故障診斷 AWS Device Farm 中的 Appium Java JUnit測試 - AWS Device Farm


故障診斷 AWS Device Farm 中的 Appium Java JUnit測試

下列主題列出在上傳 Appium Java JUnit測試期間發生的錯誤訊息,並建議解決每個錯誤的解決方法。


以下說明以 Linux x86_64 和 Mac 為基礎。





請確認您可以正確解壓縮測試套件。在下列範例中,套件的名稱為 zip-with-dependencies.zip

  1. 將您的測試套件複製到工作目錄,然後執行下列命令:

    $ unzip zip-with-dependencies.zip
  2. 成功解壓縮套件後,您可以透過執行下列命令找到樹狀結構的工作目錄:

    $ tree .

    有效的 Appium Java JUnit套件應產生如下所示的輸出:

    . |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/main directory) |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/test directory) |— zip-with-dependencies.zip (this .zip file contains all of the items) `— dependency-jars (this is the directory that contains all of your dependencies, built as JAR files) |— com.some-dependency.bar-4.1.jar |— com.another-dependency.thing-1.0.jar |— joda-time-2.7.jar `— log4j-1.2.14.jar

    如需詳細資訊,請參閱Appium 測試和 AWS Device Farm




在測試套件找不到相依性 jar 目錄。請解壓縮您的測試套件,確認相依性 jar 目錄位於套件中,然後再試一次。

在下列範例中,套件的名稱為 zip-with-dependencies.zip

  1. 將您的測試套件複製到工作目錄,然後執行下列命令:

    $ unzip zip-with-dependencies.zip
  2. 成功解壓縮套件後,您可以透過執行下列命令找到樹狀結構的工作目錄:

    $ tree .

    如果 Appium Java JUnit套件有效,您可以在工作dependency-jars目錄中找到目錄:

    . |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/main directory) |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/test directory) |— zip-with-dependencies.zip (this .zip file contains all of the items) `— dependency-jars (this is the directory that contains all of your dependencies, built as JAR files) |— com.some-dependency.bar-4.1.jar |— com.another-dependency.thing-1.0.jar |— joda-time-2.7.jar `— log4j-1.2.14.jar

    如需詳細資訊,請參閱Appium 測試和 AWS Device Farm




在 dependency-jars 目錄樹狀目錄中找不到JAR檔案。請解壓縮您的測試套件,然後開啟 dependency-jars 目錄,確認目錄中至少有一個JAR檔案,然後再試一次。

在下列範例中,套件的名稱為 zip-with-dependencies.zip

  1. 將您的測試套件複製到工作目錄,然後執行下列命令:

    $ unzip zip-with-dependencies.zip
  2. 成功解壓縮套件後,您可以透過執行下列命令找到樹狀結構的工作目錄:

    $ tree .

    如果 Appium Java JUnit套件有效,您會在 dependency-jars目錄中找到至少一個jar檔案:

    . |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/main directory) |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/test directory) |— zip-with-dependencies.zip (this .zip file contains all of the items) `— dependency-jars (this is the directory that contains all of your dependencies, built as JAR files) |— com.some-dependency.bar-4.1.jar |— com.another-dependency.thing-1.0.jar |— joda-time-2.7.jar `— log4j-1.2.14.jar

    如需詳細資訊,請參閱Appium 測試和 AWS Device Farm




在您的測試套件中找不到 *-tests.jar 檔案。請解壓縮您的測試套件,確認至少一個 *-tests.jar 檔案位於套件中,然後再試一次。

在下列範例中,套件的名稱為 zip-with-dependencies.zip

  1. 將您的測試套件複製到工作目錄,然後執行下列命令:

    $ unzip zip-with-dependencies.zip
  2. 成功解壓縮套件後,您可以透過執行下列命令找到樹狀結構的工作目錄:

    $ tree .

    如果 Appium Java JUnit套件有效,您會至少找到一個jar檔案,如我們的範例acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar所示。檔案的名稱可能不同,但應以 結尾–tests.jar

    . |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/main directory) |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/test directory) |— zip-with-dependencies.zip (this .zip file contains all of the items) `— dependency-jars (this is the directory that contains all of your dependencies, built as JAR files) |— com.some-dependency.bar-4.1.jar |— com.another-dependency.thing-1.0.jar |— joda-time-2.7.jar `— log4j-1.2.14.jar

    如需詳細資訊,請參閱Appium 測試和 AWS Device Farm





在下列範例中,套件的名稱為 zip-with-dependencies.zip

  1. 將您的測試套件複製到工作目錄,然後執行下列命令:

    $ unzip zip-with-dependencies.zip
  2. 成功解壓縮套件後,您可以透過執行下列命令找到樹狀結構的工作目錄:

    $ tree .

    您應該會找到至少一個 jar 檔案,如我們的範例acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar所示。檔案的名稱可能不同,但應以 結尾–tests.jar

    . |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/main directory) |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/test directory) |— zip-with-dependencies.zip (this .zip file contains all of the items) `— dependency-jars (this is the directory that contains all of your dependencies, built as JAR files) |— com.some-dependency.bar-4.1.jar |— com.another-dependency.thing-1.0.jar |— joda-time-2.7.jar `— log4j-1.2.14.jar
  3. 成功擷取檔案後,您可以透過執行下列命令,在工作目錄樹狀結構中找到至少一個類別:

    $ tree .


    . |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/main directory) |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/test directory) |- one-class-file.class |- folder | `-another-class-file.class |— zip-with-dependencies.zip (this .zip file contains all of the items) `— dependency-jars (this is the directory that contains all of your dependencies, built as JAR files) |— com.some-dependency.bar-4.1.jar |— com.another-dependency.thing-1.0.jar |— joda-time-2.7.jar `— log4j-1.2.14.jar

    如需詳細資訊,請參閱Appium 測試和 AWS Device Farm




我們找不到JUnit版本值。請解壓縮您的測試套件並開啟 dependency-jars 目錄,確認JUnitJAR檔案位於目錄內,然後再試一次。

在下列範例中,套件的名稱為 zip-with-dependencies.zip

  1. 將您的測試套件複製到工作目錄,然後執行下列命令:

    $ unzip zip-with-dependencies.zip
  2. 成功解壓縮套件後,您可以透過執行下列命令找到工作目錄樹狀結構:

    tree .


    . |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/main directory) |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/test directory) |— zip-with-dependencies.zip (this .zip file contains all of the items) `— dependency-jars (this is the directory that contains all of your dependencies, built as JAR files) |— junit-4.10.jar |— com.some-dependency.bar-4.1.jar |— com.another-dependency.thing-1.0.jar |— joda-time-2.7.jar `— log4j-1.2.14.jar

    如果 Appium Java JUnit套件有效,您會在junit-4.10.jar範例中找到類似於 jar 檔案的JUnit相依性檔案。名稱應該包含關鍵字junit及其版本編號,在此範例中為 4.10。

    如需詳細資訊,請參閱Appium 測試和 AWS Device Farm




我們發現JUnit版本低於我們支援的 4.10 版下限。請變更JUnit版本,然後再試一次。

在下列範例中,套件的名稱為 zip-with-dependencies.zip

  1. 將您的測試套件複製到工作目錄,然後執行下列命令:

    $ unzip zip-with-dependencies.zip
  2. 成功解壓縮套件後,您可以透過執行下列命令找到樹狀結構的工作目錄:

    $ tree .

    您應該會在範例中找到像 junit-4.10.jar 的JUnit相依性檔案及其版本編號,在我們的範例中是 4.10:

    . |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/main directory) |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/test directory) |— zip-with-dependencies.zip (this .zip file contains all of the items) `— dependency-jars (this is the directory that contains all of your dependencies, built as JAR files) |— junit-4.10.jar |— com.some-dependency.bar-4.1.jar |— com.another-dependency.thing-1.0.jar |— joda-time-2.7.jar `— log4j-1.2.14.jar

    如果您的測試套件中指定的JUnit版本低於我們支援的 4.10 版下限,則您的測試可能無法正確執行。

    如需詳細資訊,請參閱Appium 測試和 AWS Device Farm