Creating connections in Amazon SageMaker Lakehouse - Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio

Creating connections in Amazon SageMaker Lakehouse

Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio provides an interface for managing and utilizing data connections across various AWS services and external data sources. With Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio, you create, configure, and manage connections to databases, data warehouses, and applications all from a single platform. Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio allows you to explore your connected data sources, preview sample data, and seamlessly use these connections in SQL queries and Spark notebooks without having to switch between different interfaces or manage complex connection details manually.

Access the data explorer in a project

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio.

  2. Enter your corporate credentials (usually integrated with Amazon IAM Identity Center).

  3. After successful authentication, you'll be directed to the Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio home page. On the home page, you'll see a list of projects you have access to. Select the project you want to work with by clicking on its name.

  4. From the dropdown menu, select the Data or Data Management option. This will open the Data section of the project overview page. In this data explorer, you can see a tree-like structure representing your data sources.

Create a new connection to add data sources

To add a new data source
  1. In the data explorer, select the + button. Click this button to start adding a new data source.

  2. In the modal, select Add connection. You'll be presented with a gallery of connector options. Select the connector you need. For supported data sources, see Supported data sources.


    Amazon SageMaker Lakehouse currently supports lowercase table, column, and database names. For optimal experience in Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio, ensure that all database identifiers are in lowercase.

  3. You must configure your connector details. For example, if you choose to use a DynamoDB connection (preview), fill in the required fields, which can include:

    • Name: A unique identifier for this connection in Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio.

    • Description (optional): A description of the connection.


    Each supported data source can have different parameters for the connection. Contact your administrator if you need them.

To see your DynamoDB tables displayed in Amazon SageMaker Lakehouse after you add the connection, your administrator must grant you access through resource policies in the Amazon DynamoDB console.

To grant access to a DynamoDB table, your administrator can complete the following steps.
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon DynamoDB console at

  2. On the left navigation of the DynamoDB console, choose Tables.

  3. From the Tables page, choose the table to add access to.

  4. On the details page of the selected table, choose Permission.

  5. On the Resource-based policy for table section, update the policy with the project role ARN in Condition.


    You can find the project ARN on the Page details page in Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio.

    The following is an example policy. It allows access of the IAM role named datazone_user_role_projectid to perform the allowed actions (Query, Scan, DescribeTable, PartiQLSelect) on the specified DynamoDB table. Administrators should choose to allow or deny the set of actions.

    { "Sid": "Statement1", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": [ "dynamodb:Query", "dynamodb:Scan", "dynamodb:DescribeTable", "dynamodb:PartiQLSelect" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:region:account:table/table_name", "Condition": { "ArnEquals": { "aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::region:role/datazone_user_role_projectid" } } }

Explore a connected data source

After you have connected your data source, you can explore the data source in the data explorer.

  1. After your connection is created, return to the data explorer.

  2. You should now see your new connection listed in Lakehouse.

  3. Expand the new connection to view available databases.

  4. Expand a database to explore its schema.

  5. You can select a table name to view more details about that table, such as Schema details and a list of tables. You can then examine the tables themselves by selecting a table.

  6. You will be able to see tabs for Columns and Sample data. In the Columns view, you can view a list of columns in the table, as well as the data types for each column. In the Sample data view, you can see the rows of data from the table and use built-in sorting and filtering options to explore the data.

Authentication and tagging for creating connections

You administrator must create credentials and configure the secret tags for you before you create a connection.


When creating a connection, if you choose a data source that requires the credentials for Authentication, contact your administrator because they must create and provide these credentials. There are two types of the credentials:

  • User name and password

  • AWS Secrets Manager

Secret tags

  • To ensure the secret can only be used for a particular project, your administrator must tag with the AmazonDataZoneProject tag key and the value will be projectId.

  • To use the secret across multiple projects, your administrator must tag the secret with for-use-with-all-datazone-projects = true.