在 Amazon 的執行時間新增內嵌回呼動作 QuickSight
使用內嵌資料點回呼動作,在軟體即服務 (SaaS) 應用程式與 Amazon QuickSight 內嵌儀表板和視覺效果之間建立更緊密的整合。開發人員可以使用 QuickSight 內嵌 註冊要回呼的資料點SDK。當您註冊視覺效果的回呼動作時,讀者可以在視覺效果上選取資料點,以接收提供所選資料點特定資料的回呼。此資訊可用於標記主要記錄、編譯資料點特定的原始資料、擷取記錄,以及編譯後端處理程序的資料。
開始註冊回呼的資料點之前,請將內嵌更新SDK至 2.3.0 版。如需使用 QuickSight 內嵌 的詳細資訊SDK,請參閱 amazon-quicksight-embedding-sdk
資料點回呼可以在執行時間透過 註冊到一或多個視覺效果 QuickSight SDK。您也可以向VisualCustomActionAPI結構支援的任何互動註冊資料點回呼。這允許使用者在視覺效果上選取資料點時,或從資料點內容選單中選取資料點時,啟動資料點回呼。下列範例註冊讀者在視覺效果上選取資料點時所啟動的資料點回呼。
/const MY_GET_EMBED_URL_ENDPOINT = "https://my.api.endpoint.domain/MyGetEmbedUrlApi"; // Sample URL // The dashboard id to embed const MY_DASHBOARD_ID = "my-dashboard"; // Sample ID // The container element in your page that will have the embedded dashboard const MY_DASHBOARD_CONTAINER = "#experience-container"; // Sample ID // SOME HELPERS const ActionTrigger = { DATA_POINT_CLICK: "DATA_POINT_CLICK", DATA_POINT_MENU: "DATA_POINT_MENU", }; const ActionStatus = { ENABLED: "ENABLED", DISABLED: "DISABLED", }; // This function makes a request to your endpoint to obtain an embed url for a given dashboard id // The example implementation below assumes the endpoint takes dashboardId as request data // and returns an object with EmbedUrl property const myGetEmbedUrl = async (dashboardId) => { const apiOptions = { dashboardId, }; const apiUrl = new URL(MY_GET_EMBED_URL_ENDPOINT); apiUrl.search = new URLSearchParams(apiOptions).toString(); const apiResponse = await fetch(apiUrl.toString()); const apiResponseData = await apiResponse.json(); return apiResponseData.EmbedUrl; }; // This function constructs a custom action object const myConstructCustomActionModel = ( customActionId, actionName, actionTrigger, actionStatus ) => { return { Name: actionName, CustomActionId: customActionId, Status: actionStatus, Trigger: actionTrigger, ActionOperations: [ { CallbackOperation: { EmbeddingMessage: {}, }, }, ], }; }; // This function adds a custom action on the first visual of first sheet of the embedded dashboard const myAddVisualActionOnFirstVisualOfFirstSheet = async ( embeddedDashboard ) => { // 1. List the sheets on the dashboard const { SheetId } = (await embeddedDashboard.getSheets())[0]; // If you'd like to add action on the current sheet instead, you can use getSelectedSheetId method // const SheetId = await embeddedDashboard.getSelectedSheetId(); // 2. List the visuals on the specified sheet const { VisualId } = (await embeddedDashboard.getSheetVisuals(SheetId))[0]; // 3. Add the custom action to the visual try { const customActionId = "custom_action_id"; // Sample ID const actionName = "Flag record"; // Sample name const actionTrigger = ActionTrigger.DATA_POINT_CLICK; // or ActionTrigger.DATA_POINT_MENU const actionStatus = ActionStatus.ENABLED; const myCustomAction = myConstructCustomActionModel( customActionId, actionName, actionTrigger, actionStatus ); const response = await embeddedDashboard.addVisualActions( SheetId, VisualId, [myCustomAction] ); if (!response.success) { console.log("Adding visual action failed", response.errorCode); } } catch (error) { console.log("Adding visual action failed", error); } }; const parseDatapoint = (visualId, datapoint) => { datapoint.Columns.forEach((Column, index) => { // FIELD | METRIC const columnType = Object.keys(Column)[0]; // STRING | DATE | INTEGER | DECIMAL const valueType = Object.keys(Column[columnType])[0]; const { Column: columnMetadata } = Column[columnType][valueType]; const value = datapoint.RawValues[index][valueType]; const formattedValue = datapoint.FormattedValues[index]; console.log( `Column: ${columnMetadata.ColumnName} has a raw value of ${value} and formatted value of ${formattedValue.Value} for visual: ${visualId}` ); }); }; // This function is used to start a custom workflow after the end user selects a datapoint const myCustomDatapointCallbackWorkflow = (callbackData) => { const { VisualId, Datapoints } = callbackData; parseDatapoint(VisualId, Datapoints); }; // EMBEDDING THE DASHBOARD const main = async () => { // 1. Get embed url let url; try { url = await myGetEmbedUrl(MY_DASHBOARD_ID); } catch (error) { console.log("Obtaining an embed url failed"); } if (!url) { return; } // 2. Create embedding context const embeddingContext = await createEmbeddingContext(); // 3. Embed the dashboard const embeddedDashboard = await embeddingContext.embedDashboard( { url, container: MY_DASHBOARD_CONTAINER, width: "1200px", height: "300px", resizeHeightOnSizeChangedEvent: true, }, { onMessage: async (messageEvent) => { const { eventName, message } = messageEvent; switch (eventName) { case "CONTENT_LOADED": { await myAddVisualActionOnFirstVisualOfFirstSheet(embeddedDashboard); break; } case "CALLBACK_OPERATION_INVOKED": { myCustomDatapointCallbackWorkflow(message); break; } } }, } ); }; main().catch(console.error);
您也可以將上述範例設定為在使用者開啟內容選單時啟動資料點回呼。若要在上述範例中執行此操作,請將 actionTrigger
的值設定為 ActionTrigger.DATA_POINT_MENU
訊息會傳送到 QuickSight 內嵌 SDK。onMessage
處理常式會擷取此訊息。此訊息包含與所選資料點相關聯的完整資料列的原始值和顯示值。它也包含具有資料點之視覺效果中所有資料欄的資料欄中繼資料。以下是 CALLBACK_OPERATION_INVOKED
{ CustomActionId: "custom_action_id", DashboardId: "dashboard_id", SheetId: "sheet_id", VisualId: "visual_id", DataPoints: [ { RawValues: [ { String: "Texas" // 1st raw value in row }, { Integer: 1000 // 2nd raw value in row } ], FormattedValues: [ {Value: "Texas"}, // 1st formatted value in row {Value: "1,000"} // 2nd formatted value in row ], Columns: [ { // 1st column metadata Dimension: { String: { Column: { ColumnName: "State", DatsetIdentifier: "..." } } } }, { // 2nd column metadata Measure: { Integer: { Column: { ColumnName: "Cancelled", DatsetIdentifier: "..." }, AggregationFunction: { SimpleNumericalAggregation: "SUM" } } } } ] } ] }