Source - OpsWorks


Contains the information required to retrieve an app or cookbook from a repository. For more information, see Creating Apps or Custom Recipes and Cookbooks.



When included in a request, the parameter depends on the repository type.

  • For Amazon S3 bundles, set Password to the appropriate IAM secret access key.

  • For HTTP bundles and Subversion repositories, set Password to the password.

For more information on how to safely handle IAM credentials, see

In responses, AWS OpsWorks Stacks returns *****FILTERED***** instead of the actual value.

Type: String

Required: No


The application's version. AWS OpsWorks Stacks enables you to easily deploy new versions of an application. One of the simplest approaches is to have branches or revisions in your repository that represent different versions that can potentially be deployed.

Type: String

Required: No


In requests, the repository's SSH key.

In responses, AWS OpsWorks Stacks returns *****FILTERED***** instead of the actual value.

Type: String

Required: No


The repository type.

Type: String

Valid Values: git | svn | archive | s3

Required: No


The source URL. The following is an example of an Amazon S3 source URL:

Type: String

Required: No


This parameter depends on the repository type.

  • For Amazon S3 bundles, set Username to the appropriate IAM access key ID.

  • For HTTP bundles, Git repositories, and Subversion repositories, set Username to the user name.

Type: String

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: