Fill nulls transform
Fill nulls allows you to fill in null value in a column with a chosen fill value. Select a column with nulls you want to fill and provide a fill value. You can use multiple fill conditions at one time. Select a subset of the data to consider by using a dropdown menu to select columns.
To add a Fill nulls node to your flow diagram
Open the menu and then choose Fill nulls to add a new transform to your flow diagram.
(Optional) Click on the rename node icon to enter a new name for the node in the flow diagram.
Modify the input schema:
To create a subset, use the dropdown menu and select a column or columns to consider.
To specify a value to fill nulls with, select "Add new fill null value", then choose a column to fill and provide a Fill value.
(Optional) After configuring the node properties and transform properties, you can preview the modified dataset by choosing the Data preview tab in the node details panel.