SYS_LOAD_DETAIL - Amazon Redshift







欄名稱 資料類型 描述
user_id integer 產生項目的使用者之 ID。
query_id integer 查詢 ID。
file_name character(256) 要載入的檔案名稱。
bytes_scanned integer 從 Amazon S3 中的檔案掃描的位元組數。
lines_scanned integer 從載入檔案掃描的行數。此數目可能不符合實際載入的資料列數目。例如,根據 COPY 命令中的 MAXERROR 選項,載入可能掃描但容忍一些錯誤記錄。
record_time timestamp 上次更新此項目的時間。
splits_scanned 此檔案的分割數目。 此檔案的分割數目。
start_time timestamp 此檔案處理開始的時間。
end_time timestamp 此檔案處理完成的時間。


下列範例傳回上次 COPY 操作的詳細資訊。

select query_id, trim(file_name) as file, record_time from sys_load_detail where query_id = pg_last_copy_id(); query_id | file | record_time ----------+----------------------------------+---------------------------- 28554 | s3://dw-tickit/category_pipe.txt | 2013-11-01 17:14:52.648486 (1 row)

下列查詢包含 TICKIT 資料庫中全新載入之資料表的項目:

select query_id, trim(file_name), record_time from sys_load_detail where file_name like '%tickit%' order by query_id; query_id | btrim | record_time ----------+--------------------------+---------------------------- 22475 | tickit/allusers_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 20:58:23.274186 22478 | tickit/venue_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 20:58:25.070604 22480 | tickit/category_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 20:58:27.333472 22482 | tickit/date2008_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 20:58:28.608305 22485 | tickit/allevents_pipe.txt| 2013-02-08 20:58:29.99489 22487 | tickit/listings_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 20:58:37.632939 22593 | tickit/allusers_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 21:04:08.400491 22596 | tickit/venue_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 21:04:10.056055 22598 | tickit/category_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 21:04:11.465049 22600 | tickit/date2008_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 21:04:12.461502 22603 | tickit/allevents_pipe.txt| 2013-02-08 21:04:14.785124 22605 | tickit/listings_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 21:04:20.170594 (12 rows)

事實上,記錄寫入至此系統檢視的日誌檔案,並不表示已成功遞交載入,做為其包含交易的一部分。若要驗證載入遞交,請查詢 STL_UTILITYTEXT 檢視,並尋找與 COPY 交易相對應的 COMMIT 記錄。例如,此查詢會針對 STL_UTILITYTEXT 根據子查詢聯結 SYS_LOAD_DETAIL 和 STL_QUERY:

select l.query_id,rtrim(l.file_name),q.xid from sys_load_detail l, stl_query q where l.query_id=q.query and exists (select xid from stl_utilitytext where xid=q.xid and rtrim("text")='COMMIT'); query_id | rtrim | xid ----------+---------------------------+------- 22600 | tickit/date2008_pipe.txt | 68311 22480 | tickit/category_pipe.txt | 68066 7508 | allusers_pipe.txt | 23365 7552 | category_pipe.txt | 23415 7576 | allevents_pipe.txt | 23429 7516 | venue_pipe.txt | 23390 7604 | listings_pipe.txt | 23445 22596 | tickit/venue_pipe.txt | 68309 22605 | tickit/listings_pipe.txt | 68316 22593 | tickit/allusers_pipe.txt | 68305 22485 | tickit/allevents_pipe.txt | 68071 7561 | allevents_pipe.txt | 23429 7541 | category_pipe.txt | 23415 7558 | date2008_pipe.txt | 23428 22478 | tickit/venue_pipe.txt | 68065 526 | date2008_pipe.txt | 2572 7466 | allusers_pipe.txt | 23365 22482 | tickit/date2008_pipe.txt | 68067 22598 | tickit/category_pipe.txt | 68310 22603 | tickit/allevents_pipe.txt | 68315 22475 | tickit/allusers_pipe.txt | 68061 547 | date2008_pipe.txt | 2572 22487 | tickit/listings_pipe.txt | 68072 7531 | venue_pipe.txt | 23390 7583 | listings_pipe.txt | 23445 (25 rows)