Tagging HealthLake data stores - AWS HealthLake

Tagging HealthLake data stores

You can assign metadata to HealthLake data stores in the form of tags. Each tag is a label consisting of a user-defined key and value. Tags help you manage, identify, organize, search for, and filter data stores.


Do not store protected health information (PHI), personally identifiable information (PII), or other confidential or sensitive information in tags. Tags are not intended to be used for private or sensitive data.

The following topics describe how to use HealthLake tagging operations using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, and AWS SDKs. For more information, see Tagging your AWS resources in the AWS General Reference Guide.

Tagging a HealthLake data store

Use TagResource to tag a HealthLake data store. The following menus provide a procedure for the AWS Management Console and code examples for the AWS CLI and AWS SDKs. For more information, see TagResource in the AWS HealthLake API Reference.

To tag a HealthLake data store

Choose a menu based on your access preference to AWS HealthLake.


To add a tag to data store

The following tag-resource example shows how to add a tag to a data store.

aws healthlake tag-resource \ --resource-arn "arn:aws:healthlake:us-east-1:123456789012:datastore/fhir/0725c83f4307f263e16fd56b6d8ebdbe" \ --tags '[{"Key": "key1", "Value": "value1"}]'

This command produces no output.

  • For API details, see TagResource in AWS CLI Command Reference.

SDK for Python (Boto3)
@classmethod def from_client(cls) -> "HealthLakeWrapper": """ Creates a HealthLakeWrapper instance with a default AWS HealthLake client. :return: An instance of HealthLakeWrapper initialized with the default HealthLake client. """ health_lake_client = boto3.client("healthlake") return cls(health_lake_client) def tag_resource(self, resource_arn: str, tags: list[dict[str, str]]) -> None: """ Tags a HealthLake resource. :param resource_arn: The resource ARN. :param tags: The tags to add to the resource. """ try: self.health_lake_client.tag_resource(ResourceARN=resource_arn, Tags=tags) except ClientError as err: logger.exception( "Couldn't tag resource %s. Here's why %s", resource_arn, err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise
  • For API details, see TagResource in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.


There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

Example availability

Can't find what you need? Request a code example using the Provide feedback link on the right sidebar of this page.

  1. Sign in to the Data stores page on the HealthLake Console.

  2. Choose a data store.

    The Data store details page opens.

  3. Under the Tags section, choose Manage tags.

    The Manage tags page opens.

  4. Choose Add new tag.

  5. Enter a Key and Value (optional).

  6. Choose Save.

Listing tags for a HealthLake data store

Use ListTagsForResource to list tags for a HealthLake data store. The following menus provide a procedure for the AWS Management Console and code examples for the AWS CLI and AWS SDKs. For more information, see ListTagsForResource in the AWS HealthLake API Reference.

To list tags for a HealthLake data store

Choose a menu based on your access preference to AWS HealthLake.


To list tags for a data store

The following list-tags-for-resource example lists the tags associated with the specified data store.:

aws healthlake list-tags-for-resource \ --resource-arn "arn:aws:healthlake:us-east-1:123456789012:datastore/fhir/0725c83f4307f263e16fd56b6d8ebdbe"


{ "tags": { "key": "value", "key1": "value1" } }

SDK for Python (Boto3)
@classmethod def from_client(cls) -> "HealthLakeWrapper": """ Creates a HealthLakeWrapper instance with a default AWS HealthLake client. :return: An instance of HealthLakeWrapper initialized with the default HealthLake client. """ health_lake_client = boto3.client("healthlake") return cls(health_lake_client) def list_tags_for_resource(self, resource_arn: str) -> dict[str, str]: """ Lists the tags for a HealthLake resource. :param resource_arn: The resource ARN. :return: The tags for the resource. """ try: response = self.health_lake_client.list_tags_for_resource( ResourceARN=resource_arn ) return response["Tags"] except ClientError as err: logger.exception( "Couldn't list tags for resource %s. Here's why %s", resource_arn, err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

Example availability

Can't find what you need? Request a code example using the Provide feedback link on the right sidebar of this page.

  1. Sign in to the Data stores page on the HealthLake Console.

  2. Choose a data store.

    The Data store details page opens. Under the Tags section, all data store tags are listed.

Untagging a HealthLake data store

Use UntagResource to remove a tag from a HealthLake data store. The following menus provide a procedure for the AWS Management Console and code examples for the AWS CLI and AWS SDKs. For more information, see UntagResource in the AWS HealthLake API Reference.

To untag a HealthLake data store

Choose a menu based on your access preference to AWS HealthLake.


To remove tags from a data store.

The following untag-resource example shows how to remove tags from a data store.

aws healthlake untag-resource \ --resource-arn "arn:aws:healthlake:us-east-1:123456789012:datastore/fhir/b91723d65c6fdeb1d26543a49d2ed1fa" \ --tag-keys '["key1"]'

This command produces no output.

  • For API details, see UntagResource in AWS CLI Command Reference.

SDK for Python (Boto3)
@classmethod def from_client(cls) -> "HealthLakeWrapper": """ Creates a HealthLakeWrapper instance with a default AWS HealthLake client. :return: An instance of HealthLakeWrapper initialized with the default HealthLake client. """ health_lake_client = boto3.client("healthlake") return cls(health_lake_client) def untag_resource(self, resource_arn: str, tag_keys: list[str]) -> None: """ Untags a HealthLake resource. :param resource_arn: The resource ARN. :param tag_keys: The tag keys to remove from the resource. """ try: self.health_lake_client.untag_resource( ResourceARN=resource_arn, TagKeys=tag_keys ) except ClientError as err: logger.exception( "Couldn't untag resource %s. Here's why %s", resource_arn, err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise
  • For API details, see UntagResource in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.


There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

Example availability

Can't find what you need? Request a code example using the Provide feedback link on the right sidebar of this page.

  1. Sign in to the Data stores page on the HealthLake Console.

  2. Choose a data store.

    The Data store details page opens.

  3. Under the Tags section, choose Manage tags.

    The Manage tags page opens.

  4. Choose Remove next to the tag you want to remove.

  5. Choose Save.