AWS Marketplace Metering Service 使用 AWS SDK for Java 整合您的容器產品與 - AWS Marketplace


AWS Marketplace Metering Service 使用 AWS SDK for Java 整合您的容器產品與

下列範例概述使用 AWS SDK for Java 與AWS Marketplace 計量服務MeterUsage操作整合的實作。如需完整詳細資訊,請參閱 MeterUsage Java 範例。無論使用何種語言,都適用下列許多步驟。

範例: AWS Marketplace Metering Service 整合
  1. 登入 AWS Marketplace 管理入口網站

  2. 資產 中,選擇容器以開始建立新的容器產品。建立產品會產生產品的產品程式碼,以便與您的容器映像整合。如需有關設定 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 許可的資訊,請參閱 AWS Marketplace 計量和權益 API 權限

  3. 下載公有 AWS Java SDK


    若要從 Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) 呼叫計量API操作,您必須使用支援的 AWS SDK,並在執行 Kubernetes 1.13 或更新版本的 Amazon EKS叢集上執行。

  4. 每個維度用量每小時從任務或 Pod 呼叫一次MeterUsage操作。該API操作接受 DimensionResource和 的唯一組合的一個計量記錄Hour。資源可以是 Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) 任務或 Amazon EKS Pod。

    { "ProductCode" : "string", // (required) "UsageDimension" : "string", // (required) "UsageQuantity": int, // (optional) Default is 0. Acceptable value from [0, 2147483647 (INT_MAX)] "Timestamp": Date, // (required) Timestamp in UTC. Value can be one hour in the past. "UsageAllocations": List<UsageAllocation> // (optional) UsageAllocations across 1 or more tags. }

    連接到 時,可能會看到暫時性問題 AWS Marketplace Metering Service。 AWS Marketplace 強烈建議在指數級關閉的情況下,執行重試最多 30 分鐘,以避免短期中斷或網路問題。

  5. 重建容器映像的新版本,其中包含MeterUsage呼叫、標記容器,並將其推送至與 Amazon ECS或 Amazon 相容的任何 Docker 登錄檔EKS,例如 Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon)ECR。如果您使用的是 Amazon ECR,請確定啟動 Amazon ECS任務或 Amazon EKS Pod 的帳戶具有 Amazon ECR儲存庫的許可。否則,操作會失敗。

  6. 建立IAM角色,以授予容器呼叫 的許可MeterUsage,如下列程式碼範例所定義。您必須在 Amazon ECS任務或 Amazon EKS Pod 定義的任務角色參數中提供此 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 角色。

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "aws-marketplace:MeterUsage" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" } ] }
  7. 建立 Amazon ECS任務或 Amazon EKS Pod 定義,該定義參考與 整合的容器, AWS Marketplace 並參考您在步驟 6 中建立IAM的角色。如果您想要查看記錄,請在任務定義中啟用 AWS CloudTrail 記錄。

  8. 建立 Amazon ECS或 Amazon EKS叢集以執行您的任務或 Pod。如需建立 Amazon ECS叢集的詳細資訊,請參閱Amazon Elastic Container Service 開發人員指南中的建立叢集。如需建立 Amazon EKS叢集的詳細資訊 (使用 Kubernetes 1.1.3.x 版或更新版本),請參閱建立 Amazon EKS叢集。

  9. 設定 Amazon ECS或 Amazon EKS叢集,並在 us-east-1 AWS Region 中啟動您在步驟 8 中建立的 Amazon ECS任務定義或 Amazon EKS Pod。只有在此測試程序中,產品上線之前,您必須使用此區域。

  10. 當您從 取得MeterUsage針對產品發佈的每個維度的有效回應時,您可以開始建立容器產品。如有疑問,請聯絡AWS Marketplace 賣方營運團隊。

MeterUsage Java 範例

下列程式碼範例使用 AWS SDK for Java 和 AWS Marketplace Metering Service 來呼叫 MeterUsage操作。

下列程式碼範例會呼叫 MeterUsage操作,而沒有任何 UsageAllocations

import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; public class MeterUsage { private static final String PRODUCT_CODE = "......."; private final AWSMarketplaceMetering awsMarketplaceMetering; public MeterUsage() { awsMarketplaceMetering = AWSMarketplaceMeteringClientBuilder.standard().build(); } /** * Submits metering record for a FCP Dimension. The API accepts 1 metering record per dimension * for a given buyer's resource for a given timestamp hour. Ex. If a buyer is running 10 tasks, * the API will accepts 1 call to MeterUsage in an hour for a given dimension for each running task. * * @param dimension - FCP dimension name provided during the publishing of the product. * @param quantity - FCP dimension consumption value for the hour. * @param timestamp - Timestamp, in UTC, for which the usage is being reported. * Timestamp cant be more than 1 hour in the past. * Make sure the timestamp value is not before the start of the software usage. */ public void callMeterUsage(String dimension, int quantity, Date timestamp) { MeterUsageRequest meterUsageRequest = new MeterUsageRequest() .withProductCode(PRODUCT_CODE) .withUsageDimension(dimension) .withUsageQuantity(quantity) .withTimestamp(timestamp); MeterUsageResult meterUsageResult = awsMarketplaceMetering.meterUsage(meterUsageRequest); } }

下列程式碼範例使用 呼叫 MeterUsage操作UsageAllocations

private static String callMeterUsageWithAllocationsByTag(AWSMarketplaceMetering marketplaceMetering) { // Tag Keys for the product String tagKey1 = "Key1"; String tagKey2 = "Key2"; String tagKey3 = "Key3"; // 1st Usage Allocation bucket which has two Tags [{Key1, Key1Value1},{Key2, Key2Value1}] List<Tag> tagsForUsageAllocation1 = Arrays.asList(new Tag().withKey(tagKey1).withValue("Key1Value1"), new Tag().withKey(tagKey2).withValue("Key2Value1")); UsageAllocation usageAllocation1 = new UsageAllocation() .withTags(tagsForUsageAllocation1) .withAllocatedUsageQuantity(20); // 2nd Usage Allocation bucket which has two Tags [{Key1, Key1Value2},{Key2, Key2Value1}] List<Tag> tagsForUsageAllocation2 = Arrays.asList(new Tag().withKey(tagKey1).withValue("Key1Value2"), new Tag().withKey(tagKey2).withValue("Key2Value1")); UsageAllocation usageAllocation2 = new UsageAllocation() .withTags(tagsForUsageAllocation2) .withAllocatedUsageQuantity(20); // 3rd Usage Allocation bucket which has two Tags [{Key1, Key1Value2},{Key2, Key2Value2},{Key3, Key3Value1}] List<Tag> tagsForUsageAllocation3 = Arrays.asList(new Tag().withKey(tagKey1).withValue("Key1Value2"), new Tag().withKey(tagKey2).withValue("Key2Value2"), new Tag().withKey(tagKey3).withValue("Key3Value1")); UsageAllocation usageAllocation3 = new UsageAllocation() .withTags(tagsForUsageAllocation3) .withAllocatedUsageQuantity(15); // 4th Usage Allocation bucket with no tags UsageAllocation usageAllocation4 = new UsageAllocation() .withAllocatedUsageQuantity(15); List<UsageAllocation> usageAllocationList = Arrays.asList(usageAllocation1, usageAllocation2, usageAllocation3, usageAllocation4); MeterUsageRequest meterUsageRequest = new MeterUsageRequest() .withProductCode("TestProductCode") .withUsageDimension("Dimension1") .withTimestamp(new Date()) //UsageQuantity value must match with sum of all AllocatedUsageQuantity .withUsageQuantity(70) .withUsageAllocations(usageAllocationList); MeterUsageResult meterUsageResult; try { meterUsageResult = marketplaceMetering.meterUsage(meterUsageRequest); } catch (Exception e) { // Log Error throw e; } return meterUsageResult.getMeteringRecordId(); }