to Amazon DynamoDB. let input = PutItemInput( item: item, tableName: self.tableName ) _ = try await client.putItem(input: input) } catch { print("ERROR: add movie:", dump(error)) throw error } } /// /// Return an array mapping attribute names to Amazon DynamoDB attribute /// values, representing the contents of the `Movie` record as a DynamoDB /// item. /// /// - Returns: The movie item as an array of type /// `[Swift.String:DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue]`. /// func getAsItem() async throws -> [Swift.String:DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue] { // Build the item record, starting with the year and title, which are // always present. var item: [Swift.String:DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue] = [ "year": .n(String(self.year)), "title": .s(self.title) ] // Add the `info` field with the rating and/or plot if they're // available. var details: [Swift.String:DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue] = [:] if (self.info.rating != nil || self.info.plot != nil) { if self.info.rating != nil { details["rating"] = .n(String(self.info.rating!)) } if self.info.plot != nil { details["plot"] = .s(self.info.plot!) } } item["info"] = .m(details) return item }
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下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 Query

SDK for Swift

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import AWSDynamoDB /// Get all the movies released in the specified year. /// /// - Parameter year: The release year of the movies to return. /// /// - Returns: An array of `Movie` objects describing each matching movie. /// func getMovies(fromYear year: Int) async throws -> [Movie] { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } let input = QueryInput( expressionAttributeNames: [ "#y": "year" ], expressionAttributeValues: [ ":y": .n(String(year)) ], keyConditionExpression: "#y = :y", tableName: self.tableName ) // Use "Paginated" to get all the movies. // This lets the SDK handle the 'lastEvaluatedKey' property in "QueryOutput". let pages = client.queryPaginated(input: input) var movieList: [Movie] = [] for try await page in pages { guard let items = page.items else { print("Error: no items returned.") continue } // Convert the found movies into `Movie` objects and return an array // of them. for item in items { let movie = try Movie(withItem: item) movieList.append(movie) } } return movieList } catch { print("ERROR: getMovies:", dump(error)) throw error } }
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下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 Scan

SDK for Swift

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import AWSDynamoDB /// Return an array of `Movie` objects released in the specified range of /// years. /// /// - Parameters: /// - firstYear: The first year of movies to return. /// - lastYear: The last year of movies to return. /// - startKey: A starting point to resume processing; always use `nil`. /// /// - Returns: An array of `Movie` objects describing the matching movies. /// /// > Note: The `startKey` parameter is used by this function when /// recursively calling itself, and should always be `nil` when calling /// directly. /// func getMovies(firstYear: Int, lastYear: Int, startKey: [Swift.String: DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue]? = nil) async throws -> [Movie] { do { var movieList: [Movie] = [] guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } let input = ScanInput( consistentRead: true, exclusiveStartKey: startKey, expressionAttributeNames: [ "#y": "year" // `year` is a reserved word, so use `#y` instead. ], expressionAttributeValues: [ ":y1": .n(String(firstYear)), ":y2": .n(String(lastYear)) ], filterExpression: "#y BETWEEN :y1 AND :y2", tableName: self.tableName ) let pages = client.scanPaginated(input: input) for try await page in pages { guard let items = page.items else { print("Error: no items returned.") continue } // Build an array of `Movie` objects for the returned items. for item in items { let movie = try Movie(withItem: item) movieList.append(movie) } } return movieList } catch { print("ERROR: getMovies with scan:", dump(error)) throw error } }
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下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 UpdateItem

SDK for Swift

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import AWSDynamoDB /// Update the specified movie with new `rating` and `plot` information. /// /// - Parameters: /// - title: The title of the movie to update. /// - year: The release year of the movie to update. /// - rating: The new rating for the movie. /// - plot: The new plot summary string for the movie. /// /// - Returns: An array of mappings of attribute names to their new /// listing each item actually changed. Items that didn't need to change /// aren't included in this list. `nil` if no changes were made. /// func update(title: String, year: Int, rating: Double? = nil, plot: String? = nil) async throws -> [Swift.String: DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue]? { do { guard let client = self.ddbClient else { throw MoviesError.UninitializedClient } // Build the update expression and the list of expression attribute // values. Include only the information that's changed. var expressionParts: [String] = [] var attrValues: [Swift.String: DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue] = [:] if rating != nil { expressionParts.append("info.rating=:r") attrValues[":r"] = .n(String(rating!)) } if plot != nil { expressionParts.append("info.plot=:p") attrValues[":p"] = .s(plot!) } let expression = "set \(expressionParts.joined(separator: ", "))" let input = UpdateItemInput( // Create substitution tokens for the attribute values, to ensure // no conflicts in expression syntax. expressionAttributeValues: attrValues, // The key identifying the movie to update consists of the release // year and title. key: [ "year": .n(String(year)), "title": .s(title) ], returnValues: .updatedNew, tableName: self.tableName, updateExpression: expression ) let output = try await client.updateItem(input: input) guard let attributes: [Swift.String: DynamoDBClientTypes.AttributeValue] = output.attributes else { throw MoviesError.InvalidAttributes } return attributes } catch { print("ERROR: update:", dump(error)) throw error } }
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