了解清單檔案摘要 - Rekognition




如果沒有 終端清單文件錯誤列表,即會在訓練期間建立清單檔案摘要。若要取得清單檔案摘要檔案 (manifest_summary.json) 的位置,請參閱 取得驗證結果



如需特定清單檔案內容錯誤的資訊,請參閱 終端清單檔案內容錯誤


清單檔案有 2 個區段:statisticserrors


statistics 包含訓練和測試資料集中錯誤的相關資訊。

  • training — 在訓練資料集中找到的統計資料和錯誤。

  • testing — 在測試資料集中找到的統計資料和錯誤。

errors 陣列中的物件包含清單檔案內容錯誤的錯誤代碼和訊息。

error_line_indices陣列包含有錯誤的訓練或測試資訊清單中每個 JSON Line 的行號。如需詳細資訊,請參閱修正訓練錯誤


跨越訓練和測試資料集的錯誤。例如,當沒有足夠的可用標籤與訓練和測試資料集重疊時,就會發生 ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_USABLE_LABEL_OVERLAP

{ "statistics": { "training": { "use_case": String, # Possible values are IMAGE_LEVEL_LABELS, OBJECT_LOCALIZATION and NOT_DETERMINED "total_json_lines": Number, # Total number json lines (images) in the training manifest. "valid_json_lines": Number, # Total number of JSON Lines (images) that can be used for training. "invalid_json_lines": Number, # Total number of invalid JSON Lines. They are not used for training. "ignored_json_lines": Number, # JSON Lines that have a valid schema but have no annotations. The aren't used for training and aren't counted as invalid. "error_json_line_indices": List[int], # Contains a list of line numbers for JSON line errors in the training dataset. "errors": [ { "code": String, # Error code for a training manifest content error. "message": String # Description for a training manifest content error. } ] }, "testing": { "use_case": String, # Possible values are IMAGE_LEVEL_LABELS, OBJECT_LOCALIZATION and NOT_DETERMINED "total_json_lines": Number, # Total number json lines (images) in the manifest. "valid_json_lines": Number, # Total number of JSON Lines (images) that can be used for testing. "invalid_json_lines": Number, # Total number of invalid JSON Lines. They are not used for testing. "ignored_json_lines": Number, # JSON Lines that have a valid schema but have no annotations. They aren't used for testing and aren't counted as invalid. "error_json_line_indices": List[int], # contains a list of error record line numbers in testing dataset. "errors": [ { "code": String, # # Error code for a testing manifest content error. "message": String # Description for a testing manifest content error. } ] } }, "errors": [ { "code": String, # # Error code for errors that span the training and testing datasets. "message": String # Description of the error. } ] }


下列範例是部分清單檔案摘要,會顯示終端清單檔案內容錯誤 (ERROR_ _ TOO _ _ MANY _ INVALID _ ROWS 中 _ MANIFEST)。error_json_line_indices陣列在對應的訓練或測試驗證資訊清單中包含非終端 JSON Line 錯誤的行號。

{ "errors": [], "statistics": { "training": { "use_case": "NOT_DETERMINED", "total_json_lines": 301, "valid_json_lines": 146, "invalid_json_lines": 155, "ignored_json_lines": 0, "errors": [ { "code": "ERROR_TOO_MANY_INVALID_ROWS_IN_MANIFEST", "message": "The manifest file contains too many invalid rows." } ], "error_json_line_indices": [ 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, . . . . 300 ] }, "testing": { "use_case": "NOT_DETERMINED", "total_json_lines": 15, "valid_json_lines": 13, "invalid_json_lines": 2, "ignored_json_lines": 0, "errors": [], "error_json_line_indices": [ 13, 15 ] } } }