搭配使用 RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark 和 Amazon EMR on EKS
使用 Amazon EMR on EKS,可執行 Nvidia RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark 的作業。本教學課程說明如何使用 RAPIDS on EC2 圖形處理單元 (GPU) 執行個體類型來執行 Spark 作業。此教學課程使用下列版本:
Amazon EMR on EKS 發行版本 6.9.0 及更高版本
Apache Spark 3.x
透過使用 Nvidia RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark
Amazon EMR on EKS 虛擬叢集
Amazon EKS 叢集,具有已啟用 GPU 的節點群組
Amazon EKS 虛擬叢集是 Amazon EKS 叢集上 Kubernetes 命名空間的已註冊控制碼,由 Amazon EMR on EKS 管理。此控點可讓 Amazon EMR 使用 Kubernetes 命名空間作為執行中作業的目的地。如需有關如何設定虛擬叢集的詳細資訊,請參閱本指南中的 在 EMR上設定 Amazon EKS。
必須使用具有 GPU 執行個體的節點群組來設定 Amazon EKS 虛擬叢集。必須使用 Nvidia 裝置外掛程式來設定節點。如需進一步了解,請參閱受管節點群組。
若要設定 Amazon EKS 叢集以新增啟用 GPU 的節點群組,請執行下列程序:
新增已啟用 GPU 的節點群組
使用下列 create-nodegroup 命令建立啟用 GPU 的節點群組。請務必使用正確的參數來取代 Amazon EKS 叢集。使用支援 Spark RAPIDS 的執行個體類型,例如 P4、P3、G5 或 G4dn。
aws eks create-nodegroup \ --cluster-name
\ --nodegroup-nameNODEGROUP_NAME
\ --scaling-config minSize=0,maxSize=5,desiredSize=2CHOOSE_APPROPRIATELY
\ --ami-type AL2_x86_64_GPU \ --node-roleNODE_ROLE
\ --remote-access ec2SshKey=SSH_KEY
\ --instance-typesGPU_INSTANCE_TYPE
\ --disk-sizeDISK_SIZE
\ --regionAWS_REGION
在叢集中安裝 Nvidia 裝置外掛程式,以便在叢集的每個節點上發出 GPU 數量,並在叢集中執行已啟用 GPU 的容器。執行下列程式碼安裝外掛程式。
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin/v0.9.0/nvidia-device-plugin.yml
若要驗證叢集的每個節點上有多少 GPU 可用,請執行下列命令:
kubectl get nodes "-o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,GPU:.status.allocatable.nvidia\.com/gpu"
執行 Spark RAPIDS 作業
將 Spark RAPIDS 作業提交至 Amazon EMR on EKS 叢集。下列程式碼顯示啟動作業的命令範例。第一次執行作業時,可能需要幾分鐘的時間下載映像並將其快取到節點上。
aws emr-containers start-job-run \ --virtual-cluster-id
\ --execution-role-arnJOB_EXECUTION_ROLE
\ --release-label emr-6.9.0-spark-rapids-latest \ --job-driver '{"sparkSubmitJobDriver": {"entryPoint": "local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples.jar","entryPointArguments": ["10000"], "sparkSubmitParameters":"--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi "}}' \ ---configuration-overrides '{"applicationConfiguration": [{"classification": "spark-defaults","properties": {"spark.executor.instances": "2","spark.executor.memory": "2G"}}],"monitoringConfiguration": {"cloudWatchMonitoringConfiguration": {"logGroupName": "LOG_GROUP _NAME
"},"s3MonitoringConfiguration": {"logUri": "LOG_GROUP_STREAM
"}}}' -
若要驗證 Spark RAPIDS Accelerator 已啟用,請檢查 Spark 驅動程式日誌。這些日誌會儲存在 CloudWatch 或您執行
命令時指定的 S3 位置。下列範例通常會顯示日誌行的樣式:22/11/15 00:12:44 INFO RapidsPluginUtils: RAPIDS Accelerator build: {version=22.08.0-amzn-0, user=release, url=, date=2022-11-03T03:32:45Z, revision=, cudf_version=22.08.0, branch=} 22/11/15 00:12:44 INFO RapidsPluginUtils: RAPIDS Accelerator JNI build: {version=22.08.0, user=, url=https://github.com/NVIDIA/spark-rapids-jni.git, date=2022-08-18T04:14:34Z, revision=a1b23cd_sample, branch=HEAD} 22/11/15 00:12:44 INFO RapidsPluginUtils: cudf build: {version=22.08.0, user=, url=https://github.com/rapidsai/cudf.git, date=2022-08-18T04:14:34Z, revision=a1b23ce_sample, branch=HEAD} 22/11/15 00:12:44 WARN RapidsPluginUtils: RAPIDS Accelerator 22.08.0-amzn-0 using cudf 22.08.0. 22/11/15 00:12:44 WARN RapidsPluginUtils: spark.rapids.sql.multiThreadedRead.numThreads is set to 20. 22/11/15 00:12:44 WARN RapidsPluginUtils: RAPIDS Accelerator is enabled, to disable GPU support set `spark.rapids.sql.enabled` to false. 22/11/15 00:12:44 WARN RapidsPluginUtils: spark.rapids.sql.explain is set to `NOT_ON_GPU`. Set it to 'NONE' to suppress the diagnostics logging about the query placement on the GPU.
若要查看將在 GPU 上執行的操作,請執行下列步驟以啟用額外的日誌。請注意 "
spark.rapids.sql.explain : ALL
" 組態。aws emr-containers start-job-run \ --virtual-cluster-id
\ --execution-role-arnJOB_EXECUTION_ROLE
\ --release-label emr-6.9.0-spark-rapids-latest \ --job-driver '{"sparkSubmitJobDriver": {"entryPoint": "local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples.jar","entryPointArguments": ["10000"], "sparkSubmitParameters":"--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi "}}' \ ---configuration-overrides '{"applicationConfiguration": [{"classification": "spark-defaults","properties": {"spark.rapids.sql.explain":"ALL","spark.executor.instances": "2","spark.executor.memory": "2G"}}],"monitoringConfiguration": {"cloudWatchMonitoringConfiguration": {"logGroupName": "LOG_GROUP_NAME
"},"s3MonitoringConfiguration": {"logUri": "LOG_GROUP_STREAM
"}}}'上一個命令是使用 GPU 的作業範例。其輸出如以下範例所示。如需了解輸出,請參閱此說明圖例:
- 表示在 GPU 上運作的操作 -
- 表示無法在 GPU 上執行的操作 -
- 表示在 GPU 上運作的操作,但無法執行,因為它位於無法在 GPU 上執行的計畫內
22/11/15 01:22:58 INFO GpuOverrides: Plan conversion to the GPU took 118.64 ms 22/11/15 01:22:58 INFO GpuOverrides: Plan conversion to the GPU took 4.20 ms 22/11/15 01:22:58 INFO GpuOverrides: GPU plan transition optimization took 8.37 ms 22/11/15 01:22:59 WARN GpuOverrides: *Exec <ProjectExec> will run on GPU *Expression <Alias> substring(cast(date#149 as string), 0, 7) AS month#310 will run on GPU *Expression <Substring> substring(cast(date#149 as string), 0, 7) will run on GPU *Expression <Cast> cast(date#149 as string) will run on GPU *Exec <SortExec> will run on GPU *Expression <SortOrder> date#149 ASC NULLS FIRST will run on GPU *Exec <ShuffleExchangeExec> will run on GPU *Partitioning <RangePartitioning> will run on GPU *Expression <SortOrder> date#149 ASC NULLS FIRST will run on GPU *Exec <UnionExec> will run on GPU !Exec <ProjectExec> cannot run on GPU because not all expressions can be replaced @Expression <AttributeReference> customerID#0 could run on GPU @Expression <Alias> Charge AS kind#126 could run on GPU @Expression <Literal> Charge could run on GPU @Expression <AttributeReference> value#129 could run on GPU @Expression <Alias> add_months(2022-11-15, cast(-(cast(_we0#142 as bigint) + last_month#128L) as int)) AS date#149 could run on GPU ! <AddMonths> add_months(2022-11-15, cast(-(cast(_we0#142 as bigint) + last_month#128L) as int)) cannot run on GPU because GPU does not currently support the operator class org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.AddMonths @Expression <Literal> 2022-11-15 could run on GPU @Expression <Cast> cast(-(cast(_we0#142 as bigint) + last_month#128L) as int) could run on GPU @Expression <UnaryMinus> -(cast(_we0#142 as bigint) + last_month#128L) could run on GPU @Expression <Add> (cast(_we0#142 as bigint) + last_month#128L) could run on GPU @Expression <Cast> cast(_we0#142 as bigint) could run on GPU @Expression <AttributeReference> _we0#142 could run on GPU @Expression <AttributeReference> last_month#128L could run on GPU