Amazon MWAA 環境上的 Aurora PostgreSQL 資料庫清除
Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow 使用 Aurora PostgreSQL 資料庫做為 Apache Airflow 中繼資料資料庫,其中存放 DAG 執行和任務執行個體。下列範例程式碼會定期從 Amazon MWAA 環境的專用 Aurora PostgreSQL 資料庫清除項目。
您可以在 Python 3.10
中使用此頁面上的程式碼範例搭配 Apache Airflow v2。
若要將此程式碼範例與 Apache Airflow v2 搭配使用,不需要額外的相依性。此程式碼會在您的環境中使用 Apache Airflow v2 基本安裝
下列 DAG 會清除 中指定資料表的中繼資料資料庫TABLES_TO_CLEAN
。此範例會從超過 30 天的指定資料表中刪除資料。若要調整項目的刪除範圍,請將 MAX_AGE_IN_DAYS
- Apache Airflow v2.4 and later
from airflow import DAG from airflow.models.param import Param from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago from datetime import datetime, timedelta # Note: Database commands may time out if running longer than 5 minutes. If this occurs, please increase the MAX_AGE_IN_DAYS (or change # timestamp parameter to an earlier date) for initial runs, then reduce on subsequent runs until the desired retention is met. MAX_AGE_IN_DAYS = 30 # To clean specific tables, please provide a comma-separated list per # https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/stable/cli-and-env-variables-ref.html#clean # A value of None will clean all tables TABLES_TO_CLEAN = None with DAG( dag_id="clean_db_dag", schedule_interval=None, catchup=False, start_date=days_ago(1), params={ "timestamp": Param( default=(datetime.now()-timedelta(days=MAX_AGE_IN_DAYS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), type="string", minLength=1, maxLength=255, ), } ) as dag: if TABLES_TO_CLEAN: bash_command="airflow db clean --clean-before-timestamp '{{ params.timestamp }}' --tables '"+TABLES_TO_CLEAN+"' --skip-archive --yes" else: bash_command="airflow db clean --clean-before-timestamp '{{ params.timestamp }}' --skip-archive --yes" cli_command = BashOperator( task_id="bash_command", bash_command=bash_command )
- Apache Airflow v2.2 and earlier
from airflow import settings from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago from airflow.models import DagTag, DagModel, DagRun, ImportError, Log, SlaMiss, RenderedTaskInstanceFields, TaskInstance, TaskReschedule, XCom from airflow.decorators import dag, task from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago from time import sleep from airflow.version import version major_version, minor_version = int(version.split('.')[0]), int(version.split('.')[1]) if major_version >= 2 and minor_version >= 6: from airflow.jobs.job import Job else: # The BaseJob class was renamed as of Apache Airflow v2.6 from airflow.jobs.base_job import BaseJob as Job # Delete entries for the past 30 days. Adjust MAX_AGE_IN_DAYS to set how far back this DAG cleans the database. MAX_AGE_IN_DAYS = 30 MIN_AGE_IN_DAYS = 0 DECREMENT = -7 # This is a list of (table, time) tuples. # table = the table to clean in the metadata database # time = the column in the table associated to the timestamp of an entry # or None if not applicable. TABLES_TO_CLEAN = [[Job, Job.latest_heartbeat], [TaskInstance, TaskInstance.execution_date], [TaskReschedule, TaskReschedule.execution_date], [DagTag, None], [DagModel, DagModel.last_parsed_time], [DagRun, DagRun.execution_date], [ImportError, ImportError.timestamp], [Log, Log.dttm], [SlaMiss, SlaMiss.execution_date], [RenderedTaskInstanceFields, RenderedTaskInstanceFields.execution_date], [XCom, XCom.execution_date], ] @task() def cleanup_db_fn(x): session = settings.Session() if x[1]: for oldest_days_ago in range(MAX_AGE_IN_DAYS, MIN_AGE_IN_DAYS, DECREMENT): earliest_days_ago = max(oldest_days_ago + DECREMENT, MIN_AGE_IN_DAYS) print(f"deleting {str(x[0])} entries between {earliest_days_ago} and {oldest_days_ago} days old...") earliest_date = days_ago(earliest_days_ago) oldest_date = days_ago(oldest_days_ago) query = session.query(x[0]).filter(x[1] >= earliest_date).filter(x[1] <= oldest_date) query.delete(synchronize_session= False) session.commit() sleep(5) else: # No time column specified for the table. Delete all entries print("deleting", str(x[0]), "...") query = session.query(x[0]) query.delete(synchronize_session= False) session.commit() session.close() @dag( dag_id="cleanup_db", schedule_interval="@weekly", start_date=days_ago(7), catchup=False, is_paused_upon_creation=False ) def clean_db_dag_fn(): t_last=None for x in TABLES_TO_CLEAN: t=cleanup_db_fn(x) if t_last: t_last >> t t_last = t clean_db_dag = clean_db_dag_fn()
使用 DAG 撰寫自訂指標
將環境中繼資料匯出至 Amazon S3