Specifies a target for an experiment. You must specify at least one Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or at least one resource tag. You cannot specify both.
- resourceType
The resource type. The resource type must be supported for the specified action.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Maximum length of 128.
Required: Yes
- selectionMode
Scopes the identified resources to a specific count or percentage.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Maximum length of 64.
Required: Yes
- filters
The filters to apply to identify target resources using specific attributes.
Type: Array of ExperimentTemplateTargetInputFilter objects
Required: No
- parameters
The resource type parameters.
Type: String to string map
Key Length Constraints: Maximum length of 64.
Key Pattern:
Value Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 1024.
Value Pattern:
Required: No
- resourceArns
The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the targets.
Type: Array of strings
Array Members: Maximum number of 5 items.
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 20. Maximum length of 2048.
Required: No
- resourceTags
The tags for the target resources.
Type: String to string map
Map Entries: Maximum number of 50 items.
Key Length Constraints: Maximum length of 128.
Key Pattern:
Value Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256.
Value Pattern:
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: