TableOptimizer - AWS Glue


Contains details about an optimizer associated with a table.



A TableOptimizerConfiguration object that was specified when creating or updating a table optimizer.

Type: TableOptimizerConfiguration object

Required: No


A TableOptimizerRun object representing the last run of the table optimizer.

Type: TableOptimizerRun object

Required: No


The type of table optimizer. The valid values are:

  • compaction: for managing compaction with a table optimizer.

  • retention: for managing the retention of snapshot with a table optimizer.

  • orphan_file_deletion: for managing the deletion of orphan files with a table optimizer.

Type: String

Valid Values: compaction | retention | orphan_file_deletion

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: