Fill nulls transform - Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio

Fill nulls transform

Fill nulls allows you to fill in null value in a column with a chosen fill value. Select a column with nulls you want to fill and provide a fill value. You can use multiple fill conditions at one time. Select a subset of the data to consider by using a dropdown menu to select columns.

To add a Fill nulls node to your flow diagram
  1. Open the menu and then choose Fill nulls to add a new transform to your flow diagram.

  2. (Optional) Click on the rename node icon to enter a new name for the node in the flow diagram.

  3. Modify the input schema:

    1. To create a subset, use the dropdown menu and select a column or columns to consider.

    2. To specify a value to fill nulls with, select "Add new fill null value", then choose a column to fill and provide a Fill value.

  4. (Optional) After configuring the node properties and transform properties, you can preview the modified dataset by choosing the Data preview tab in the node details panel.

The Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio UI showing the configuration options for the Fill nullss transform.