Associating, disassociating and assigning opportunities - AWS Partner Central

Associating, disassociating and assigning opportunities

Opportunities can be associated or disassociated with Partner Solutions, AWS Products, and AWS Marketplace Offers throughout the opportunity lifecycle.

Associating opportunities with other entities

The associated entities are retrieved from the GetOpportunity method within the RelatedEntityIdentifiers object. The RelatedEntityIdentifiers can be updated using AssociateOpportunity. Note that this field cannot be updated using the UpdateOpportunity or CreateOpportunity method.


Before an engagement with AWS is started using the StartEngagementFromOpportunityTask action, it is mandatory to associate at least one and upto ten Partner Solutions. An AWS Referral may or may not contain a Partner Solution.

To view your existing solutions, use the ListSolutions action.

Partners can create, update, and manage their solutions in the Build section on AWS Partner Central.

AWS Products

Upto 20 AWS Products can be associated with an opportunity. To view a list of available AWS Products, use the list of AWS Products hosted on GitHub. Association with AWS Products is exclusively done using the AssociateOpportunity action. To replace or remove a Product, use the DisssociateOpportunity action.

AWS Marketplace Offers

Opportunities can be tied to an AWS Marketplace Private Offer. To view available offers, use the ListEntities from the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. Currently, you can only associate offers from the AWS Marketplace Seller account linked to AWS Partner Central.

For associating a private offer ARN is required. Sample:


Remember, only one opportunity can be associated with an AWS Marketplace Private Offer.

Disassociating Opportunities from other entities

Use the DisssociateOpportunity action to unlink the Opportunity from Solutions, AWS Products, AWS Marketplace Offers. Depending on the state of the Opportunity, different validation rules apply for unlinking the related objects.

Assigning Opportunities

Use AssignOpportunity to change the opportunity's owner. You can set any of your Partner Central users to be the opportunity owner.