Creating stacks using Direct Change mode - AMS Advanced User Guide

Creating stacks using Direct Change mode

There are two requirements when launching stacks in CloudFormation using the AWSManagedServicesCloudFormationAdminRole, in order for the stack to be managed by AMS:

  • The template must contain an AmsStackTransform.

  • The stack name must start with the prefix stack- followed by a 17 character alphanumeric string.


To successfully use the AmsStackTransform, you must acknowledge that your stack template contains the CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND capability in order for AWS CloudFormation (CFN) to create or update the stack. You do this by passing the CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND as part of your create-stack request. CFN rejects the request if this capability is not acknowledged when the AmsStackTransform is included in the template. The CFN console ensures that you pass this capability if you have the transform in your template, but this can be missed when you are interacting with CFN via their APIs.

You must pass this capability whenever you use the following CFN API calls:

When creating or updating a stack with DCM, the same validations and augmentations of CFN Ingest and Stack Update CTs are performed on the stack, for more information see AWS CloudFormation Ingest Guidelines, Best Practices, and Limitations. The exception to this is that the AMS default security groups (SGs) will not be attached to any stand-alone EC2 instances or EC2 instances in Auto Scaling groups (ASGs). When you create your CloudFormation template, with stand-alone EC2 instances or ASGs, you can attach the default SGs.


IAM roles can now be created and managed with the AWSManagedServicesCloudFormationAdminRole.

The AMS default SGs have ingress and egress rules that allow the instances to launch successfully and to be accessed later through SSH or RDP by AMS operations and you. If the you find that the AMS default security groups are too permissive, you can create your own SGs with more restrictive rules and attach them to your instance, as long as it still allows you and AMS operations to access the instance during incidents.

The AMS default security groups are the following:

  • SentinelDefaultSecurityGroupPrivateOnly: Can be accessed in the CFN template through this SSM parameter /ams/${VpcId}/SentinelDefaultSecurityGroupPrivateOnly

  • SentinelDefaultSecurityGroupPrivateOnlyEgressAll: Can be accessed in the CFN template through this SSM parameter /ams/${VpcId}/SentinelDefaultSecurityGroupPrivateOnlyEgressAll

AMS Transform

Add a Transform statement to your CloudFormation template. This adds a CloudFormation macro that validates and registers the stack with AMS at launch time.

JSON Example

"Transform": {     "Name": "AmsStackTransform",     "Parameters": {       "StackId": {"Ref" : "AWS::StackId"}     }   }

YAML Example

Transform: Name: AmsStackTransform Parameters: StackId: !Ref 'AWS::StackId'

Also add the Transform statement when updating the template of an existing stack.

JSON Example

{   "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",   "Description" : "Create an SNS Topic",    "Transform": { "Name": "AmsStackTransform", "Parameters": { "StackId": {"Ref" : "AWS::StackId"} } },   "Parameters": {     "TopicName": {       "Type": "String",       "Default": "HelloWorldTopic"     }   },   "Resources": {     "SnsTopic": {       "Type": "AWS::SNS::Topic",       "Properties": {         "TopicName": {"Ref": "TopicName"}       }     }   } }

YAML Example

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: Create an SNS Topic Transform: Name: AmsStackTransform Parameters: StackId: !Ref 'AWS::StackId' Parameters: TopicName: Type: String Default: HelloWorldTopic Resources: SnsTopic: Type: AWS::SNS::Topic Properties: TopicName: !Ref TopicName

Stack name

The stack name must start with the prefix stack- followed by a 17 character alphanumeric string. This is to maintain compatibility with other AMS systems that operate on AMS stack IDs. 

The following are examples of ways to generate compatible stack IDs:


echo "stack-$(env LC_CTYPE=C tr -dc 'a-z0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c 17)"


import string import random 'stack-' + ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, k=17))


"stack-" + ( -join ((0x30..0x39) + ( 0x61..0x7A) | Get-Random -Count 17 | % {[char]$_}) )