對自訂AMI問題進行疑難排解 - AWS ParallelCluster




使用自訂 時AMI,您可以看到下列警告:

"validationMessages": [ { "level": "WARNING", "type": "CustomAmiTagValidator", "message": "The custom AMI may not have been created by pcluster. You can ignore this warning if the AMI is shared or copied from another pcluster AMI. If the AMI is indeed not created by pcluster, cluster creation will fail. If the cluster creation fails, please go to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/parallelcluster/latest/ug/troubleshooting.html#troubleshooting-stack-creation-failures for troubleshooting." }, { "level": "WARNING", "type": "AmiOsCompatibleValidator", "message": "Could not check node AMI ami-0000012345 OS and cluster OS alinux2 compatibility, please make sure they are compatible before cluster creation and update operations." } ]


如果您未來不想看到這些警告,請使用AMI下列標籤標記自訂,其中 my-osalinux2ubuntu2204ubuntu2004rhel8和 之一 "3.7.0" 是正在使用的pcluster版本:

$ aws ec2 create-tags \ --resources ami-yourcustomAmi \ --tags Key="parallelcluster:version",Value="3.7.0" Key="parallelcluster:os",Value="my-os"