AWS SCT Action Code Index overview - SQL Server to Aurora PostgreSQL Migration Playbook

AWS SCT Action Code Index overview

This topic provides reference information for the automation levels and action codes used by AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) when migrating from Microsoft SQL Server 2019 to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL. You can use this information to understand the degree of automation available for various database objects and features during the migration process.

The following table shows the icons we use to describe the automation levels of AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) and AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS).

Automation level icon Description

Five star automation level

Full automation. AWS SCT performs fully automatic conversion, no manual conversion needed.

Four star automation level

High automation. Minor, simple manual conversions may be needed.

Three star automation level

Medium automation. Low-medium complexity manual conversions may be needed.

Two star automation level

Low automation. Medium-high complexity manual conversions may be needed.

One star automation level

Very low automation. High risk or complex manual conversions may be needed.

No automation

No automation. Not currently supported by AWS SCT, manual conversion is required for this feature.

The following sections list the AWS Schema Conversion Tool Action codes for topics that are covered in this playbook.


The links in the table point to the Microsoft SQL Server topic pages, which are immediately followed by the PostgreSQL pages for the same topics.

Creating Tables

Four star automation level

AWS SCT automatically converts the most commonly used constructs of the CREATE TABLE statement as both SQL Server and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition (Aurora PostgreSQL) support the entry level American National Standards Institute (ANSI) compliance. These items include table names, containing security schema or database, column names, basic column data types, column and table constraints, column default values, primary, UNIQUE, and foreign keys. Some changes may be required for computed columns and global temporary tables.

For more information, see Creating Tables.

Action code Action message


If you use recursion, make sure that table variables in your source database and temporary tables in your target database have the same scope.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support FILESTREAM clauses. AWS SCT skips FILESTREAM clauses in the converted code.


AWS SCT replaced computed columns with regular columns in the converted code.


AWS SCT replaced computed columns with triggers in the converted code.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support global temporary tables.


Make sure that you remove the temporary table before the end of the function.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support CREATE TABLE statements with the AS FileTable option.

Data Types

Four star automation level

Data type syntax and rules are very similar between SQL Server and Aurora PostgreSQL and most are converted automatically by AWS SCT. Note that date and time handling paradigms are different for SQL Server and Aurora PostgreSQL and require manual verification or conversion. Also note that due to differences in data type behavior between SQL Server and Aurora PostgreSQL, manual verification and strict testing are highly recommended.

For more information, see Data Types.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the hierarchyid data type.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the sql_variant data type.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the geography data type.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the geometry data type.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support table types.


AWS SCT can’t convert the declaration of a variable of the unsupported %s data type.


AWS SCT can’t convert the usage of a variable of the unsupported %s data type.


AWS SCT can’t convert the usage of the unsupported %s data type.


AWS SCT can’t convert arithmetic operations with dates.


Converted code might lose accuracy compared to the source code.


No automation

The collation paradigms of SQL Server and Aurora PostgreSQL are significantly different. AWS SCT can’t migrate collations automatically to PostgreSQL.

For more information, see SQL Server Collations and PostgreSQL Encoding.

Action code Action message


AWS SCT can’t convert collations.


No automation

Aurora PostgreSQL version 10 doesn’t support PIVOT and UNPIVOT clauses. AWS SCT can’t automatically convert PIVOT and UNPIVOT clauses.

For more information, see PIVOT and UNPIVOT.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support PIVOT clauses for SELECT statements.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support UNPIVOT clauses for SELECT statements.


Four star automation level

Aurora PostgreSQL supports the non-ANSI compliant but popular with other engines LIMIT…​ OFFSET operator for paging results sets. AWS SCT can’t automatically convert some options such as WITH TIES. These options require manual conversion.

For more information, see SQL Server TOP and FETCH and PostgreSQL LIMIT and OFFSET.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the WITH TIES argument in TOP clauses.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support TOP clauses in UPDATE statements.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support TOP clauses in DELETE statements.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support TOP clauses in INSERT operators.


Three star automation level

PostgreSQL has PL/pgSQL cursors that enable you to iterate business logic on rows read from the database. They can encapsulate the query and read the query results a few rows at a time. All access to cursors in PL/pgSQL is performed through cursor variables, which are always of the refcursor data type. There are specific options which aren’t supported for automatic conversion by AWS SCT.

For more information, see Cursors.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support global cursors.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support dynamic cursors.


AWS SCT can’t convert the KEYSET option because PostgreSQL doesn’t support changing the membership and order of rows for cursors.


AWS SCT doesn’t convert the FAST_FORWARD option because this is a default option for cursors in PostgreSQL.


AWS SCT doesn’t convert the READ_ONLY option because this is a default option for cursors in PostgreSQL.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the OPTIMISTIC option for cursors.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the TYPE_WARNING option for cursors.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the FOR UPDATE option.

Flow Control

Three star automation level

Although the flow control syntax of SQL Server differs from Aurora PostgreSQL, AWS SCT can convert most constructs automatically including loops, command blocks, and delays. Aurora PostgreSQL doesn’t support the GOTO and WAITFOR TIME commands, which require manual conversion.

For more information, see SQL Server Flow Control and PostgreSQL Control Structures.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support GOTO statements.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the WAITFOR TIME feature.


Make sure that your table isn’t locked by an open cursor.


Make sure that you delete the table that you created within the procedure before the end of the procedure.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support SET NOCOUNT OFF statements.


AWS SCT can’t convert the WAITFOR operator with a variable.


AWS SCT can’t convert the default value of the DateTime variable.


AWS SCT can’t convert default values.

Transaction Isolation

Three star automation level

Aurora PostgreSQL supports the four transaction isolation levels specified in the SQL:92 standard: READ UNCOMMITTED, READ COMMITTED, REPEATABLE READ, and SERIALIZABLE, all of which are automatically converted by AWS SCT. Also, AWS SCT converts BEGIN / COMMIT and ROLLBACK commands that use slightly different syntax. Manual conversion is required for named, marked, and delayed durability transactions that aren’t supported by Aurora PostgreSQL.

For more information, see Transactions.

Action code Action message


AWS SCT can’t convert the transaction management command. PostgreSQL doesn’t support explicit transaction management commands such as BEGIN TRAN, SAVE TRAN in functions.

Stored Procedures

Four star automation level

Aurora PostgreSQL stored procedures provide very similar functionality to SQL Server stored procedures. You can automatically convert them with AWS SCT. Manual conversion is required for procedures that use RETURN values and some less common EXECUTE options such as the RECOMPILE and RESULTS SETS.

For more information, see Stored Procedures.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support EXECUTE statements with the WITH RECOMPILE option.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support EXECUTE statements with the RESULT SETS UNDEFINED option.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support EXECUTE statements with the RESULT SETS NONE option.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support EXECUTE statements with the RESULT SETS DEFINITION option.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support EXECUTE statements that run a character string.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support support the call of a procedure as a variable.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support result sets in the SQL Server style.


AWS SCT can’t convert arithmetic operations with the CASE operand.


AWS SCT can’t convert EXECUTE statements with LOGIN or USER options.


Converted code might not work correctly because of parameter names.


Three star automation level

Aurora PostgreSQL supports BEFORE and AFTER triggers for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. However, Aurora PostgreSQL triggers differ substantially from SQL Server’s triggers. You can migrate the most common use cases with minimal code changes.

For more information, see Triggers.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support INSTEAD OF triggers on tables.


AWS SCT can’t convert INSTEAD OF triggers on views.


AWS SCT can’t convert UPDATE(column) or COLUMNS_UPDATED statements.


No automation

Aurora PostgreSQL version 10 doesn’t support MERGE statements. AWS SCT can’t automatically convert these statements. Manual conversion is straightforward in most cases.

For more information, see MERGE.

Action code Action message


Converted code might produce different results compared to the source code. Make sure that the constraint includes the %s column.


AWS SCT can’t emulate the MERGE statement using the INSERT ON CONFLICT statement.

Query Hints

Three star automation level

You can use AWS SCT to convert basic query hints such as index hints, except for data manipulation language (DML) statements. Note that specific optimizations used for SQL Server may be completely inapplicable to a new query optimizer. AWS recommends to start migration testing with all hints removed. Then, selectively apply hints as a last resort if other means such as schema, index, and query optimizations have failed. Plan guides aren’t supported by Aurora PostgreSQL.

For more information, see SQL Server Query Hints and Plan Guides and PostgreSQL DB Query Planning.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support table hints in DML statements.

Full-Text Search

No automation

Migrating full-text indexes from SQL Server to Aurora PostgreSQL requires a full rewrite of the code that deals with both creating, managing, and querying full-text indexes. AWS SCT can’t automatically convert these statements.

For more information, see Full-Text Search.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support FREETEXT predicates.


Three star automation level

Basic non-clustered indexes, which are the most commonly used type of indexes are automatically migrated by AWS SCT. In addition, filtered indexes, indexes with included columns, and some SQL Server specific index options can’t be migrated automatically and require manual conversion.

For more information, see Indexes.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support ASC and DESC sorting options for constraints.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support clustered indexes.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the INCLUDE option in indexes.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the PAD_INDEX option in indexes.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the SORT_IN_TEMPDB option in indexes.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the IGNORE_DUP_KEY option in indexes.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE option in indexes.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the STATISTICS_INCREMENTAL option in indexes.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the DROP_EXISTING option in indexes.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the ONLINE option in indexes.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS option in indexes.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS option in indexes.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the MAXDOP option in indexes.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the DATA_COMPRESSION option in indexes.


Three star automation level

Aurora PostgreSQL uses table inheritance, some of the physical aspects of partitioning in SQL Server don’t apply to Aurora PostgreSQL. For example, the concept of file groups and assigning partitions to file groups. Aurora PostgreSQL supports a much richer framework for table partitioning than SQL Server, with many additional options such as hash partitioning, and sub partitioning.

For more information, see SQL Server Partitioning and PostgreSQL Partitions or Table Inheritance.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support NULL columns for partitioning.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support foreign keys referencing partitioned tables.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support foreign key references from partitioned tables to other tables.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support LEFT partitioning.


Converted code might produce different results compared to the source code.

Starting from version 11, PostgreSQL supports NULL columns for partitioning. In this case, you can ignore the action item with the 7910 code and use NULL columns for partitioning in your target tables.


No automation

Migrating from a self-managed backup policy to a Platform as a Service (PaaS) environment such as Aurora PostgreSQL is a complete paradigm shift. You don’t need to worry about transaction logs, file groups, disks running out of space, and purging old backups. Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) provides guaranteed continuous backup with point in time restore up to 35 days. Therefore, AWS SCT doesn’t automatically convert backups.

For more information, see Backup and Restore.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support functionality similar to SQL Server Backup.

SQL Server Mail

No automation

Aurora PostgreSQL doesn’t provide native support for sending emails from the database.

For more information, see Database Mail.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support functionality similar to SQL Server Database Mail.


No automation

AWS SCT doesn’t convert graph database capabilities.

For more information and potential workarounds, see SQL Server Graph and PostgreSQL Apache AGE Extension.

Action code Action message


AWS SCT can’t convert SQL Graph tables.


AWS SCT can’t convert DML constructs of SQL Graph databases.

SQL Server Agent

No automation

Aurora PostgreSQL doesn’t provide functionality similar to SQL Server Agent as an external, cross-instance scheduler. However, Aurora PostgreSQL provides a native, in-database scheduler. It is limited to the cluster scope and can’t be used to manage multiple clusters. Therefore, AWS SCT can’t automatically convert Agent jobs and alerts.

For more information, see SQL Server Agent and PostgreSQL Scheduled Lambda.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support functionality similar to SQL Server Agent.

Service Broker

No automation

Aurora PostgreSQL doesn’t provide a compatible solution to the SQL Server Service Broker. However, you can use DB Links and AWS Lambda to achieve similar functionality.

For more information, see SQL Server Service Broker Essentials.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support functionality similar to SQL Server Service Broker.


Three star automation level

The XML options and features in Aurora PostgreSQL are similar or almost identical to SQL Server XPATH and XQUERY functions. PostgreSQL doesn’t support FOR XML clause, the walkaround for that is using string_agg instead. In some cases, it might be more efficient to use JSON instead of XML.

For more information, see JSON and XML.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support methods for the XML data type.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support the FOR XML PATH option in SQL queries.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support EXPLICIT mode with FOR XML.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support XPath queries that return multiple elements.


Four star automation level

Constraints feature is almost fully automated and compatible between SQL Server and Aurora PostgreSQL. The differences are: missing SET DEFAULT and check constraint with sub-query.

For more information, see SQL Server Constraints and PostgreSQL Table Constraints.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support foreign keys that reference partitioned tables.


PostgreSQL doesn’t support ASC and DESC sorting options for constraints.


AWS SCT removed the default value of the DateTime column.


Converted code might produce different results compared to the source code. Make sure that the constraint includes the %s column.

Linked Servers

Three star automation level

Aurora PostgreSQL supports remote data access from the database. Connectivity between schemas is trivial, but connectivity to other instances require an extension installation.

For more information, see SQL Server Linked Servers and PostgreSQL DBLink and FDWrapper.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support running pass-through commands on linked servers.


Three star automation level

Aurora PostgreSQL supports synonyms. If synonyms refer to tables, views, or functions, you can replace them with views or functions to wrap those. It becomes more challenging when synonyms refer to other objects.

For more information, see SQL Server Synonyms and PostgreSQL Views, Types, and Functions.

Action code Action message


PostgreSQL doesn’t support synonyms.