適用於 .NET 的 Amazon QLDB 驅動程式 – 快速入門教學課程 - Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (Amazon QLDB)


適用於 .NET 的 Amazon QLDB 驅動程式 – 快速入門教學課程


支援終止通知:現有客戶將可以使用 Amazon QLDB,直到 07/31/2025 的支援結束為止。如需詳細資訊,請參閱將 Amazon QLDB Ledger 遷移至 Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

在本教學課程中,您將了解如何使用適用於 .NET 的 Amazon QLDB 驅動程式設定簡單的應用程式。本指南包含安裝驅動程式的步驟,以及基本建立、讀取、更新和刪除 (CRUD) 操作的簡短程式碼範例。



  1. 如果您尚未執行此操作,請完成 .NET 驅動程式先決條件的 。這包括註冊 AWS、授予開發的程式設計存取權,以及安裝 .NET Core SDK。

  2. 建立名為 的分類帳quick-start

    若要了解如何建立分類帳,請參閱 主控台入門步驟 1:建立新的分類帳中的 Amazon QLDB 分類帳的基本操作或 。

步驟 1:設定您的 專案

首先,設定您的 .NET 專案。

  1. 若要建立和執行範本應用程式,請在 bashPowerShellCommand Prompt 等終端機上輸入下列dotnet命令。

    $ dotnet new console --output Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide $ dotnet run --project Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide

    此範本會建立名為 的資料夾Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide。在該資料夾中,它會建立具有相同名稱和名為 的檔案的專案Program.cs。程式包含顯示輸出 的程式碼Hello World!

  2. 使用 NuGet 套件管理員安裝適用於 .NET 的 QLDB 驅動程式。我們建議您使用 Visual Studio 或您選擇的 IDE,將相依性新增至您的專案。驅動程式套件名稱為 Amazon.QLDB.Driver

    • 例如,在 Visual Studio 中,開啟工具功能表上的 NuGet 套件管理員主控台。然後,在PM>提示中輸入下列命令。

      PM> Install-Package Amazon.QLDB.Driver
    • 或者,您可以在終端機上輸入下列命令。

      $ cd Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide $ dotnet add package Amazon.QLDB.Driver

    安裝驅動程式也會安裝其相依性,包括 AWS SDK for .NETAmazon Ion 程式庫。

  3. 安裝驅動程式的序列化程式庫。

    PM> Install-Package Amazon.QLDB.Driver.Serialization
  4. 開啟 Program.cs 檔案。

    然後,在下列步驟中逐步新增程式碼範例,以嘗試一些基本的 CRUD 操作。或者,您可以略過step-by-step教學課程,改為執行完整的應用程式

  • 選擇同步和非同步 APIs – 驅動程式提供同步和非同步 APIs。對於在不封鎖的情況下處理多個請求的高需求應用程式,我們建議您使用非同步 APIs以提高效能。驅動程式提供同步 APIs,為同步寫入的現有程式碼基礎增加便利性。

    本教學課程包含同步和非同步程式碼範例。如需 APIs的詳細資訊,請參閱 API 文件中的 IQldbDriverIAsyncQldbDriver 介面。

  • 處理 Amazon Ion 資料 – 此教學課程提供程式碼範例,以預設使用 Ion 物件映射器處理 Amazon Ion 資料。QLDB 在 .NET 驅動程式的 1.3.0 版中推出 Ion 物件映射器。如適用,本教學課程也提供使用標準 Ion 程式庫做為替代程式碼範例。如需進一步了解,請參閱 使用 Amazon Ion

步驟 2:初始化驅動程式

初始化連接至名為 之分類帳的驅動程式執行個體quick-start。將下列程式碼新增至您的 Program.cs 檔案。

using Amazon.QLDB.Driver; using Amazon.QLDB.Driver.Generic; using Amazon.QLDB.Driver.Serialization; namespace Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide { class Program { public class Person { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return FirstName + ", " + LastName + ", " + Age.ToString(); } } static async Task Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Create the async QLDB driver"); IAsyncQldbDriver driver = AsyncQldbDriver.Builder() .WithLedger("quick-start") .WithSerializer(new ObjectSerializer()) .Build(); } } }
using Amazon.QLDB.Driver; using Amazon.QLDB.Driver.Generic; using Amazon.QLDB.Driver.Serialization; namespace Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide { class Program { public class Person { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return FirstName + ", " + LastName + ", " + Age.ToString(); } } static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Create the sync QLDB driver"); IQldbDriver driver = QldbDriver.Builder() .WithLedger("quick-start") .WithSerializer(new ObjectSerializer()) .Build(); } } }
using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.IonDotnet.Tree; using Amazon.IonDotnet.Tree.Impl; using Amazon.QLDB.Driver; using IAsyncResult = Amazon.QLDB.Driver.IAsyncResult; namespace Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide { class Program { static IValueFactory valueFactory = new ValueFactory(); static async Task Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Create the async QLDB driver"); IAsyncQldbDriver driver = AsyncQldbDriver.Builder() .WithLedger("quick-start") .Build(); } } }
using System; using Amazon.IonDotnet.Tree; using Amazon.IonDotnet.Tree.Impl; using Amazon.QLDB.Driver; namespace Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide { class Program { static IValueFactory valueFactory = new ValueFactory(); static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Create the sync QLDB Driver"); IQldbDriver driver = QldbDriver.Builder() .WithLedger("quick-start") .Build(); } } }

步驟 3:建立資料表和索引


在此步驟中,下列程式碼會示範如何執行 CREATE TABLECREATE INDEX陳述式。它會為該資料表上的 firstName 欄位建立名為 的資料表Person和索引。需要索引才能最佳化查詢效能,並協助限制樂觀並行控制 (OCC) 衝突例外狀況。

Console.WriteLine("Creating the table and index"); // Creates the table and the index in the same transaction. // Note: Any code within the lambda can potentially execute multiple times due to retries. // For more information, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/qldb/latest/developerguide/driver-retry-policy await driver.Execute(async txn => { await txn.Execute("CREATE TABLE Person"); await txn.Execute("CREATE INDEX ON Person(firstName)"); });
Console.WriteLine("Creating the tables and index"); // Creates the table and the index in the same transaction. // Note: Any code within the lambda can potentially execute multiple times due to retries. // For more information, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/qldb/latest/developerguide/driver-retry-policy driver.Execute(txn => { txn.Execute("CREATE TABLE Person"); txn.Execute("CREATE INDEX ON Person(firstName)"); });

步驟 4:插入文件

下列程式碼範例示範如何執行 INSERT陳述式。QLDB 支援 PartiQL 查詢語言 (與 SQL 相容) 和 Amazon Ion 資料格式 (JSON 的超集)。


Console.WriteLine("Inserting a document"); Person myPerson = new Person { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", Age = 32 }; await driver.Execute(async txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("INSERT INTO Person ?", myPerson); await txn.Execute(myQuery); });
Console.WriteLine("Inserting a document"); Person myPerson = new Person { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", Age = 32 }; driver.Execute(txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("INSERT INTO Person ?", myPerson); txn.Execute(myQuery); });
Console.WriteLine("Inserting a document"); // This is one way of creating Ion values. We can also use an IonLoader. // For more details, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/qldb/latest/developerguide/driver-cookbook-dotnet.html#cookbook-dotnet.ion IIonValue ionPerson = valueFactory.NewEmptyStruct(); ionPerson.SetField("firstName", valueFactory.NewString("John")); ionPerson.SetField("lastName", valueFactory.NewString("Doe")); ionPerson.SetField("age", valueFactory.NewInt(32)); await driver.Execute(async txn => { await txn.Execute("INSERT INTO Person ?", ionPerson); });
Console.WriteLine("Inserting a document"); // This is one way of creating Ion values, we can also use an IonLoader. // For more details, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/qldb/latest/developerguide/driver-cookbook-dotnet.html#cookbook-dotnet.ion IIonValue ionPerson = valueFactory.NewEmptyStruct(); ionPerson.SetField("firstName", valueFactory.NewString("John")); ionPerson.SetField("lastName", valueFactory.NewString("Doe")); ionPerson.SetField("age", valueFactory.NewInt(32)); driver.Execute(txn => { txn.Execute("INSERT INTO Person ?", ionPerson); });

若要使用單一INSERT陳述式插入多個文件,您可以將 Ion 清單類型參數傳遞至陳述式,如下所示。

// people is an Ion list txn.Execute("INSERT INTO Person ?", people);

傳遞 Ion 清單時,您不會將變數預留位置 (?) 括在雙角度括號 ( ) <<...>> 中。在手動 PartiQL 陳述式中,雙角括號表示稱為的未排序集合。

步驟 5:查詢文件

下列程式碼範例示範如何執行 SELECT陳述式。


Console.WriteLine("Querying the table"); // The result from driver.Execute() is buffered into memory because once the // transaction is committed, streaming the result is no longer possible. IAsyncResult<Person> selectResult = await driver.Execute(async txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE FirstName = ?", "John"); return await txn.Execute(myQuery); }); await foreach (Person person in selectResult) { Console.WriteLine(person); // John, Doe, 32 }
Console.WriteLine("Querying the table"); // The result from driver.Execute() is buffered into memory because once the // transaction is committed, streaming the result is no longer possible. IResult<Person> selectResult = driver.Execute(txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE FirstName = ?", "John"); return txn.Execute(myQuery); }); foreach (Person person in selectResult) { Console.WriteLine(person); // John, Doe, 32 }
Console.WriteLine("Querying the table"); IIonValue ionFirstName = valueFactory.NewString("John"); // The result from driver.Execute() is buffered into memory because once the // transaction is committed, streaming the result is no longer possible. IAsyncResult selectResult = await driver.Execute(async txn => { return await txn.Execute("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE firstName = ?", ionFirstName); }); await foreach (IIonValue row in selectResult) { Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("firstName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("lastName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("age").IntValue); }
Console.WriteLine("Querying the table"); IIonValue ionFirstName = valueFactory.NewString("John"); // The result from driver.Execute() is buffered into memory because once the // transaction is committed, streaming the result is no longer possible. IResult selectResult = driver.Execute(txn => { return txn.Execute("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE firstName = ?", ionFirstName); }); foreach (IIonValue row in selectResult) { Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("firstName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("lastName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("age").IntValue); }

此範例使用問號 (?) 做為變數預留位置,將文件資訊傳遞至 陳述式。使用預留位置時,您必須傳遞 類型的值IonValue

步驟 6:更新文件

下列程式碼範例示範如何執行 UPDATE陳述式。

  1. 新增下列程式碼,透過更新age至 42 來更新Person資料表中的文件。

    Console.WriteLine("Updating the document"); await driver.Execute(async txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("UPDATE Person SET Age = ? WHERE FirstName = ?", 42, "John"); await txn.Execute(myQuery); });
    Console.WriteLine("Updating the document"); driver.Execute(txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("UPDATE Person SET Age = ? WHERE FirstName = ?", 42, "John"); txn.Execute(myQuery); });
  2. 再次查詢文件以查看更新的值。

    Console.WriteLine("Querying the table for the updated document"); IAsyncResult<Person> updateResult = await driver.Execute(async txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE FirstName = ?", "John"); return await txn.Execute(myQuery); }); await foreach (Person person in updateResult) { Console.WriteLine(person); // John, Doe, 42 }
    Console.WriteLine("Querying the table for the updated document"); IResult<Person> updateResult = driver.Execute(txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE FirstName = ?", "John"); return txn.Execute(myQuery); }); foreach (Person person in updateResult) { Console.WriteLine(person); // John, Doe, 42 }
  3. 若要執行應用程式,請從Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide專案目錄的父目錄輸入下列命令。

    $ dotnet run --project Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide
  1. 新增下列程式碼,透過更新age至 42 來更新Person資料表中的文件。

    Console.WriteLine("Updating the document"); IIonValue ionIntAge = valueFactory.NewInt(42); IIonValue ionFirstName2 = valueFactory.NewString("John"); await driver.Execute(async txn => { await txn.Execute("UPDATE Person SET age = ? WHERE firstName = ?", ionIntAge, ionFirstName2); });
    Console.WriteLine("Updating a document"); IIonValue ionIntAge = valueFactory.NewInt(42); IIonValue ionFirstName2 = valueFactory.NewString("John"); driver.Execute(txn => { txn.Execute("UPDATE Person SET age = ? WHERE firstName = ?", ionIntAge, ionFirstName2); });
  2. 再次查詢文件以查看更新的值。

    Console.WriteLine("Querying the table for the updated document"); IIonValue ionFirstName3 = valueFactory.NewString("John"); IAsyncResult updateResult = await driver.Execute(async txn => { return await txn.Execute("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE firstName = ?", ionFirstName3 ); }); await foreach (IIonValue row in updateResult) { Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("firstName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("lastName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("age").IntValue); }
    Console.WriteLine("Querying the table for the updated document"); IIonValue ionFirstName3 = valueFactory.NewString("John"); IResult updateResult = driver.Execute(txn => { return txn.Execute("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE firstName = ?", ionFirstName3); }); foreach (IIonValue row in updateResult) { Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("firstName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("lastName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("age").IntValue); }
  3. 若要執行應用程式,請從Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide專案目錄的父目錄輸入下列命令。

    $ dotnet run --project Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide


下列程式碼範例是Program.cs應用程式的完整版本。您也可以從頭到尾複製並執行此程式碼範例,而不是個別執行上述步驟。此應用程式會在名為 的分類帳上示範一些基本 CRUD 操作quick-start


在您執行此程式碼之前,請確定您尚未在 分類帳Person中擁有名為 quick-start 的作用中資料表。

using Amazon.QLDB.Driver; using Amazon.QLDB.Driver.Generic; using Amazon.QLDB.Driver.Serialization; namespace Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide { class Program { public class Person { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return FirstName + ", " + LastName + ", " + Age.ToString(); } } static async Task Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Create the async QLDB driver"); IAsyncQldbDriver driver = AsyncQldbDriver.Builder() .WithLedger("quick-start") .WithSerializer(new ObjectSerializer()) .Build(); Console.WriteLine("Creating the table and index"); // Creates the table and the index in the same transaction. // Note: Any code within the lambda can potentially execute multiple times due to retries. // For more information, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/qldb/latest/developerguide/driver-retry-policy await driver.Execute(async txn => { await txn.Execute("CREATE TABLE Person"); await txn.Execute("CREATE INDEX ON Person(firstName)"); }); Console.WriteLine("Inserting a document"); Person myPerson = new Person { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", Age = 32 }; await driver.Execute(async txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("INSERT INTO Person ?", myPerson); await txn.Execute(myQuery); }); Console.WriteLine("Querying the table"); // The result from driver.Execute() is buffered into memory because once the // transaction is committed, streaming the result is no longer possible. IAsyncResult<Person> selectResult = await driver.Execute(async txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE FirstName = ?", "John"); return await txn.Execute(myQuery); }); await foreach (Person person in selectResult) { Console.WriteLine(person); // John, Doe, 32 } Console.WriteLine("Updating the document"); await driver.Execute(async txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("UPDATE Person SET Age = ? WHERE FirstName = ?", 42, "John"); await txn.Execute(myQuery); }); Console.WriteLine("Querying the table for the updated document"); IAsyncResult<Person> updateResult = await driver.Execute(async txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE FirstName = ?", "John"); return await txn.Execute(myQuery); }); await foreach (Person person in updateResult) { Console.WriteLine(person); // John, Doe, 42 } } } }
using Amazon.QLDB.Driver; using Amazon.QLDB.Driver.Generic; using Amazon.QLDB.Driver.Serialization; namespace Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide { class Program { public class Person { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return FirstName + ", " + LastName + ", " + Age.ToString(); } } static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Create the sync QLDB driver"); IQldbDriver driver = QldbDriver.Builder() .WithLedger("quick-start") .WithSerializer(new ObjectSerializer()) .Build(); Console.WriteLine("Creating the table and index"); // Creates the table and the index in the same transaction. // Note: Any code within the lambda can potentially execute multiple times due to retries. // For more information, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/qldb/latest/developerguide/driver-retry-policy driver.Execute(txn => { txn.Execute("CREATE TABLE Person"); txn.Execute("CREATE INDEX ON Person(firstName)"); }); Console.WriteLine("Inserting a document"); Person myPerson = new Person { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", Age = 32 }; driver.Execute(txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("INSERT INTO Person ?", myPerson); txn.Execute(myQuery); }); Console.WriteLine("Querying the table"); // The result from driver.Execute() is buffered into memory because once the // transaction is committed, streaming the result is no longer possible. IResult<Person> selectResult = driver.Execute(txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE FirstName = ?", "John"); return txn.Execute(myQuery); }); foreach (Person person in selectResult) { Console.WriteLine(person); // John, Doe, 32 } Console.WriteLine("Updating the document"); driver.Execute(txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("UPDATE Person SET Age = ? WHERE FirstName = ?", 42, "John"); txn.Execute(myQuery); }); Console.WriteLine("Querying the table for the updated document"); IResult<Person> updateResult = driver.Execute(txn => { IQuery<Person> myQuery = txn.Query<Person>("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE FirstName = ?", "John"); return txn.Execute(myQuery); }); foreach (Person person in updateResult) { Console.WriteLine(person); // John, Doe, 42 } } } }
using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.IonDotnet.Tree; using Amazon.IonDotnet.Tree.Impl; using Amazon.QLDB.Driver; using IAsyncResult = Amazon.QLDB.Driver.IAsyncResult; namespace Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide { class Program { static IValueFactory valueFactory = new ValueFactory(); static async Task Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Create the async QLDB driver"); IAsyncQldbDriver driver = AsyncQldbDriver.Builder() .WithLedger("quick-start") .Build(); Console.WriteLine("Creating the table and index"); // Creates the table and the index in the same transaction. // Note: Any code within the lambda can potentially execute multiple times due to retries. // For more information, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/qldb/latest/developerguide/driver-retry-policy await driver.Execute(async txn => { await txn.Execute("CREATE TABLE Person"); await txn.Execute("CREATE INDEX ON Person(firstName)"); }); Console.WriteLine("Inserting a document"); // This is one way of creating Ion values. We can also use an IonLoader. // For more details, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/qldb/latest/developerguide/driver-cookbook-dotnet.html#cookbook-dotnet.ion IIonValue ionPerson = valueFactory.NewEmptyStruct(); ionPerson.SetField("firstName", valueFactory.NewString("John")); ionPerson.SetField("lastName", valueFactory.NewString("Doe")); ionPerson.SetField("age", valueFactory.NewInt(32)); await driver.Execute(async txn => { await txn.Execute("INSERT INTO Person ?", ionPerson); }); Console.WriteLine("Querying the table"); IIonValue ionFirstName = valueFactory.NewString("John"); // The result from driver.Execute() is buffered into memory because once the // transaction is committed, streaming the result is no longer possible. IAsyncResult selectResult = await driver.Execute(async txn => { return await txn.Execute("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE firstName = ?", ionFirstName); }); await foreach (IIonValue row in selectResult) { Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("firstName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("lastName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("age").IntValue); } Console.WriteLine("Updating the document"); IIonValue ionIntAge = valueFactory.NewInt(42); IIonValue ionFirstName2 = valueFactory.NewString("John"); await driver.Execute(async txn => { await txn.Execute("UPDATE Person SET age = ? WHERE firstName = ?", ionIntAge, ionFirstName2); }); Console.WriteLine("Querying the table for the updated document"); IIonValue ionFirstName3 = valueFactory.NewString("John"); IAsyncResult updateResult = await driver.Execute(async txn => { return await txn.Execute("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE firstName = ?", ionFirstName3); }); await foreach (IIonValue row in updateResult) { Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("firstName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("lastName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("age").IntValue); } } } }
using System; using Amazon.IonDotnet.Tree; using Amazon.IonDotnet.Tree.Impl; using Amazon.QLDB.Driver; namespace Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide { class Program { static IValueFactory valueFactory = new ValueFactory(); static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Create the sync QLDB Driver"); IQldbDriver driver = QldbDriver.Builder() .WithLedger("quick-start") .Build(); Console.WriteLine("Creating the tables and index"); // Creates the table and the index in the same transaction. // Note: Any code within the lambda can potentially execute multiple times due to retries. // For more information, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/qldb/latest/developerguide/driver-retry-policy driver.Execute(txn => { txn.Execute("CREATE TABLE Person"); txn.Execute("CREATE INDEX ON Person(firstName)"); }); Console.WriteLine("Inserting a document"); // This is one way of creating Ion values. We can also use an IonLoader. // For more details, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/qldb/latest/developerguide/driver-cookbook-dotnet.html#cookbook-dotnet.ion IIonValue ionPerson = valueFactory.NewEmptyStruct(); ionPerson.SetField("firstName", valueFactory.NewString("John")); ionPerson.SetField("lastName", valueFactory.NewString("Doe")); ionPerson.SetField("age", valueFactory.NewInt(32)); driver.Execute(txn => { txn.Execute("INSERT INTO Person ?", ionPerson); }); Console.WriteLine("Querying the table"); IIonValue ionFirstName = valueFactory.NewString("John"); // The result from driver.Execute() is buffered into memory because once the // transaction is committed, streaming the result is no longer possible. IResult selectResult = driver.Execute(txn => { return txn.Execute("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE firstName = ?", ionFirstName); }); foreach (IIonValue row in selectResult) { Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("firstName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("lastName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("age").IntValue); } Console.WriteLine("Updating a document"); IIonValue ionIntAge = valueFactory.NewInt(42); IIonValue ionFirstName2 = valueFactory.NewString("John"); driver.Execute(txn => { txn.Execute("UPDATE Person SET age = ? WHERE firstName = ?", ionIntAge, ionFirstName2); }); Console.WriteLine("Querying the table for the updated document"); IIonValue ionFirstName3 = valueFactory.NewString("John"); IResult updateResult = driver.Execute(txn => { return txn.Execute("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE firstName = ?", ionFirstName3); }); foreach (IIonValue row in updateResult) { Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("firstName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("lastName").StringValue); Console.WriteLine(row.GetField("age").IntValue); } } } }


$ dotnet run --project Amazon.QLDB.QuickStartGuide