Monitoring IAM Roles Anywhere with Amazon CloudWatch - IAM Roles Anywhere

Monitoring IAM Roles Anywhere with Amazon CloudWatch

You can monitor AWS Identity and Access Management Roles Anywhere using CloudWatch, which collects raw data and processes it into readable, near real-time metrics. These statistics are kept for 15 months, so that you can access historical information and gain a better perspective on how your web application or service is performing. You can also set alarms that watch for certain thresholds, and send notifications or take actions when those thresholds are met. For more information, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

For IAM Roles Anywhere, you might want to watch for trust anchor and end-entity certificate expirations and renew your certificates when your certificates are nearing expiration.

The IAM Roles Anywhere service reports the following metrics in the AWS/RolesAnywhere namespace.

Metric Description


Gets published every time CreateSession succeeds in returning credentials to the user.

Valid Dimensions: Operation, TrustAnchorArn

Valid Statistic: Sum

Units: Count


Gets published every time CreateSession fails to return credentials to the user.

Valid Dimensions: Operation, ErrorType

Valid Statistic: Sum

Units: Count


Gets published every time trust anchor certificates satisfies notification evaluation criteria. This metric will be published at most once a day.

Valid Dimensions: TrustAnchorArn

Units: Integer

The following dimensions are supported for the IAM Roles Anywhere metrics.

Dimension Description

The operation for which the metric applies to. This can only take on the value, CreateSession.


The ARN of the trust anchor that is relevant for this metric.


The type of error that CreateSession errors out with.